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1. Coffee bitter and sweet, mixing, and lies not in how sugar is whether; A period lies not in pain, how to forget, but in whether it has the courage to start again. 咖啡苦与甜, 不在于怎么搅拌, 而在于是否放糖; 一段伤痛, 不在于怎么忘记,2. A promise, even knowing that it kiss linger on the skin will lose marks.要一句诺言,即使明知它与留连于皮肤上的亲吻一般,会失去痕迹。3. Dont treat others the way you dont want to be treated. 已所不欲,勿施于人。4. Why should a lifetime to forget someone, because you do not try to forget, but always remember, in looking forward, in the dream 忘记一个人为什么要一辈子,因为你根本没有试着去忘记,而是一直在怀念,在期待,在做梦。5. 最怕拼命对我好的人,一瞬间抽离,然后再对我冷漠。-The most afraid of all of my good people, a moment to pull away, then indifferent to me.6. It doesnt matter what youve done. What matters is what you choose to do from here. 你以前做过什么不重要,重要的是从今以后你想要做什么。7. 许我一个誓言,悲喜同行;许我一个未来,甘苦与共。-Promise me a vow, and peers; promise me a future, through thick and thin.8. Regardless of when to begin, it is important to start will not stop; end of the matter at what time, it is important not regret it after the end of.不管从什么时候开始,重要的是开始以后不要停止;不管在什么时候结束,重要的是结束以后不要后悔。9. Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person. 有时候,你不得不在心如死灰一般之后,从灰烬中涅槃,相信自己,并成为一个全新的自己。10. Always want to be a quiet walker, in the deepest in the world of mortals guarding their own, hold the initial germinating and joy. 一直想做个安静的行者,在最深的红尘里守着自己,守住最初的萌动和欣喜。11. Trust is like a paper. Once its crumbled, it cant be perfect.人与人间的信任,就像是纸片,一旦破损,就不会再回到原来的样子。12. The paper is a little worn, a little fuzzy. Sum outline, every touch of traces, seem to have recorded the thoughts through thousands of years.纸张有些破旧,有些模糊。可每一笔勾勒,每一抹痕迹,似乎都记载着跨越千年万载的思念。13. The difference between giving up and letting go is that giving up is to sacrifice something belongs to you while letting go is to drop those never belong to you. 放弃与放手的区别:放弃是牺牲本来属于你的,放手是放下那些从来就不是你的。14. The things in the world, every one, nods, all have a loss, the punishment. 世间事,凡有一得必有一失,凡有一失必有一得。15. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: In five years, will this matter? 遇到痛苦的事可以问自己这样一句话:“5年以后,这还重要吗?”16. Heres my love. Take it.Heres my heart, dont break it. Heres my hand, hold it. And together we will make it forever. 这是我的爱,收下吧。 这是我的心,别打碎了。 这是我的手,握好了。 我们一起,永远永远。17. Living life, reminding us of scenes to Baiju knee suddenly. Of course, I long to live I was able to remember each of the words you say.人生在世,恍若白驹过膝,忽然而已。然,我长活一世,却能记住你说的每一话。18. Never be afraid to fall apart, because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along. 别害怕崩溃,至少这是一个机会,去重新成为你曾经一直希望成为的自己。19. 世界上最悲哀的事情,不是在梦醒后发现已无法回头;而是你明知道前方是悬崖,却还是义无反顾。-The worlds most sad thing, not when we wake up to find that has no turning back; but you know ahead is the cliff, but still proceed without hesitation.20. In the past, do not forget, but must put down. because tomorrow, today forever just starting line 对于过去,不可忘记,但要放下。因为有明天,今天永远只是起跑线。21. I remember all the things that we shared,and the way you smile at me. 我记得我们所有的事,和你对我笑的样子。22. Love is all a matter of timing. Its no good meeting the right person too soon or too late. 爱情这东西, 时间很关键, 认识得太早或太晚, 都不行。23. Be thankful for what you have; youll end up having more. if you concentrate on what you dont have, you will never, ever have enough.-如果你对自己所拥有的感恩,你将会得到更多。但如果你专注于自己所没有的东西,那你永远都不会满足。24. Bonds of this world has never been as water, rare to tears, what a lifetime love? Mo passionate feelings hurt already.尘缘从来都如水,罕须泪,何尽一生情?莫多情,情伤己。25. Once you take friendship seriously,its gonna be more unforgettable than love.友情这东西,一旦玩真的,比爱情还刻骨铭心。26. Love is strange. Because sometimes it becomes reason to live life and sometimes it becomes reason to leave life. 问世间情为何物, 直教人生死相许。27. In this world, how many strong, are fake; how many stubborn, is barely.这世上,有多少坚强,都是伪装;有多少倔强,都是勉强。28. Who can come to the front of the time, help me find the next screen. 谁能走到时间的前面,帮我看看未来的画面。29. 我不懂什么叫挽留,我只知道,爱我的人不会离开我,因为他知道,没了他我会难过。 -I dont know what to retain, I only know, I love the people will not leave me, because he knows that, without him I will be sad.30. Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget. 越是试图忘记,越是记得深刻。31. Sometimes its very hard to move on, but once you move on, youll realize it was the best decision youve ever made. 有时候开始另一段生活的确很难,但一旦你开始了,你就知道这是你做过的最正确的决定。32. Never Kanbu Po elusive, but my fingers smoke world for thousands of years, as I blink of an eye.人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云 世间千年,如我一瞬。33. No matter how strong I will get,you are still my weakness. 无论我变得如何强大,你仍然是我的弱点。34. The worlds most precious is not never get or have been, but youve got and at any time may lose something! 世上最珍贵的不是永远得不到或已经得到的,而是你已经得到并且随时都有可能失去的东西!35. The movement of people full of vitality, full of romantic music makes happy thinking people full of wisdom and reason.运
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