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.完形填空(建议用时17) 2017双鸭山一中质检On Mothers Day, I was expecting my grown children to come back home and spend the day with me. Fifteen years earlier, I was a single mom with two children, a _1_ job and a long commute (通勤路程). So I had to shop for groceries and plan for the next week on weekends. _2_, I went shopping on Sunday. When I _3_ to the cashier that the store was really quiet that day, she replied, “Its always _4_ on Mothers Day. You must be the only _5_ out there shopping.” I know she was _6_ telling the truth and she did not mean to _7_ me. Needless to say, all I could do was to finish paying and get to my car. I hadnt _8_ realized it was Mothers Day. My children were too young to know it. How _9_ I really was!I was excited to see my _10_ soon. I decided to treat myself to an ice tea and _11_ to the sandwich shop next door. It was _12_ except for a mom and her son ahead of me. _13_ this was a single mom, celebrating Mothers Day with her son in the sandwich shop. When she finished _14_, I handed the cashier a $20 bill and said, “This is my treat. Happy Mothers Day!” The cashier was _15_ for a moment and the woman searched my face to see if she _16_ me.Wayne Dyer once _17_ the power of kindness. He said studies showed that not only do the giver and receiver of an act of kindness _18_, but an observer benefits in exactly the same way. The mom and her son felt _19_ because she had been honored and received an unexpected _20_. I felt good because I felt I had honored that part of me that wasnt honored all those years ago.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过讲述自己在母亲节的经历,向读者阐释一个道理:无论是给予他人的善行还是接受别人的善举,都在传递着正能量。1A.routine BdemandingCwellpaid Dmiserable答案:A根据下文的“a long commute”以及作者描述的一系列一天的工作,可知答案是routine (常规)。2A.As usual BSeldomCOccasionally DFor once 答案:A根据上下文可知,作者每周日都要去购物,故应填as usual (像往常一样)。3A.reported BexplainedCcommented Dsuggested答案:C根据下文的“the store was really quiet, she replied”可知,此处为作者对今天超市的情况作出评论(comment)。4A.classic Bcrowded Cspecial Dquiet答案:D从上文的“the store was really quiet that day”可找到暗示。句意:收银员说,通常在母亲节那天,超市非常安静(quiet)。5A.customer Bmother Cparent Ddriver答案:B 由语境可知,由于店里顾客很少,又是母亲节,所以收银员说作者是那天唯一前来购物的母亲(mother)。6A.simply Bdeliberately Cproudly Dpolitely答案:A 由下文的关键信息“并非有意”,可知这位收银员仅仅是说出了实情。7A.warn Bdiscourage Churt Dremind答案:C 由上下文可知,收银员仅仅(simply)在回答作者的问题,并非有意要伤害(hurt)作者。因为在母亲节,多数母亲都会和家人一起庆贺,而不会外出购物。8A.just Bstill Cever Deven答案:D 从上文可知,作者甚至没有意识到那天是母亲节,她是在听了收银员的话以后才知道的。even意为“甚至”。9A.defeated BaloneCstubborn Dwarmhearted答案:Balone意为“孤单的;孤独的”。作者的孩子太小而不懂得母亲节的意义,也没有其他人给作者送来母亲节礼物,所以她感到非常孤单。10A.children BhusbandCfriends Dneighbors 答案:A 由语境可知,作者外出购物,很想尽早回家见到孩子们(children)。11A.rode Bdrove Cwalked Descaped答案:C 从下文的“next door”可知,这家三明治店就在附近,所以作者是走过去(walk)的。12A.clean Bexcellent Celegant Dempty答案:D 由下文可知,除了一对母子在这家店以外,没有其他顾客,所以超市里很空荡(empty)。13A.Luckily BObviouslyCFortunately DSadly答案:B Obviously意为“显而易见”。作者从自己的经历推断,店里的这位母亲显然(obviously)也是位单亲母亲。14A.ordering Bparking Ceating Dpacking答案:Aorder意为“点餐”。从下文可知,在这位母亲选好要购买的食品后,作者把钱递给收银员来替她买单。15A.encouraged BgratefulCconfused Dembarrassed答案:C 由上下文可知,作者主动替别人买单,这一举动让收银员非常困惑(confused)。16A.remembered BrecognizedCmet Dknew答案:D 结合语境可知,同样,这位母亲也很迷惑,盯着作者看,看是否认识作者。17A.passed on Btalked aboutCasked for Dlooked back答案:B 根据下文的said可找到暗示,韦恩戴尔曾经谈到(talk about)善举的作用。18A.benefit BinterestCunderstand Dlearn答案:A benefit意为“得益;受益”。句意:善行不仅能使给予者和接受者受益匪浅,甚至也能让旁观者收获良多。19A.unsatisfied BunderstandableCgood Danxious答案:C 由上下文可知,这位母亲和孩子感到很高兴(good)。20A.surprise BsympathyCinvitation Dgift答案:D由语境可知,作者主动替这位母亲买单,这位母亲收到了一份意想不到的礼物(gift)。.阅读理解(建议用时16)AA European team proposed a new explanation for why children growing up on farms are far better protected against asthma (哮喘) and allergies. The protective effect may be created by a particular protein called A20, which the body produces upon contacting with farm dust, according to the team.The findings may represent a major step forward toward the development of an asthma vaccine. For the study, the researchers first exposed mice to farm dust extract, a bacterial component called endotoxin (内毒素), every other day for two weeks. They then presented these mice with allergydriving house dust mites (螨), which often cause asthma in people, finding that mice that had been regularly exposed to endotoxin did not develop allergic features, while control mice did.These findings were then tested in patients. The results showed that people suffering from asthma and allergies have a deficiency in the protective protein A20, explaining why they react to allergies so severely. “Discovering how farm dust provides this type of protection has certainly put us on the right track toward developing an asthma vaccine and new
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