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Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World (限时20分钟),. 重点词汇识记与拓展 1. _ adj. 平静的 2. _ n. 名誉; 名声 3. _ vt. 袭击; 攻击 4. _vt. 声称 5. _vi. 适应; 适合 6. _ vi. 进化,calm,reputation,attack,claim,adapt,evolve,7. _ adj. 变化莫测的 8. _ n. 动物; 生物 9. _ n. 表面; 水面 10. _ adj. 有雅量的; 大方的; 心地高尚的,unpredictable,creature,surface,generous,11. _ adj. 吓人的 _ adj. 害怕的 _ vt. 使害怕 _ n. 害怕 12. _ vi. 存在 _ n. 存在,frightening,frightened,frighten,fright,exist,existence,13. _ adj. 神秘的 _ n. 神秘之事; 谜 14. _ adj. 不可能的 _ adj. 可能的 15. _ vi. 消失 _ vi. 出现,mysterious,mystery,unlikely,likely,disappear,appear,16. _ n. 毁坏 _ vt. 毁坏; 摧毁 _ adj. 破坏性的 17. _adj. 锋利的; 尖的 _ vt. 使变得锋利,destruction,destroy,destructive,sharp,sharpen,18. _ n. 运气; 命运; 财富 _ adj. 幸运的 _ adv. 幸运地,fortune,fortunate,fortunately,. 重点短语识记 1. _ 灭绝 2. _ 切断; 使隔绝 3. _ 帮助弄清楚; 阐明某事 4. _ 接近; 靠近 5. _ 对怀疑,die out,cut off,throw light on,close to,be sceptical about,6. _ 适应 7. _ 谈正题; 开门见山 8. _ 伸出 9. _ 与有关 10. _ 由于; 因造成,adapt to,come straight to the point,stick out,be related to,due to,. 经典句式应用 1. He _(声称已经看到)a round black creature moving quickly through the water. (claim+不定式的完成式) 2. _(一直有)reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up. (There be结构 的现在完成时),claims to have seen,There have been,3. They say that the low-temperature lake _(不可能支持)such large living creatures. (be unlikely to do sth. 不可能 做某事) 4. Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and _(颜色不同). (be+of+名词),is unlikely to be able to support,of a different colour,1. un-否定前缀 unlikely adj. 不可能的 uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 unreal adj. 不真实的 unlimited adj. 无限的 unbelievable adj. 不可思议的,2. “与有关”短语 be related to be connected with be relevant to have connection with have something to do with,
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