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Module 5 Museums 单元检测试卷(分数100分时间90分钟)第卷听力部分(15分)一、听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片。(5分)1Please dont swim here.Its very dangerous.2If you are a driver,you should remember “No horning”when you pass a school.3It tells us not to go this way.4When we take a bus,we shouldnt smoke.5Please dont stop your car here.1_2._3._4._5._二、听对话及问题,选最佳答案。(5分)W:Would you like to have a party with us?M:Sorry,I will go to the museum.Q:Will the boy go to the party?6A.Yes, he will.BNo, he wont.CWe dont know.W:Do you like chemistry?M:Oh,its too boring.Q:Does the boy like chemistry?7A.Yes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CWe dont know.W:Can you send emails on the computer?M:Of course,I have lots of friends.We keep in touch by emails.Q:What does the boy do with the computer?8A.Download music.BMake friends.CWrite novels.W:Excuse me,whats your hobby?M:My hobby is collecting pens.I have lots of old pens.Q:Whats the boys hobby?9A.Collecting pens.BCollecting postcards.CCollecting paintings.W:Why do you like physics?M:Because I like doing physics experiments.Q:Why does the boy like physics?10A.Because he likes inventing things.BBecause he is a physics teacher.CBecause he likes doing physics experiments.三、听短文,判断对(T)错(F)。(5分)Last Sunday,we went to Beijing Science Museum and had a good time there.My teacher went there with us.I did lots of chemistry experiments.I liked playing the scientific toys.They taught us some knowledge about the world and we played happily.Our teacher told us something about papermaking,printing,sailing,Chinese medicine and painting.All the day,we enjoyed ourselves.After lunch,we went home by bus.11We went to the museum last Sunday.( ) 12I did lots of physics experiments.( ) 13I liked playing the scientific tools.( ) 14We learned something about papermaking and printing.( ) 15We went home by bus after dinner.( ) 第卷笔试部分(85分)四、单项选择(10分)16There are many shops on _ side of the street.We can buy everything we want.AbothBallCeither Devery17The Kings have been in Beijing for three years, so they are familiar _ the city.Ato BwithCfor Don18To invent a new kind of electric light, Thomas Edison did lots of _.Aresearch BinventionsC experiments Dexperiences19Can you show me the _ of your school on the map?Sure.Its here, next to the park.Aposition BshapeCdirection Dheight20The maths problem was so difficult that none of us could _.Atry it out Bwork it outClook it up Dwork on it21As students, _,we should study hard to be well prepared for the future.Aat all Bin allCafter all Dabove all22I hope you can _ and see us next time you come to Shanghai.Sure, I will.Adrop in Bcheck inCgive in Darrive in23Bill was _ tired after a whole days work.Aa kind of Bkind ofCbit of Da bit of24There are lots of mistakes in my homework because I didnt pay attention to _ the teacher.Alisten Blistening toClistening Dlisten to25Tom has been working for three days, with only five hours sleep each day!_ he looks so bad.AI wonder BIt seemsCI bet DNo wonder五、完形填空(10分)If you visit London nowadays, you will see _26_ buses and cars on the road.You will also see a lot of _27_ because more and more people travel by bike.In fact, it is very cheap to buy a bike, and it is quick, too.You often_28_ a bus for half an hour and the bus moves very slowly.I went to work _29_ for about four years.I often arrived at work late and tired.Then one day, about two years ago, a friend of mine said, “I go to work by bike.Why_30_we go together?”“Because my bike is old, “I answered, “and there are so many buses and cars on the roads.Ill feel _31_.”“You neednt feel frightened!”said my friend, “If you follow me and we ride slowly, you will be fine.”Although we went slowly, we arrived at work quickly.It _32_ me 40 minutes to go by bus, but only half an hour by bike!The next day I_33_ myself a new bike.Now I dont feel afraid.I love going to work by bike.I take a different road every day.I arrive at work quickly.I have got a little more money now, and more importantly, I feel _34_.Many people think in the same way as I do.Thats why you see a lot of bikes on the road.Next year you will see more, I am sure.Perhaps _35_ we will have roads for bikes only.I hope so.26A.much Ba lotClots of Dmore27A.buses BcarsCtrains Dbikes28A.wait Bwait forCget Dget to29A.by bike Bby bus Cby train Dby boat30A.dont Bnot Cnot to Dno31A.happy Bglad Ctired Dfrightened32A.took Bcost Cspent Dpaid33A.borrowed Blent Cbought Dmended34
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