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Module 3 Journey to space综合能力演练【巩固练习】I. 单项选择。1_ he _ to New York? If so, he can choose another city ADid;travel BDoes;travel CHas;traveled DIs;traveling 2The two astronauts have _ returned from the space station Ajust Bjust now Cyet Dstill 3What languages use the names of the planets _ the days of the week? Aof Babout Cfor Dwith 4Have you finished _ the novel? Aread Breads Cto read Dreading 5He speaks English as _ as I Awell Bgood Cbetter Dbest 6He asked me _ it secret Akeeping Bto keep Ckept Dkeeps 7They have tried _ water on the Mars A to find Bfind Cfound Dfinds 8_ Earth turns around _ Sun AAn;a BA;a CThe;the DThe;a 9No one _ told him to do so Ais Bwas Chave Dhas 10My father _ to Qingdao many times A has been Bhas gone Chave Dgoes 11The old man lives _,but he doesnt feel _ Alonely;lonely Balone;alone Clonely;alone Dalone;lonely 12Kate couldnt _ her bag anywhere. Adiscover Bfind Csaw Dlook for13Zhang Feng is a League memberHe _ the League since 3 years ago Ajoined Bjoined in Chas been in Dhas joined in14Look at the signIt says“No Parking” _ ASorry,I dont see it BThats all right CThats OK DSorry,I didnt see it15Hurry up! The film _ for ten minutesAwas on Bstarted Chas been on Dhas started真题链接1. A nice car! Is it yours?No, it isnt. I it from a friend of mine two days ago.A. borrow B. have borrowedC. will borrowD. borrowed2. Next month were going somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday .A. will beginB. has begunC. beginsD. is beginning 3. Ben and Sue arent home, are they? No. They _to London on business.A. have gone B. go C. have been D. will goII. 完形填空。September 22,2005 was a special day for JackIt was 12 oclock at nightHe _1_ finished his work He walked _2_ back home in the streetThe street was quietHe looked east(向东)About halfway(在半途)up the sky he saw the planet MarsIt looked like a red starIt had the brightest _3_ in the sky Have you ever seen Mars? Have you _4_ it? Do you know if there is life on Mars? Now 1et me tell you something about MarsI am sure you will be _5_ in it Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the seventh largest in the solar systemThe _6_ gets the name probably(大概)because it has the red colourOf all the planets in the solar system,Mars is most _7_ the Earth,and the easiest one to travel to On April 7,2001,America sent Mars Odyssey to MarsThe journey took Mars Odyssey _8_ monthsOn October 24,2001,it landed on MarsRecently scientists have _9_ there may be liquid(液体的)water on MarsWater is very important because where there is water on Earth,there is lifeLook forward _10_ life on Mars some day ! 1Ajust Byet Ceven Dnever 2A1onely B alone Calso Dlone 3Astar Bair Clight Dsun 4Ahear about Bheard from Cheard about Dhear from 5Ainterest Binterested Cinteresting Dinterests 6Aplanet Bplant Cstar Dsatellite 7Alook Bwith Clike Dlooks like 8Amuch Bfew Cseveral Da lot 9Adiscovered Bfind Cworked Dfind out 10Ato discover Bfinds Cto discovering Dto find III. 阅读理解。A In the universe(宇宙),as we know,there is the sun,the moon,the earth and many starsThrough our geography lessons,We know the earth goes round the sun,and the moon goes round the earthWe have day and night because the earth keeps turning all the timeWhen our part of the earth turns to the sun。it is dayWhen oar part of the earth turns away from the SHFI,it is night Just because the moon is closer to the earth than the sun,it looks much bigger than the sunBig things will look smaller when they are farther,and small things also look bigger when they are nearer, The sun is bright enough to give Out very strong lightThe moon cant give out any light at all,but it looks quite bright tooWhy? In fact,the light from the moon comes from the sunThe moon looks much bigger and brighter than the starsBut actually(事实上)the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moonThey look smaller than the moon also because they are farther away from the earth There arc still many other planets(行星)in the universeAll of them move round the sunBut of all these planets,only on the earth there are living things and people can only live on the earth tooAt 9:00 am,on October 15th 2003,Chinese pilot(飞行员) Yang Liwei was se
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