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4: THB students should be able to grade their teachers.Gov:Status Quo(现状分析): Nowadays, most students especially primary school students cannot grade their teachers, as a result, teachers have little pressure improving their performance. And if students get unfair treatment, they also cannot find a good way to express their opinions.Therefore, we think students should be able to grade their teachers. Grading means at the end of every semester, students could grade teachers ranging from very good, good, to ok, bad, and very bad. Good teachers would be given more bonus while unqualified teachers would accept some punishments.There are three arguments about this.First, it could encourage teachers to perform better. No pressure, no motivation. In our sceneries, because there is an evaluation system, to get a better evaluation, teachers would care more about students, and spend more time on students growing-up. Besides, they would try their best to make the class more interesting and rich in contents.Second, it would help students improve their academic performance.When students could grade their teachers, students would also be motivated. Because they feel they are important and they can make a difference in the evaluation of teachers. Besides, teachers would care more about students and offer better qualified lessons which would also improve students academic performance. Third, it would be beneficial for improving schools reputation.When teachers improve their teaching performance and when students improve their academic performance, there is no doubt that there are going to be more excellent teachers and students, which would improve schools reputation. As a result, this would attract more fantastic teachers and students.Opp:We dont think students should be able to grade their teachers.First, the grading system is not effective.Students especially primary school students, they dont really know how to evaluate a teacher scientifically, most of the time, they would evaluate a teacher from their own willing or preference. And its very likely the teachers would get unfair treatment. For example, if a teacher is very strict on students, even though he or she is doing this for the sake of students, they would get low grades. And those teachers who try to please students by giving students high marks would get high grades. In this case, students would not really get benefit from this evaluation system. This grading method is problematic.Second, it would misguide teachers behaviors.Without this grading system, teachers could focus on their teaching. Now, they are forced to please students so that they could get high grades. In this case, some teachers would let students pass the exams very easily. Some teachers would not be very strict on students even though its necessary sometimes. Third, it hurts the meaning of education.The meaning of education is to help every student become better version of themselves. If we allow students especially primary school students to grade their teachers, as we mentioned above, it would misguide teachers behaviors and transfer the focus of teaching. This is very bad because it doesnt help students but let students lose the motivation and become lazy.Thats why we dont think students should be able to grade their teachers.
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