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Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.Section B一、学习目标:1、Teaching and learning aims and demands.New words and phrases.breathe/ /_, _pain/ /_, _produce/ /_, _chest/ /_, _awful/ /_, _bear/ /_, _editor/ /_, _breath/ /_, _soil/ /_, _harmful/ /_, _be harmful to, do harm toStructures.Have you seen a doctor? Not yet.Light pollution is harmful to birds. Also, when we use too many lights at night, we waste energy.2、Teaching and learning difficult points.Compare the differences between the past tense and the present perfect tense.二、自主预习1、Translate the following phrases and sentences.看起来虚弱喉咙疼制造难闻的气味更糟的是制造太多的噪音晚上睡不好心情不好难以忍受这环境最好做深呼吸垃圾把我们的环境弄得一团糟,因此人们不能乱扔。2、List various kinds of pollution.空气污染水污染噪音污染土壤污染光污染垃圾三、合作探究1、Have you seen a doctor? Not yet.此处Not yet是省略回答,完整句子应该是_.取其中_和_这两个单词,千万不要说_ _。2、1b, play the MP3 once. The students listen and check the questions they hear. Then play it again. Ss listen and match each question.3、Ss listen and repeat the dialog. Then practice in pairs. Ask two pairs to act it out for us.4、Read 1a again and answer the questions.Check the answers with the whole class.四、当堂评价1、Retell the dialog.The chemical factory _ terrible gas. The bad air _ Mrs Zhous _ _. And its difficult for her _ _. She _ _ _ _ in her throat. She _ _ _ _ since last week. She _ _ _ a doctor _. Shes always _ _ _ _ because she _ _ the environment here. She _ the government _ _ this problem soon. Kangkang _ _ the dead fish in the river. He _ he _ _ _ the newspaper about _ _.2、Ss work in small groups of four. Finish 2.Check the answers andread the letter.五、拓展提升1、breathe / /v. _.呼吸新鲜空气_breath / / n. _屏住呼吸_翻译:你可以在寒冷的冬天看到你的呼吸。_由于空气污染严重,我们很难呼吸干净的空气。_2、be harmful todo harm tobe bad for翻译:1、甜食对孩子的牙齿有害。_2、嗜酒对健康有害。_3、Look and read, paying attention to the sounds and stress.Complete 3b. Then read them aloud, paying atlention to the pronunciation, liason and pause.六、课后检测 1、Recite the dialog in 1a. 2、Finish the WB Exx.
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