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- currency1 “fifl ” fi ? ? ! Stroke n. flavanols n. reverse adj. 倒cholesterol n.胆固 neurology n. 神经病 capsule n. 胶囊placebo n. 胶囊extract n摘录vt. 取取Chocolate Improves Memory and Heart HealthCan eating a chocolate bar every day really preventage-related memory loss? No. Can eating chocolate cake forbreakfast, lunch and dinner be good for your heart? Again, theanswer is no. That would be too good to be true.But new research shows that large amounts of flavanols,substances found in cocoa, tea and some vegetables, mayreverseage-related memory failure. Another study is looking tosee if high levels of cocoa flavanols can help prevent heartattacks and strokes.Flavanols found in dark chocolate are known to increaseblood flow in the part of the brain that controls memory. Theyalso help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure and“bad” cholesterol.A new study published online in Nature Neuroscience foundthat cocoa flavanols reverse minor memory loss in older adults. Acompany that makes chocolate helped to pay for the study.Can chocolate improve memory?Brain processes decrease as we age. By the time we reachour 50s and 60s we may have trouble remembering simplethings such as the names of new people we meet or where weput our car keys.Dr. Scott Small is a professor of neurologyat ColumbiaUniversity in New York City. He is the lead writer of a researchpaper describing the effects of cocoa flavanols on brain activity.The study involved 37 volunteers aged between 50 and 69.Researchers gave them a high-level flavanol drink made fromcocoa beans or a low-level flavanol drink. For a period of threemonths, some subjects got 900 milligrams of flavanol a day. Theothers got 10 milligrams of flavanol each day.Brain imaging and memory tests were given to each studysubject before and after the study. Dr. Small says that thesubjects who had the high-level flavanol drink showed muchimprovement on memory tests.Four-year study to dig deeper into healing powers offlavanolThe researchers warn that more work is needed because thisstudy was performed on a small group. Researchers at Brighamand Womens Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts recentlyannounced plans to do just that.Dr. JoAnn Manson is the lead researcher of a four-year studyinvolving 18,000 adults. This study will use flavanol capsules.“This capsule of cocoa flavanols will avoid having thecalories and the sugar and the saturated fat found inchocolate.”The study subjects will be divided into two groups and willtake two pills a day. The capsules will all look the same. But, onegroups capsules will contain flavanols. The other group willtake capsules made of an inactive substance, or placebo.Dr. Manson says that a person would have to eat ten times anormal amount to get the flavanols in just one flavanol pill.“The amount of chocolate that it would take in order tohave this amount of cocoa flavanols would be more than tentimes the amount that people would ordinarily eat.”But Dr. Small says people should not necessarily start eatingmore chocolate. He says a person would have to eat a hugeamount of chocolate to get the level of flavanol given to the testsubjects. He also says many manufacturers remove the flavanolsfrom their chocolate products.Dr. Small says a cocoa-based flavanol extract may bedeveloped in the future. He says that more studies are needed tosee how much flavanol is good for human health.长 句:1.Dr. Small says that the subjects who had the high-levelflavanol drink showed much improvement on memory tests.句子型:宾语句+ 语句句子拆分:主干:Dr. Small says宾语句:that the subjects showed much improvement onmemory tests 语句:the subjects who had the high-levelflavanol drink翻译:斯摩尔 授表示 饮currency1 浓度 饮 试者 测试 2.The researchers warn that more work is needed becausethis study was performed on a small group.句子型:宾语句+原 状语句句子拆分:主干:The researchers warn宾语句:that more work is needed语句:because this study was performed on a smallgroup翻译:研究人员警告说需要做更多工作 项研究 个很群体 3.The amount of chocolate that it would take in order tohave this amount of cocoa flavanols would be more than tentimes the amount that people would ordinarily eat.句子型: 语句句子拆分:主干:The amount of chocolate would be more than tentimes the amount.语句:that it would take in order to have this amount ofcocoa flavanols翻译: 了获得 种量级 人 需要食currency1 数量 正常人通常食currency110倍上意: ” fi ? ? 新研究表明 量 物 也许逆转 障碍 种物 、茶叶 些蔬菜 发现另 项研究想看看 浓度 助于 病发作 知道黑 发现 脑控制 部分血流量它 助于 低血压 良胆固 引发 病自然神经科 网上发布 项新研究发现 逆转老 人轻微 产 公司 项研究 了资金 吗? 脑 了 得 些 新 了?斯 斯摩尔(Scott Small) 神经 授currency1 “ 脑 研究 fi 作者项研究fl 了37 50 69 者研究人员currency1 饮currency1了currency1
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