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Topic 2 Im excited about things that will be discovered in the future.Section C一、教学目标:1、通过图片预测关于大量的知识,激发学生的阅读兴趣。2、学习运用重点词汇:nameafter, tell, at a distance of, two-fifths as strong as, Search for, have a good climate for plants, a useful place to dry fruit.3、学习重点句型:It has been two days since we landed on Mars.二、课前预习:(一)音、性、义填空Roman/ /_,_god/ /_,_diameter/ /_,_storm/ /_,_gravity/ /_,_weigh/ /_,_generally/ /_,_journey/ /_,_Cimit/ /_,_excitement/ /_,_(二)英汉互译nameafterat a distance of在夜空中be covered ofbe covered with相当于的五分之二强度彼此最靠近search for在适合植物生长的气候a useful place to dry fruita good place for human beings to livebe worth sth三、合作探究:(一)看P93图片并预测下列对大量的描述哪些是对的(T),哪些是错的(F)。( )1、Mars looks like a red ball.( )2、The temperature on Mars is very high.( )3、Mars is much larger than the earth.( )4、Mars is goo far away for us to reach.(二)Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system and is named after mars.1、the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system意为_2、nameafter以“的名字给取名”,其被动形式为_eg:The baby _ _ _ Bruce Lee(这个婴儿的名字是以李小龙的名字取的).(三)at a distance of相隔at a distance在远处eg:The moon goes around the earth _ 380, 000 km.eg:The police followed him _.(四)two-fifths as strong as相当于的五分之二强度。half as big as _ twice as long as_(五)So a person who weighs 90 kilos on earth weighs only 36 kilos on Mars.weigh 90 kilos=_1.65 meters tall=1.65 meters in height(六)Scientists are still searching for more information about Mars.Search for_ searchfor_search into_eg:他们在搜寻全城找那个失踪的孩子。(译)_(七)but the excitement of being on Mars is worth it!be worth sth_ be worth doing_be worth it_eg:这本字典至少值100元。(汉译英)The dictionary _.eg:那本小说很值得一看。(汉译英)_eg:Dont lock the door, it isnt _(犯不上).四、当堂评价:1、再读一遍1a,完成1b中的任务。2、分小组谈论如下问题,并陈述理由。Does mars have a good climate for plants?Is Mars a useful place to dry fruit?Is Mars a good place for human beings to live?Is Mars a comfortable place for heavy people?五、拓展提升:(一)完成P94 Part 2的任务。(二)根据汉语意思完成句子。1、老师告诉我们火星的直径是地球直径的53%。Our teacher told us the diameter of Mars is 53% _ _ _ that of the earth.2、我已经有两年没有见到Tom了,我十分想念他。It _ _ two years _ I met Tom last time. I miss him very much.3、这部电影非常有趣,很值得一看。The movie is very interesting and it _ _ _.4、烧煤对空气污染十分严重,北京已经限制煤的使用。Burning coal pollutes air a lot. Beijing has limited _ _ _ _.六、课后检测:完成同步练习册相关习题。
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