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“完形填空语法填空”组合练(二)(限时25分钟).完形填空My mom has been and will always be my biggest inspiration.She is a single parent of eight children, and I have no idea how she _1_.Throughout the years, my mom has overcome many hardships which could easily _2_ someone with little faith.Even _3_ doctors questioned if my little sister Jessica would live to see the age of 1, my mom never lost _4_.After countless visits to multiple doctors, my mom _5_ to bring her home and make the best of my sisters life _6_ receiving the same results from different hospitals.Jessicas numerous hospital visits definitely _7_ her, but my mom never showed signs of _8_.Her strength helped Jessica through every _9_ time.No matter how confused Jessica was, my mom always made her feel as if there was absolutely nothing to _10_, which enabled Jessica to live the life of a _11_ child.She attended a public school, went to parties to dance around excitedly.We actually _12_ that she was even sick._13_, things began to take a turn for the worse.Around her 6th birthday, Jessica lost sight, which _14_ the loss of sensation in her left arm at the age of 5.However, that was it and doctors had no _15_.The whole family were heartbroken and _16_, at a point of no return.Once again, my mom found a way to _17_ us all.She made it her job to let us know that she had a strong support system.She decided to _18_ her job and attend to her every need.With my mom sleeping by her side every single night, I noticed their _19_ grow stronger than anything.Now Jessica is 20 years old and is enjoying her college life.My mom gets us to realize that no matter how _20_ our trials may appear, we have a support system.We are a family that will always be there for one another.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位有着8个孩子的单亲妈妈的励志故事。1A.failedBsurvivedCgraduated Ddeveloped解析:选B根据第一段内容可推知,作者的母亲作为一位有着8个孩子的单亲妈妈,能够把孩子们都拉扯大实在是令人难以想象。survive“从(困难)中挺过来”符合语境。2A.guide BpushCrefresh Ddiscourage解析:选D根据空格后的“with little faith”可推知,那些困难很容易让缺乏信心的人灰心。discourage“使灰心”符合语境。3A.until BwhenCunless Dsince解析:选B根据语境可知,此处when引导时间状语从句,表示“当时”,与上文中的“Throughout the years”呼应。4A.hope BcontrolCinterest Dpatience解析:选A根据下文可知,杰茜卡后来上了学,去参加派对。由此可推知,在医生质疑杰茜卡能否活到一岁时,作者的母亲从没有放弃希望,而是坚持带她去治疗。5A.refused BthreatenedCdecided Dhesitated解析:选C根据上文中的“After countless visits to multiple doctors”可推知,后来母亲做了决定,不再带杰茜卡去医院了,而是让她回家,尽情享受生活。6A.far from Bregardless ofCapart from Dinstead of解析:选D根据空后的“receiving the same results from different hospitals”可推知,作者的母亲在去医院和把孩子带回家之间,做出了选择。instead of“而不是”符合语境。7A.upset BdestroyedCsatisfied Drelieved解析:选A一个小孩子去医院次数多了,肯定会心烦意乱,与下文中的“No matter how confused Jessica was”呼应。upset“使烦恼,使心烦意乱”符合语境。8A.wisdom BcuriosityCweakness Dsympathy解析:选C由空处与下文中的“Her strength”形成呼应可推知,作者的母亲并没有因为孩子去医院次数多而表现出软弱的迹象。9A.ripe BtoughClonely Dprecious解析:选B由空处与上文中的“Jessicas numerous hospital visits”呼应可推知,作者的母亲帮助杰茜卡度过每一个艰难的时刻。tough“艰难的,困难的”符合语境。10A.worry about Brely onClearn from Dshow off解析:选A由上文中的“Her strength helped Jessica through every _9_ time.”可推知,母亲的力量使杰茜卡无论多么困惑,都感到好像完全没有什么要担心的,这与下文杰茜卡可以正常的上学、参加派对、跳舞等形成呼应。11A.difficult BsuperCgifted Dregular解析:选D根据下文中的“She attended a public school, went to parties to dance around excitedly.”可推知,杰茜卡在母亲的帮助下,像一个正常的孩子一样生活。12A.forgot BdeclaredCdiscovered Dsensed解析:选A根据空后的“she was even sick”可推知,杰茜卡在母亲的帮助下能像一个正常孩子一样生活让我们都忘记了杰茜卡还有病的真实状况了。13A.Hopefully BSuddenlyCGratefully DSeriously解析:选B根据上文可知,在母亲的帮助下,杰茜卡的生活似乎是正常的,又由空后的“things began to take a turn for the worse”可推知,突然地,杰茜卡的情况开始变得糟糕。14A.reduced BcausedCfollowed Dremoved解析:选C根据语境可推知,杰茜卡的情况恶化得相当严重,先是5岁时,左臂失去知觉,之后6岁时又失去了视力。follow“在之后发生”符合语境。15A.answer BdoubtCreason Dmercy解析:选A由上文中的“that was it”可推知,事实就是这样,医生们也束手无策,因此家人都非常难过。answer“解决办法”符合语境。16A.guilty BannoyedCconfused Dinnocent解析:选C根据空后的“at a point of no return”可推知,作者一家人很难过,也很困惑,觉得事情没有了希望和转机。17A.blame BscreenCrespect Dfavor解析:选B根据语境可知,在杰茜卡病情恶化的情况下,母亲再次找到了保护我们的办法。screen“庇护”符合语境。18A.offer BfinishCcontinue Dquit解析:选D根据下文中的“attend to her every need”可推知,母亲辞去工作,全力陪护病情恶化的杰茜卡。19A.faith BwillCbond Dconflict解析:选C根据上文中的“With my mom sleeping by her side every single night”可推知,杰茜卡和母亲的感情纽带由此变得更强了。20A.complete BtemporaryCunfair Dunbearable解析:选D由空处与第三段中的“No matter how confused Jessica was .which enabled Jessica to live the life of a _11_ child.”呼应可推知,作者通过杰茜卡的例子明白,无论生活中的考验多么难以忍受,母亲都是他们最大的支持。unbearable“难以忍受的”符合语境。.语法填空The Water Splashing (泼洒) Festival of the Dai ethnic minority (少数民族) falls on April 13th to April 15th. It is the most important festival _1_ (observe) by the Dai people of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. It is the New Year for the Dai, a festival to send off the old and greet the new.During the festival, _2_ lasts three days, people are dressed in their best clothes and participate in a va
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