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BOOKII Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsPeriod Reading Comprehension Nov. . Do some translations:1. dentist 2. diet 3. 流感 4. 健康 5. unhealthy 6. wealthy 7. anxious 8. 队长 9. normal 10. injure 11、伤害(n.) 12. painful . Reading and understanding:1. What does the proverb “You are what you eat” mean? A. Your body and mental state have nothing to do with what you eat. B. Your body is affected little by the type of food you eat. C. What you eat has little effect on your body. D. Your body and mental state are greatly affected by what you eat. 2. The meaning of the proverb “Healthy mind in a healthy body” is . A. The more you eat, the clearer you mind is. B. The clearer you are about eating healthily, the more likely you are to think clearly. C. Healthy diet has no effect on your mind. D. Healthy body depends on healthy mind. 3. The proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away ” means . A. Youd better eat an apple a day. B. In order to keep fit, you must eat an apple a day. C. It is important to eat good fresh fruit or vegetables every day to keep healthy. D. An apple is the best kind of fruit. 4. Why did Zhou Kais mother ask him to put on a jacket? A. Because it was raining outside. B. Because she was anxious about his health. C. Because Zhou Kai was unhealthy all the time. D. Because Zhou Kai had to wear a jacket in playing football. 5. Which of the following is true according to the text? A. Zhou Kai often gets hurt when playing football. B. Some of Zhou Kais friends enjoy eating sweets. C. Zhou Kai is captain of the Senior High team. D. Zhou Kais mother is a food expert. 6. What do we know about Zhou Kai? A. He doesnt have any tooth troubles. B. He likes playing volleyball very much. C. He likes to play football in the rain. D. He is easy to get injured when playing football. 7. What can we know about the diet of Zhou Kais family? A. They eat more fruit but fewer vegetables. B. They eat more fish than fruit or vegetables. C. They dont eat much fat but much sugar. D. They dont eat much fat or sugar, but more fruit, vegetables and fish. 8. From the text, what conclusion can we draw? A. You are what you eat. B. Healthy mind in a healthy body. C. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. D. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. . Preview the language points in Period 反思: Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsPeriod Language points Nov. 1. connect: vt. 连接,连结(在物质上或人事关系上等) (1)connect A to / with B eg. A railway connects Dezhou with Jinan. (2)be connected with 与有联系 他与这起事故有联系。 他与这起犯罪毫无牵连。 2. diet n. C, U 饮食;日常饮食 eg. Every person needs water and a diet of healthy food. 拓展:If you want to lose weight, you must go / be on a diet. Guess the meaning of the underlined phrase: 3. I rarely get toothache. rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地 I rarely meet him now. . 他很少迟到。 not, little, not until, neither, nor, not only, rarely, seldom, never, hardly等表示否定意义的词,若置于句首时,句子须倒装。 她很少做这样的事情。 汤姆从没去过中国。 我不敢相信这是真的。 相关链接 seldom =not oftenlittle = not much few = not many hardly = almost not scarcely =almost none at all 4. Im quite fitfit : adj. 健康的 eg. Proper exercise can keep one fit. 如果你想保持健康,就请经常锻炼。 知识拓展(1)fit adj. 合适的、适宜的,常用于以下句型 be fit for sb. /sth. 他不适合这个工作。 be fit to do sth. 这食物不宜吃了。 (2)fit vt. /vi. 适合、合身,使胜任。 eg. This coat fits you well. 我努力使自己能胜任新的工作。 比较辨析:fit / suit / match这三个词都有“合适”之意,但其含义有所不同。(1)指衣着、鞋帽等“适合”时,fit强调大小、形状、宽松舒适度的合适;而suit则强调颜色、款式、色调方面的合适。The suit fitted him nicely. 这身衣服他穿正合适。 这些床单有几种尺寸规格,以便与大小不同的床配套。That color doesnt suit her. 那种颜色不适合她的肤色。(2)match 着重指颜色、式样的搭配,也可指“相一致”。The doors were painted blue to match the walls. 门被漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。As a couple, they were not very well matched. 他为夫妻,他们并不十分般配。随练:Will Thursda
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