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八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 1 Which do you like better, plants or animals?Section C. Material analysis本节课主要活动为1a和2。本节课承接Section A 学习比较级和最高级的用法、Section B谈论动植物,同时为Section D学习并保护动物打下基础。本节课通过一篇关于热带雨林的阅读文章,给学生传输有关森林的知识,唤起学生的环保意识。最后通过第二部分的写作,要求学生加入到环保的斗争当中。本篇阅读也为本话题的重点:学习形容词的比较级和最高级,起到巩固作用。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的黑体单词: thick, ground, wet, cover, forest, earth, surface, control, die, wood, protect 2. 能正确拼读并运用黑体单词: thick, ground, wet, cover, forest, rainforest, earth, surface, control, die, wood, protect3. 能正确使用“比较级and比较级”的形式。Skill aims:1. 能基本听懂本课文本材料及简单的环保倡议书。2. 能正确地口头介绍森林带给我们的好处,并建议大家保护环境。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,并能读懂相关的文本材料。4. 能写一份简单的有关环保的倡议书。Emotional aims:通过对热带雨林的学习,加深学生对森林的认识,教育学生从小事做起,从自己做起,保护环境。. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 复习形容词比较级、副词的用法。 2. 学习热带雨林的相关知识。 3. 学习有顺序、连贯的书写倡议书。 Difficult points:熟练应用形容词的比较级和最高级。 . Learning strategies1. 在写文章的时候,用上适当的连词如:and, but, however, while等,可以让文章更加连贯。2. 阅读时上一段的最后一句很有可能会提示你下一段的主要内容。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, some pieces of paper or some chopsticks . Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. Group work5. The whole class work6. The whole class work1. Students answer the questions. Of course, all the students like the beautiful one, because it makes people comfortable.2. Try to write words and sentences carefully.3. Students know its made of wood.4. Discuss in groups and give the answers: desk, chopsticks, different kinds of paper.5. Students take in the knowledge about it.6. Read and remember the spelling of “forest, rainforest”. 1. Show students some pieces of paper. The paper is from students exercise books. One paper with beautiful handwriting. The handwriting in another paper is just so-so. The last paper is ugly. Ask students “Which one do you like best? Why?” 2. Educate students that beautiful handwriting can make people happy.3. Ask students “What is the paper made of?”4. Encourage students to speak out more things which are made of wood.5. Show a movie to students. It is about how many pieces of wood can make a paper and people cut down many woods for papers and other things.6. Lead in the new words “forest, rainforest” according to the short movie.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work and group work2. The whole class work and individual work3. The whole class work4. Group work5. Individual work6. Individual work and group work7. Individual work and group work8. The whole class work1. Students discuss in groups. Hands up when they cant express in English. They may find some difficult words or sentences in 1a.2. Students exchange their information about rainforests. Study new words with the help of the teacher.3. Read and remember the meanings of new words.4. Students look at the screen and discuss in groups. Choose the answers according to the prediction.5. Read through thepassage and check their answers. Underline some difficult points and the sentences that can prove their prediction.6. Share their answers.7. Students may refer tosome new words: protect, die out, climate. difficult sentences: But now, rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller.8. Study these new words and sentences.1. Ask students to discuss “What do you know about rainforests?” Walk around the classroom. Many students may ask questions.2. Invite students to share their ideas about rainforests. Write down the new words when students refer in their answers.3. Add some new words which are necessary for students to read 1a on the blackboard.4. Show the three pictures and the five questions in 1a to students. 5. Give students 1 minute to read through the passage quickly. Remind students to find the key words and sentences.6. Invite students to share their answers and point out the places where they can find the correct answers.7. Invite students to point out the difficult points.8. Write down these new words which students referred on the blackboard. And teach the new words by explanation and flash, giving the same meaning words. Consolidation(10 minutes)1. Group work and individual work2. The whole class work3. Group work and individual work4. Group work and individual work5. Group work and individual work6. Group work7. Group work1. Students read through 1a and fill in the blanks. Check the answers in groups.2. Read after the teacher and read 5%, 60% by themselves.3. Retell fe
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