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合瓣花亚纲,柿树科 Ebenaceae,6属,450种,主要分布于热带和亚热带地区,我国2属41种。 The species are mostly evergreen and native to the tropics and subtropics, with a few deciduous species native to temperate regions.,柿树科 Ebenaceae,柿属 Diospyros Diospyros genus species are trees and shrubs , either deciduous or evergreen. The leaves, which lack teeth, are usually borne alternately on opposite sides of the twig. The fruit is a large juicy berry with 1 to 10 seeds. Some members of the genus are valuable for their timber, particularly several species of ebony.,落叶或常绿乔木或灌木,无顶芽;叶互生,花单性罕 杂性,花为4-5基数,萼常4裂,绿色,花冠形成 钟,白色浆果肉质,基部有肿大的宿萼。 200种,分布热带至暖温带,我国40种。,柿树 Diospyros kaki,落叶乔木,树冠为自然半圆形,无顶芽,树皮暗灰色,裂成长方形小块片固着树上。叶椭圆形、阔椭圆形,表面暗绿色,有光泽,雌雄异株,或杂性同株。花四基数,黄白色,浆果卵圆形或扁球形,橙黄色或鲜黄色,花萼宿存。花期5-6月,果熟9-10月。 原产我国,分布很广,长江流域,喜湿又耐旱.阳性树,喜光,根系为深根系,也很耐寒,亚热带果树中最耐寒树木.柿树寿命长,300年的老树仍可结果.对有毒气体能吸收.栽培历史有3000年之多。,树形优美,叶大荫浓,广展如伞,夏日一片浓绿.秋叶变红,红橙色大果悬于绿荫丛中,饶有风趣.11月叶落,红果还挂在枝头,极为美观.还可园林结合生产 观叶,观花,还可结合生产。,君迁子(黑枣 软枣 红蓝枣) Diospyros lotus,落叶乔木,树皮灰色,花淡橙色或绿白色.果球形或圆卵形,径1.2-1.8cm,成熟蓝黑色.外披白粉,萼宿存,花期4-5月,果熟9-10月,性强健,喜光,耐半荫,耐寒及耐旱性比柿树强,很耐湿,寿命长,常做柿树嫁接砧木.,雄,雌,木犀科 oleaceae,This family species are shrubs, trees and occasionally vines. Leaves The family is characterised by opposite leaves that may be simple or compound (either pinnate or ternate), without stipule The leaves may be either deciduous or evergreen, with evergreen species predominating in warm temperate and tropical regions, and deciduous species predominating in colder regions.,Flower The flowers are most often bisexual and actinomorphic(辐射对称的), occurring in panicles, racemes or panicles, and often fragrant. The calyx which may or may not be present, and the corolla are synsepalous and four-lobed. The androecium has 2 stamens inserted in the perigynous zone and alternate with the lobes. The stigmas are two-lobed. The gynoecium consists of a compound pistil with two carpels. The ovary is superior with two locules, each of which bearing two axillary ovules. Sometimes the base of the ovary is circled by a . The plants are most often hermaphrodite but sometimes polygamomonoecious. Fruit Oleaceae fruit can be berries, drupes, capsules or samaras.,木犀科 oleaceae,灌木和乔木; 叶对生 花两性,花萼4,花瓣全为4-6-(9)裂,雄蕊两枚 果为核果、蒴果、浆果或翅果。 本科不少种类为观赏树种,约29属600余种。 中国12属200种左右。,雪柳属 Fontanesia,共两种,中国1种 雪柳F. fortunei 形态特征: 落叶灌木,树皮灰黄色,小枝细长,四棱形,叶披针形或卵状披针形,长3-12cm,端渐尖,叶柄短。花绿白色,翅果扁平,倒卵形,花期5-6月。,雪柳属 Fontanesia,共两种,中国1种 Fontanesia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Oleaceae, usually treated as comprising a single species Fontanesia philliraeoides, though some authors split this into two species.,It is a deciduous shrub growing to 8 m tall. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate to narrow ovate, with an acute apex and a usually entire margin, sometimes finely serrated. The flowers are white, with a deeply four-lobed corolla; they are produced in panicles 26 cm long. The fruit is a flat samara, surrounded by a wing (一)形态特征:落叶灌木,树皮灰黄色,小枝细长,四棱形,叶披针形或卵状披针形,长3-12cm,端渐尖,叶柄短。花绿白色,翅果扁平,倒卵形,花期5-6月。,雪柳F. fortunei,白蜡树属 Fraxinus,All the genus Fraxinus species are. The ashes are usually medium to large trees, mostly deciduous . The leaves are opposite (rarely in whorls of three), and mostly pinnately-compound. The seeds, popularly known as keys, are a type of fruit known as a samara. 多为落叶乔木,奇数羽状复叶对生,小叶常具齿,花小,杂 性或单性,雌雄异株,组成圆锥花序(花冠有时缺,存在时通常 浅裂,裂片2-4)/翅果的翅在果顶伸长。 约70种,主要分布在温带地区。中国20余种,各地有分布。,白蜡树 F. chinensis,花序生于当年生枝顶及叶 腋,叶后开放,小叶7枚, 翅果倒披针形。 温带树种,喜温暖湿润气候,耐寒性强,耐水湿,抗烟尘及有毒性气体,耐盐碱,树形端直,枝叶密,秋叶变黄非常漂亮,变色期1周。可做行道树,(北林前)植与湖边、河岸都好。秋叶、倒影。孤树也很好(陶然亭),白蜡,美国白蜡 右,洋白蜡(大叶白蜡、美国白蜡) F. Americana,花序生于2年枝上,先叶开放,小叶7-9枚,叶痕上缘明显下凹,翅果长3-6cm, 原产北美,我国引种面广。 秋季变色期8天左右,从个别叶发黄到落完不到1个月,落叶期间5-6天落完。落叶整齐。 作行道树好,扫叶容易。常做行道树和庭荫树。,水曲柳 F. mandshurica,花序生于2年生侧枝,先叶开放,小叶3-7枚,多无小叶柄,小叶基部密生黄褐色绒毛。 分布东北、华北,耐寒性强,喜潮湿但不耐水涝。常做行道树、庭荫树,湖边河岸绿化。,绒毛白蜡 F.velutina,花序生于两年生侧枝,先叶开放,小叶3-7枚,常5枚,有小叶柄翅果较短,一般2-3cm。 原产北美,引种后,天津种植最多。本种耐水涝,不择土壤,耐盐碱,抗污染强。天津盐碱土,许多不长。对沿海城市很适用。,连翘属 Forsythia,They are deciduous shrubs typically growing to a height of 13 m . The leaves are opposite, usually simple but sometimes trifoliate with a basal pair of small leaflets; the margin is serrated or entire. The flowers are produced in the early spring before the leaves, bright yellow with a deeply four-lobed corolla, the petals joined only at the base. The fruit is a dry capsule, containing several winged seeds.,连翘属 Forsythia,落叶灌木,枝髓中空或成片状,叶对生,单叶少有羽状3出复叶,。花1-3朵生于叶腋,先叶开放,萼4浅裂,花冠黄色4裂。雄蕊2,蒴果卵圆形。 共7种,中国4种,西北至东北和东部。,连翘Forsythia suspense,落叶灌木, 干丛生,直立。 枝开展拱形下 垂,髓中空, 单叶,有时为3 子叶,对生。 花先叶开放, 花期45月。,变种:,垂直连翘 枝的下垂通常可匍匐地面,而在枝梢生根,花冠裂片较宽。 三叶连翘 叶通常为3子叶或3裂,花冠裂片窄,常扭曲。,金钟花Forsythia viridissima,小枝髓薄片状,单叶对生。中部以上有粗锯齿,花深黄色。 习性,繁殖,应用同连翘。,金钟连翘,杂交种,性状介于二 者之间。枝具髓,叶三裂或四 裂,花色不一。,丁香属Syringa,They are deciduous shrubs or small trees. The leaves are opposite (occasionally in whorls of three) in arrangement, and their shape is simple and heart-shaped to broad lanceolate in most species, but pinnate in a few species (e.g. S. protolaciniata, S. pinnatifolia). The flowers are produced in spring, each flower with
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