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福建省南安市石井镇厚德中学八年级英语下册导学案:Unit6 Enjoying Cycling3【学习内容分析】本课教学内容围绕谈论如何为旅游筹钱展开。要求学生通过本课的学习活动掌握黑体单词和短语raise, raise money, king, queen, common, Canadian, dollar 和look forward to doing sth. , 继续学习动词不定式的用法,通过了解外国学生怎样筹集旅游资金,学会如何积极与他人协作,共同完成任务。【学习目标】1.继续学习动词不定式的用法;2.了解国外学生筹钱的方法。【重难点预测】Key points:1. 正确掌握look forward to doing sth. 的用法。2. 掌握动词不定式的用法。Difficult points:1. 掌握动词不定式的用法。2. 写出有关筹钱方式的短文。【教学过程】一、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】一 读1a,把2b中的句子排序。二 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1. 算出,解决_ 9. 在中午_2. 旅游的费用_ 10.订特别的午餐_3. 总费用_ 11 做某事花费时间或金钱4. 告诉某人不要做某事_ _5. 向某人要某物_ 12 举办个展览_6. 筹钱_ 13 玩的愉快_7. 想出好主意_ 14 有足够的钱_8. 使用某物做某事_ 15 盼望_16. 对我来说最有趣的事_17. 收到某人的来信_18. 去郊游_二、语法点拨1. I cant afford it.译:_ 点拨:afford vt. 负担得起( 的费用,损失,后果等),常用在can, could, be able to之后,尤用于否定句或疑问句。 e.g. Can we _ a new car? 我们买的起一辆新车吗?I _ _ _ _abroad this summer. 今年夏天我没有足够的钱去国外。 练习:当我在你们的这个年龄时,买不起新自行车。I _ _ _ _a new bike _ your_. 他能买的起那本书吗?_ he _ _ _that book?2.Miss Wang told us not to ask our parents for the m译:_ 点拨:动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加not.老师要求我们上课不要说话。_ 妈妈总是告诉我放学后不要玩电脑游戏。_3.It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. 译:_ 点拨:此句中_作真正主语,_为形式主语。请记住句型It is adj. to do sth.做某事是怎么样的。 练习:对于我们来说,学英语是很重要的。_ 对他来说,保持好心情是最重要的。_4.Some schools come up with great ideas译:_ 点拨:come up with _He came up with a good idea to solve the problem. 你能想出一个学英语的好方法吗?Can you _ _ _a good way to study English?5. After all the tickets are sold, one ticket is dra译:_点拨:draw动词“画;抽签”;名词“抽签”。此句中sold 是动词sell“卖”的过去分词,drawn是动词draw“抽签”的过去分词。“be+过去分词”是被动语态形式,翻译成“被”6.The student with the winning ticket will be the king or queen for the next school day. 译:_ 点拨:with the winning ticket 是个_短语,这里作the student 的_语,介词短语作定语要后置。 译: 1.戴眼镜的女孩儿 the girl _ _ 2.山上的小树 the trees _ _ _ 3.带花园的房子 _ _ _ _ _ 4.树上的小鸟 the birds _ _ _8.Each student spends one dollar buying a ticket. 译:_ 回忆:花钱做某事 1.人:spend _, spend _ 2.人:pay _3.物:cost _ 我花了十元买了一本杂志。I _ 10 yuan _ the magazine. I _10 yuan _ the magazine. I _ 10 yuan _the magazine.The magazine _ _10yuan.7 Im looking forward to hearing from y译:_ 点拨:词组look forward to “盼望”后加名词,代词,动名词作宾语。这里的“to”为_ 词,如后跟动词,则要用动词的_形式。 练习:他盼望着不久后痊愈。He _ _ _ _ _soon. 我盼望着他的到来。I _ _ _ _ him. 点拨:hear from sb =get a letter from sb. _ write to sb. =write a letter to sb _ send a letter 译:_; send an e-mail 译:_ 练习:昨天我收到了汤姆的一封来信。I _ _ Tom yesterday. I _ _ _ _ Tom yesterday. 您经常给妈妈写信吗?_ you often_ _ your mother? _you often _ _ _ _ your mother?8.At noon, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student. 译:_ 点拨:1.)order 在此句中是_词,意思:_ I _ a kilo of dumplings _ _.(我刚才订了一公斤的饺子) 链接:order sb. to do sth. The emperor ordered his men to build the pyramid as his tomb. 译:_我哥哥常命令我打扫我们的房间。My brother often _ me _ _our room.三、当堂达标【要点追踪,各个击破】、用所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。
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