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Topic 1 When was it invented?Section B一、教学目标:1、复习一般现在时的被动语态,学习一般过去时的被动语态。2、通过听、读、说的练习,训练学生捕捉关键词的能力,如“年份”“被动语态的结构”。二、课前预习:(一)完成音、性、义bulb/ /_,_airplane/ /_,_hard-wearing/ /_,_Korea/ /_,_(二)英汉互译某人一生:_或_go this way在学英图书馆designed for workershave been changed三、合作探究:(一)Its said that he invented more than tub thousand things during his Cofe.1、Its said that意为“据说听说”it作_that引导的从句是_。这样的结构还有Its reported that据报道,Its known that据了解等。2、during ones life某人一生,相当于_eg:Lei Feng did a lot of good things during his life.3、go this way走这边,相当于_4、分角色朗读1a,然后让学生通过自己的认知归纳一般过去时的被动语态的构成并讨论其与一般现在时被动语态的差别。5、先听录音然后再朗读1a,完成1b和1c中的任务。四、当堂评价:1、以小组形成探究P84 Part 2部分答案,然后每组选一个同学陈述答案。2、听三篇短文,完成P84 Part 3部分任务。3、引导全班同学读4a,4b中的词与句,体会元音,重音和语调。五、拓展提升:根据要求完成句子:1、Guglielmo Mrconi invented the radio in 1895. (改为被动句)_2、The first pair of jeans was produced in 1855.(画线提问)_ _ the first pair of jeans _?3、This kind of cloth is usually used for making tents.(同义转换)This kind of cloth is usually used _ _ tents.4、When was it invented? Do you know?(合二为一)Do you know when _ _ invented?六、课后检测:完成同步练习册P114116习题。
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