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2016年山东省威海市中考英语试卷一、选择填空(共15小题,计15分)从每小题A、B、C选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案,请将答案编号涂卡1(1分)Would you please turn off_TV?OK,just a moment()AaBanCthe2(1分)Whose bike is this?Its_My grandpa bought it for me as a birthday present()AhisBmineChers3(1分)Is Tom_boy in your class?YesNobody is taller than him()Athe tallestBthe strongestCthe cleverest4(1分)Id like to hold our next meeting_June 23rdIs that OK for you?()AinBatCon5(1分)Grandma is rather deaf,so you must speak clearly and_to her()AquietlyBloudlyCnoisily6(1分)Must I wait here all morning?I have a lot of word to doNo,you_You may be back in the afternoon()AmustntBcantCdont have to7(1分)Miss Li,could you please help me_this math problem?OKLet me try()Alook upBwork outCset up8(1分)I called you yesterday eveningBut nobody answeredOh,sorryMaybe I_in the bathroom at that time()Atake a showerBtook a showerCwas taking a shower9(1分)There arent any libraries in our town,are there?No,but it is said one_next year()Awill be builtBis builtCwill build10(1分)Is that a new coat?No,I_it for a long time()AboughtBhave boughtChave had11(1分)_will you stay in England?More than a month()AWhenBHow soonCHow long12(1分)A woman with a young boy_getting into Uncles car()AisBareChas13(1分)Their football team was_in that important game()AwonBbeatenCfailed14(1分)I looked through my test paper again and again_I wouldnt make any mistakes()AsoBbecauseCso that15(1分)When will you fly to London?Pardon?I asked_fly to London()Awhether you wouldBwhen you wouldChow you will二、阅读理解(共四篇短文,共4小题,计25分)阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后面每小题所给的A、B、C选项中选择最佳答案,请将答案编号涂卡(每小题5分)16(5分)The Building That MovesEveryone knows that buildings dont moveThey cant change the way they lookHowever,architect(建筑师)David Fisher wants to change thatFisher has an amazing ideaHe wants to make 80story buildings that change shapeEach floor will move around slowlyThe floors will move at different speedsBecause of this,the shape of the building is always changingThese buildings will never look the same,says FisherHis idea is an interesting oneHowever,Fisher doesnt stop thereHe also wants the building to begreenThe building will make its own energyIn most buildings,only the top floor has a roof(屋顶)In Fishers building,each floor will have its own roofThe roofs each have solar panels(太阳能板)This means a lot more solar energyAlso,machines between each floor of the building will catch the windThey will turn the wind into energyFishers ideas sound impossibleHowever,thats what people also said before humans traveled into space!16The passage is mainly talking aboutAbuildings for the futureBthe life of an architectChow green buildings work17The underlined word80storymeans the building has 80Ashapes BfloorsCdifferent speeds18Fishers building can make its own energy because the buildingAis tall and always movingBis tall and has many solar panelsCis always moving and has many solar panels19The Fishers building will NOT get energy fromAthe sun Bthe waterCthe wind20Why does the writer saythats what people also said before humans traveled into space?ATo show why Fishers building will never workBTo show why Fishers building is like a spaceshipCTo show that unusual ideas can sometimes work21(5分)Move as Millions,Survive as OneGreat white sharks in the Pacific OceanWildebeest in AfricaArctic terns in the AtlanticAt first,these animals seem completely differentOne swims,one walks,and the other fliesBut they all have one thing in commonThey all migrateSome migrating groups move to a place with a better temperatureSome go to find food or watherThe groups travel as one,trying to survive(生存)During the trip,they face many different challengesOne challenge is distanceSome migrating animals take very long tripsThey go far away from their home areasFor example,one great white shark swam from Australia to South African and backIn nine months,it swam about 20,000 kilometersAnother chanllenge is finding enough food and water during the journeyFor example,each Malielephant needs over 200 liters of water each dayTo get this,they need to go from one waterhole to anotherIn addition,migrating animals have to avoid other animals that want to eat themFor example,the zebra has to stay away from lionsTraveling as a group helps keep them safeAll the zebras in the group can watch for dangerWhen one zebra is in trouble,the other members make a circle around itBy working as a group,migrating animals can survive some of the worlds most extraordinary journeys21The main idea of
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