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精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级: 课 时 数:学员姓名: 辅导科目: 学科教师: 授课类型T (外研版九年级下M1 Travel同步单词)T (外研版七年级下M1 Travel同步短语)C (语法专题-名词)授课日期时段教学内容 一、同步知识梳理知识清单词汇airplane, coach, departure, lounge, departure lounge, transport, nod, tear, towards, cigarette, though, step词组be full of departure lounge because of take the boat go sightseeing by coach go for a long walk plenty of in front of at the start of as soon as look out of get off句式 1. The train was full of people and I had to stand for over six hours. 2We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. 3Weve got exams at the end of the term. 4There are plenty of fun things to do this term5Now it was in front of him.6What are Daming, Lingling and Betty looking forward to this term?7With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away. 8Write to us as soon as you get there9He pushed past them towards his seat. 10Six pairs of eyes looked at Lin, while the man looked out of the window. 11I have a ticket with the number of the seat youre sitting in. 12Though he was sitting, he looked very tall and strong. 13Even if its only ten minutes, you should move.语法名词,冠词,数词1. welcome v. & n. 欢迎welcome to s.w. 欢迎到某地方来Welcome to Beijing (Beijing welcome you.是错误的) Welcome ( to ) back / here.(介词to在地点副词前省略)welcome sb./sth 欢迎某人/ 欣然接受(意见)They welcome my idea.All the students welcome Dr. Brown.Youre welcome. 不用谢,不客气。give sb a welcome 欢迎某人2. How is sth/ sb ? . . . 怎么样? How was your holiday? 假期过得怎样?How have you been recently? 你最近怎样?3. be The train was full of people. 火车挤满了人 full of 充满了,装满了 The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill . . . with. . . 用. . .充满. . . be filled with. . . 充满. . . The bottle is filled with water.Her eyes are filled with tears.4. I had to stand for over six hours. over adj. 超过 = more than They work over 10 hours a day.They work more than 10 hours a day.about adj. 大约= more than or less thanI sleep about 8 hours a day.over adj. 跨过 The bridge goes over the river.about adj. 关于The book is about fish.5. Why is travel so difficult in winter?so 是副词,表示 “如此,那么”,用来修饰形容词Compare: so & such such 是形容词,也表示 “如此,那么”,用来修饰名词 so 和 such 都可以固定的表达法用来修饰可数名词单数so + adj. +a / an +n. = such +a/ an +adj. +n.Yao is so tall a man. =Yao is such a tall man. 可数名词复数和不可数名词前只用such修饰,而不用so.They are such strong men.This is such cold water that I dont want to drink. 但如果可数名词复数和不可数名词前用much, many, little, few修饰,则用so, 而不用such.There are so many people on the trainThere is so little water in the bottle.6. fly back 坐飞机回来fly to s.w. 坐飞机去=go to s.w. by plane.take the boat to s.w. = go to s.w. by boat7. quite adv. 表示程度 “很, 十分, 完全地,相当”She is quite right. 她很对。Thats not quite what I want. 那并不完全是我所要的。He is quite young. 他相当年轻。结构:quite a / an + 形容词+名词单数quite a lot of / a few + 名词复数/不可数名词It will be quite a long term.He has quite a lot of money.Compare: quite, rather & very rather adv. 表示程度上的 “相当”,比预想的程度要大,通常用在不喜欢的情况下。Its rather cold today. 今天相当冷。very adv. 表示程度 “很,甚,极其,非常”,用于修饰形容词或副词,即可用在喜欢的情况下,也可以用在不喜欢的情况下。Its very cold today. 今天相当冷。Its a very nice day. = Its quite a nice day. 今天天气很好。8. because of + n. / pron. / v-ing / what-从句 因为. . . He has changed a lot because of you. 他因为你改变了很多She felt sad because what you said. 她因为你说的话感到很伤心。because + 从句 因为. . . She felt sad because you said something bad. 因为你说了一些难听的话,她感到很伤心He has changed a lot because you keep helping him. 因为你一直以来的帮助他,他改变了很多。9. at the end of 可以表示时间, 也可以表示地点, 指“在. . . . . .末(底); 在. . . . . .末端(尽头)” We had a class meeting at the end of last week. 上周末我们开了一个会。You can find it at the end of the road.你在路的尽头会找到它。by the end of 可以指时间, 指“在. . . . . .之前; 到. . . . . .为止” By the end of this term we has learned 16 units.到这个学期为止,我们已经学了16个单元。in the end 后不接任何单词, 表示 “最后, 终于”= at last, finally10. plenty of =a lot of=lots of 既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词eg. I have plenty of reasons to refuse him.表示 “许多; 大量 ” + 可数/不可数名词复数We have plenty of food (money/ water/ time,etc.)There are plenty of eggs in the fridge.二、同步题型分析阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)Victor used to be such a good runner that he (1) _(win)nine awards at the age of 18.Then one day while he (2) _(run)along the roadside, an accident suddenly happened to him. Unfortunately both of his legs (3) _ (injure)seriously by a car out of control. Since then, he (4) _ (not be)able to walk any more.After a long time, however, he knew life (5)_(not stop)for him. He focused on what he could do instead of what he lost. He realized that there were many possibilities for the disabled. One of the things he became interested in was for
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