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旅游英语(1)046602任务_0001四大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110466 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)1. My little brother was born _March 6.1998. A. on B. in C. at D. to参考答案:A2. What about _out to play basketball? A. to go B. go C. going D. goes参考答案:C3. _ you ever _ to Shanghai? A. Did.go B. Were.being C. Have.been D. Did.be参考答案:C4. Is chemistry more difficult than physics?No, chemistry isnt as_ as physics. A. easy B. difficult C. easier D. more difficult参考答案:B5. Guangdong lies _ the north of Hainan and _the south of China. A. to, in B. to, on C. on, in D. on, to参考答案:A6. What did you do last night?I did my homework and _TV. A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. am watching参考答案:B7. _nice the weather is today? A. How B. What C. How a D. What a参考答案:A8. _ any yoga classes in the evenings? A. Is there B. Are there C. Have D. Do参考答案:B9. Victor, your radio is too loud. Your partner is writing her compositionSorry, Miss Gao. Ill turn it _a little A. on B. up C. off D. down参考答案:D10. Do you mind me smoking here?_. Look at the sign. It says, No smoking. A. It doesnt matter B. Youd better not C. No, I dont D. Never mind 参考答案:B 、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 50 分。)1. New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances to find jobs, to study at good schools, and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also, too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities. Others do not. Before people move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there.1). Which is the best title for this passage? A. Big cities B. New York, London, and Paris C. Exciting Places to live in D. Serious Problems in Big Cities2). In big cities people can _. A. go to different kinds of museums B. see all kinds of plays C. buy things from all over the world D. A, B and C3). Which of the following is true? A. Big cities are not safe and clean enough. B. People can easily find a good place to live in big cities. C. Big cities are safe, but not clean. D. All people like to live in big cities.4). In this passage the writer advised (建设) people _. A. to move to a big city B. not to move to big city C. not to move to a big city without thinking about the problems there D. not to think too much about the problems before they move to a big city.5). Which is not talked about in this passage? A. New York and London are big cities, and also is Paris. B. Big cities are better than small cities. C. Big cities are exciting places to live in. D. Big cities have a lot of serious problems.参考答案:ADACB2. Having returned from her round trip(往返旅程), the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway owes me12,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the office. “You sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me 12.” Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, Madam,” he said politely. “Ill just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.” The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How could he have made such a careless mistake? He shouldnt have sold her a ticket for that day. Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sun burnt,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?” “Yes,” she answered, shyly. “The beach was lovely. And I can swim too!” “Thats fine,” said Harry. “My little girl cant swim a bit yet. Of course, shes only three” “Im four,” the child said proudly. “Ill be four and a half.” Harry turned to the mother. “I remember your ticket, Madam,” he said. “But you didnt get one for your daughter, did you?” “Er, well” the woman looked at the child. “I mean.she hasnt started school yet. Shes only four.” “A four-year-old child must have a ticket, Madam. A childs return ticket to Jersey costslet me see13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel, you will owe1.50. The law is the law, but since the fault was mine” The woman stood up, took the childs hand and left the
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