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During the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods,there was a great upsurge of Intellectual activity,producing many famous philosophers,such as Lao Zi,Confucius,Mencius and Mo Zi,and the well-known military strategist Sun Wu.,春秋战国最著名的四个:儒墨道法,一、儒家: 代表人物:孔子、孟子、荀子。作品:论语、孟子、荀子 二、道家:代表人物:老子、庄子、列子。作品:道德经、庄子、列子 三、墨家:代表人物:墨子。作品:墨子 四、法家:代表人物:韩非、李斯、商鞅。作品:韩非子,Lao Zi,Laozi was a philosopher of ancient China and is a central figure in Taoism.Laozi literally means “Old Master“ and is generally considered an honorific. The focus of Taoism is on the individual within the natural realm rather than the individual within society; according to Taoism, the goal of life for each individual is to seek to adjust oneself and adapt to the rhythm of the natural world, to follow the Way of the universe, to live in harmony.,老子哲学,Laozi tried to build a theory to include the universe of all things. He believe that all things follow the law : the internal of the thing itself is not a single, static, but the relative complexity and change. The thing itself that is the unity of the yin and yang. 老子试图建立一个囊括宇宙万物的理论。 老子认为一切事物都遵循这样的规律(道): 事物本身的内部不是单一的、静止的,而是相对复杂和变化的。事物本身即是阴阳的统一体。老子的“无为”并不是以“无为”为目的,而是以“有为”为目的。因为根据之前提到的“道”,“无为”会转化为“有为”。,Mo Zi,He believed that “all men are equal “, and that mankind should seek to imitate heaven by engaging in the practice of collective love.主张兼爱非攻:兼,视人如己;兼爱,即爱人如己。政治上主张尚贤、尚同和非攻;经济上主张强本节用;思想上提出尊天事鬼。同时,又提出非命的主张,强调靠自身的强力从事。,Sun Wu,Sun Zis Art of War has altogether 13 chapters. Both concise and comprehensive, this book sum up the experience of ancient wars, bring to light (揭示)many laws of war, which are of universal significance. 兵家重点在于指导战争,在不得不运用武力达到目的时,怎么样去使用武力。,Confucius,He believed that the only effective system of government necessitated prescribed relationships for each individual: “Let the ruler be a ruler and the subject a subject.“,孔子思想,政治思想(Political Thought):“礼”与“仁”,在治国的方略上,他主张“为政以德” 经济思想(Economic Thought):重义轻利、“见利思义“的义利观与“富民“思想 教育思想(Educational Thought):提倡“有教无类”,创办私学,广招学生 美学思想(Aesthetic Thought):“美”和“善”的统一,也是形式与内容的统一,Mencius,He argued that a ruler could not govern without the peoples tacit consent, and that the penalty for unpopular, despotic rule was the loss of the “mandate of heaven“.,至圣与亚圣,Confucius and mencius are the spring and autumn and warring states period famous thinker educator, in the two thousand years of the feudal society, the revered as the most holy and the holy their ideas, of Chinese society has had a profound impact, even as far as Japan Korea Europe, etc, in world history is important .,孟庙、孟子与孟林,亚圣庙,This is LuGuoSan after huan mencius, name of father, mother ZhangShi mencius is noble MengSunShi lu wondered, after things come from lu move ZouGuo mencius tear three years old, the mother meng through will he brought up mother meng over very strict, its MengMuSanQian mother meng broken woven dare to women, story, become historic 美谈, is the model of mother taught generations of the fourth generation of Confucius disciple, is the disciple of tsang again,孟子本为“鲁国三桓”之后,父名激,母仉氏。孟子远祖是鲁国贵族孟孙氏,后家道衰微,从鲁国迁居邹国。孟子三岁丧父,孟母艰辛地将他抚养成人。孟母管束甚严,其“孟母三迁”、“孟母断织”“不敢去妇”等故事,成为千古美谈,是后世母教之典范。属孔子第四代弟子,是曾子的再传弟子。,孟子周游列国,“Mencius mother moved three times“,Once upon a time mencius small of the time lived with his mother in the churchyard side and the neighborhood kids mencius together learn to adult bow down to the appearance of cried aloud, playing the game for a menciuss mother saw, he frowned: no way! I cant let my children live here! Menciuss mother took mencius moved to market, close to kill pig sheep and go to the place went to live in bazaar, mencius and and the neighborhood kids, the study of business and businessman butchered the pig sheep thing menciuss mother knew that, and frowned: this place is not good for my children to live in! So they and moving this time, they moved to school each month beginning this time around XiaLi, officials to the Confucius temple, bow down salute each other, polite one another, mencius saw after learning of the mother is satisfied that mencius place his head and said: this is my son should place to live! Then living in this place,孟母三迁,从前孟子小的时候和母亲住在墓地旁边。孟子就和邻居的小孩一起学着大人跪拜、哭嚎的样子,玩起办理丧事的游戏。孟子的妈妈看到了,就皱起眉头:“不行!我不能让我的孩子住在这里了!”孟子的妈妈就带着孟子搬到市集,靠近杀猪宰羊的地方去住。到了市集,孟子又和邻居的小孩,学起商人做生意和屠宰猪羊的事。孟子的妈妈知道了,又皱皱眉头:“这个地方也不适合我的孩子居住!”于是,他们又搬家了。这一次,他们搬到了学校附近。每月夏历初一这个时候,官员到文庙,行礼跪拜,互相礼貌相待,孟子见了之后都学习记住。孟子的妈妈很满意地点着头说:“这才是我儿子应该住的地方呀!”于是居住在了这个地方。 后来,大家就用“孟母三迁”来表示人应该要接近好的人、事、物,才能学习到好的习惯。 这也说明了环境能改变一个人的爱好和习惯。,孟母断织,孟子小的时候,放学回家,他的母亲正在织丝,(见他回来,)问道:“学习怎么样了?”孟子(漫不经心地)说:“跟过去一样。”孟母(见他无所谓的样子,十分恼火,)用剪刀剪断织好的布。孟子害怕极了,就问他母亲这样做的原因。孟母说:“你荒废学业,如同我剪断这丝一样。有德行的人学习是为了树立名声,问才能增长知识。所以平时能安宁,做起事来就可以避免于祸害。现在荒废了学业,就不免于做下贱的劳役,而且难于避免祸患。凭什么跟织布为生不一样?(意思是还不如织布为生)!我半途而废,难道可以让你长期有衣服穿有粮食吃?女人如果荒废了生产家里需要的生活必需品,男人放松了自己的修养和德行,那么一家人不做强盗小偷就只能做奴隶劳役了!”孟子吓了一跳,自此,从早到晚勤奋学习不休息,把子思当做老师,终于成了天下有大学问之人。 有德行的人认为孟母懂得做母亲的法则。,启示,MengMuSanQian later, although for the growth of the son to create a good environment, but mother me
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