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初中英语时态练习题一选择题(共60小题)1Dont you see the signNo Parking!on the right?Sorry,I _But now I know parking here is not right()AdontBdidntChadntDdoesnt2Where did you go last weekend?I to the Great Wall()AgoBwentCwill goDhave gone3Sorry,TomI cant find the book you_meIts OKI dont need it any more()AlendBhave lentCwill lendDlent4Have you watched the new movie Kung Fu Panda 3,Kelly?Not yetIit with my classmate tonight()Awill watchBwas watchingChave watched5Many scientists believe that robots _ able to talk like humans in 50years()AwereBareCwill beDhave been6Did you call Jenny?Oh no,I forgotI_her right away()AcalledBhave calledCcallDwill call7Please dont make so much noiseThe baby now()AsleepsBsleptCwill sleepDis sleeping8Pass the raincoat to me,pleaseIt _ hard nowHere you are()Ais rainingBrainedCwill rain9Hurry up!We_for you at the gateIm sorry,Im coming soon()AwaitBwill waitChave been waitedDare waiting10Its six oclock in the morningMany people in the park()Aare dancingBdanceCis dancingDdances11Lily,where is your father now?Go and get him for lunchJust a moment,pleaseFather_a phone call in his room()AmakesBis makingCwas making12What are you doing now?I _to the music()Ais listeningBam listeningCWas listening13Sun Hai his mother make dinner when his father got home from work()Awas helpingBhelpsChelpedDis helping14Could you tell me where you found Miss Gao just now?GertainlyIn the principals officeTheyhappily at that time()Aare talkingBhave talkedCwere talking15Where is your father?I dont know,but he _ the car when I left just now()Ais washingBwashedCwas washing16My mother dinner when I got home yesterday()Ahas cookedBwas cookingCwill cookDcooks17I called you yesterday eveningBut nobody answeredOh,sorryMaybe I_in the bathroom at that time()Atake a showerBtook a showerCwas taking a shower18I shouted to you at the gate,bue you didnt hear meReally?I_a telephone call to my mother()AmakeBwas makingCmadeDhave made19How did the accident happen?The girlWechat(微信)while walking across the street()AreadsBis readingCwas reading20My sister with my parentsdumplings when I got home yesterday evening()Aare makingBis makingCwas makingDwere making21I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon,but no one answeredSorry,I _ football with my friends at that time()AplayBplayedCwill playDwas playing22Its nice to see you againWe each other since 2014()Awont seeBdont seeChavent seenDdidnt see23I dont feel very well,JackIm afraid you_me your cold()AgiveBhad givenChave givenDwould give24_you ever _to the Great Wall?Yes,Three times()AHas,beenBHave,beenCHave,gone25Is that a new coat?No,I_it for a long time()AboughtBhave boughtChave had26Look!Someone _ the classroomWell,it wasnt meI didnt do it()Ais cleaningBwas cleaningChas cleanedDwill clean27It seems that El Ninosome disasters in the world in the past few months ()Ahas causedBis causingCwill causeDcaused28Its the second time I came to XiamenIt_a lotYes,its more and more beautiful()Awas changingBhas changedCwill change29He _in Zhuzhou since seven years ago()AworksBworkedChas worked30Imy hometown for a long timeI really miss it()Awent away fromBhave been away fromChave left31When the boy heard the words,his face _ red()AgotBturnedCchanged32Who is that lady?Shes Miss GreenShe_us music,and she is so good()AtaughtBteachesCwill teachDis teaching33I still remember my happy childhood when my mother _ me to Disneyland at weekends()AtakesBtookCwill takeDhas taken34William Shakespeare _ for 400 years,but his works still have great influence today()AdiedBwas dyingChas diedDhas been dead35We each _ WeChat nowadays,even the old people()AplayBplaysCplaying36You are not supposed to go to a family party unless you _to in the US()Aare not invitedBare invitedCwill be invited37I dont know when he _When he _ here,Ill call you in a minute()Awill come; will arriveBcomes; arrivesCwill come; arrivesDcomes; will arrive38Noboby knows if he If he here,Ill call you at once()Awill come;will arriveBwill come;arrivesCcomes;will arriveDcomes;arrives39We dont know if our friend _If he_,well let you know()Acomes;comesBcomes;will comeCwill come;comes40Grandpa _
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