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Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe (限时20分钟),. 重点词汇识记与拓展 1. _adj. 共同的; 联合的 2. _n. 影响, 作用 3. _adj. 任意的, 随机的 4. _adj. 抽象的 5. _adj. 一致的, 吻合的,joint,impact,random,abstract,consistent,6. _v. 目击, 亲眼看见; 亲身经历 7. _v. 爆炸 8. _v. 承认; 认为 9. _n. 控制 10. _adj. 习惯的 _vt. 使习惯,witness,burst,acknowledge,grasp,accustomed,accustom,11. _v. 假设, 假定 _n. 假定, 假设 12. _n. 耐心 _adj. 有耐心的 n. 病人 _adv. 有耐心地,assume,assumption,patience,patient,patiently,13. _v. 抱怨; 不满 _n. 抱怨; 投诉 14. _n. 安慰; 宽慰 _v. 减轻, 缓解 15. _n. 同情; 同情心 _adj. 同情的,complain,complaint,relief,relieve,sympathy,sympathetic,16. _v. 咨询; 请教 _n. 咨询者; 顾问,consult,consultant,. 重点短语识记 1. _ 踏上 2. _ 习惯于 3. _ 意识到, 知道 4. _ 成功; 及时赶到 5. _ 实现某人的梦想,set foot on,become accustomed to,be aware of,make it,achieve ones dream,6. _ 不管 7. _ 指控/指责某人某事 8. _ 与一致 9. _ 惊慌地 10. _ 开始做; 着手进行,in spite of,accuse sb. of doing sth.,be consistent with,in panic,set out,. 经典句式应用 1. The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be _(同 一样都不危险)getting on an aeroplane. (no+比较级 +than同一样不) 2. _(他一点都不知道)what impact he was going to make. (little位于句首从句用部分倒装),no more dangerous than,Little did he know,3. _(尽管看起来不可思议), both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption. (as引导让步状 语从句),Incredible as it may seem,
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