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福建省龙岩市新罗区铁山中学九年级英语教案:Unit2Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 1 Pollution causes too many problems.Section AThe main activities are 1a, 1b and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a、1b和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:bee, my goodness, waste, stream, breathe, be harmful to, influence2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) Oh, my goodness! (2) Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.3. Learn direct speech and indirect speech:(1) Kangkang said that it was a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.(2) Kangkang said that the flowers and grass had gone.4. Learn and talk about different kinds of pollution:(1) Air pollution makes people sick. (2) Light pollution is harmful to eyes. (3) Litter influences our environment. . Teaching aids 教具幻灯片/小黑板/录音机/图片Step 1 Review回顾第一单元有关家乡变化的内容,复习现在完成时态,导入新课。Step 2 Presentation 通过比较1a的两幅图画的差异,展开对话,学习部分生词,呈现1a。1. (利用幻灯片展示1a中的两幅图,师生问答。)2. (要求学生不看书,只听录音,捕捉要点,回答问题,从而提高听力水平。)T:Close your books. Listen to the tape carefully, then answer the questions. (出示小黑板上的问题,听录音1a。)(1)Where are they going to have a picnic?(2)Why does Kangkang say “Oh, my goodness!” ?3. (核对答案,板书1a的关键词。)beautifulfreshcleangonedirtyterriblewaste waterStep 3 Consolidation 复述1a,引入本课重点,讲解和操练“直接引语”与“间接引语”,完成1b。1. (要求学生在限定时间内,根据黑板上的关键词复述对话。)2. (引入语法“直接引语”和“间接引语”。要求学生根据1a回答教师的问题。)T: What did Kangkang say?(要求学生轮流回答。)S1:Ive been there before.T:Yes. Kangkang said that he had been there before.T:Next, please.S2:Its a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.T:OK. Kangkang said that it was a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.T:Next, please.S3:The air is fresh and the water is clean, and you will see T:So Kangkang said that the air was fresh and the water was clean, and they would see (板书以上三个画线句子,要求学生将板书与1a中的原句对比找出不同之处,教师引导和补充。学习“直接引语”和“间接引语”。)Kangkang said that he had been there before.Kangkang said that it was a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.Kangkang said that the air was fresh and the water was clean, and they would see 3. (让学生完成1b,并作报告。)T: Fill out the table in 1b, then give a report, using “Kangkang/Maria said ”.Step 4 Practice 通过听力训练,引出污染的概念,充分调动学生的积极性,加深对各种污染及其危害的理解,完成2, 3a和3b。1. 播放2录音,学生听后完成2。 (若学生没听懂,可再放一遍,核对答案。)2. 学生看图完成3a。 (核对答案。)3. 让学生用3a的短语完成3b。 Step 5 Project 1. 通过游戏及调查的方式,加深学生对污染及其危害的印象,增强学生的环保意识。2. Homework: Make a survey. (调查你们家附近的污染状况,并填写表格,以增强学生的环保意识。)T:Now make a survey to study the pollution around your home, and fill out the form. PollutionReasonEffectAir pollutionSoil pollutionWater pollutionLight pollutionNoise pollutionLitter板书设计:Pollution causes too many problems.Section Aair pollutionthere be sb./sth. doing sth.soil pollutionbe harmful to water pollutionKangkang said that it was a beautifullight pollutionplace with lots of flowers and grass.noise pollutionlitterSection BThe main activities are 1a and 1b. 本课重点活动是1a和1b。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words:weak, produce, chest, anyway2. Go on learning direct speech and indirect speech:(1) The old lady told Kangkang that she had been like that since the week before.(2) Kangkang asked the old lady how long she had been like that.(3) The journalist asked Mrs. Zhou whether/if she was feeling better then. (4) The journalist asked what the environment around that place was like.3. Learn some expressions about blame and complaint:(1) Its difficult for me to breathe. (2) The bad air makes my chest hurt.(3) the factory makes too much noise and I cant sleep well at night. (4) Im always in a bad mood (5) I cant stand the environment here. (6) Anyway, I hope the government will solve this problem soon. Teaching aids 教具图片/教学挂图/录音机/小星星/游戏纸条Step 1 Review 检查上节课的作业,通过学生对调查结果的汇报和转述,复习直接引语和间接引语。T:Is there air pollution around your home?S1:Yes. There are several chemical factories near my home. They make terrible gas. I often feel sick.T:What did S1 say just now?S2:S1 said that there were several chemical factories near his/her home.S3:S1 said that they made terrible gas.S4:S1 said that he/she often felt sick.(其余五种污染用同样的方法进行转述。)Step 2 Presentation 继续展示有关环境污染的图片,开展对话,学习生词,呈现1a。1. 教师用Section A的1a进行导入,利用图片引出新的词汇。2. 呈现1a图片。教师放1a录音,学生听后回答。3. 学生齐读课文,找出疑难点,教师解释,并板书要点,要求学生掌握短语cant stand及句型How long 。)cant stand (doing) sth.How long have you been like this?The bad air makes my chest hurt.Im always in a bad mood Anyway, I hope the government will solve this problem soon.Step 3 Consolidation 采用表演及竞赛的方法,充分调动学生积极性,继续巩固直接引语与间接引语,巩固1a,完成1b。1. (让学生再读1a对话,并要求和同桌一起表演,完成1a。) T: Read 1a aloud, and try to act out the dialog in pairs.2. (学习1b。将学生分成四组进行比赛,看哪组同学的观察思维能力强。每发现一条变化规则,即为本组加一颗星。教师可适时地引导。)T:Read 1b carefully, and try to find out the changing r
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