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中西文化之鉴- 跨文化交际,Chapter 2 Culture,An idiom,What really binds men together is their culture- the ideas and the standards they have in common. R. Benedict,Learning objectives :,In this chapter, students will learn how to: Understand the definitions of culture. Describe the characteristics of culture. cultural identity. Cultures within culture,The Nature of Culture,Think about the following similes and metaphors, how do you think culture is related to the references? 1. Culture is like an iceberg. 2. Culture is our software. 3. Culture is like the water a fish swims in. 4. Culture is the grammar of our behavior.,1. Culture Is Like An Iceberg,2. Culture Is Our Software,3. Culture Is Like the Water a Fish Swims In,4. Culture Is the Grammar of Our Behavior,CULTURE IS:,We define culture as “the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.”,Activity: Translation,Activity: Key words Find out the key words from the definitions above. Key words:,The Characteristics of Culture,1. Culture Is Learned,2. Culture Is shared view,3. Culture Is Pervasive,Like the air we breathe, culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influences the way we think, the way we talk, and the way we behave.,4. Culture Is Integrated/coherent,We sometimes break down and isolate various parts of culture and talk about them as if they are separate parts. However, in reality, culture functions as an integrated whole and it is systemic.,5. Culture Is dynamic,History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, natural disasters, wars, or other calamities.,CONCLUSION: CULTURE IS A MANS SECOND NATURE A WAY OF OVERCOMING VULNERABILITY ACQUIRED THROUGH SOCIALIZATION THUS, MAN IS THE PRODUCER OF CULTURE AND THE PRODUCT OF CULTURE,Susan : Mrs Zhang,come to New York if you like. Husband: _ Mother:不去了,给你们添麻烦。 Husband : _ Susan: Yes, oh thanks for your delicious food, I like them very much. Husband :_ Mother : 自家人谢什么,苏珊,你以后可不要再瘦身了,身体健康才最重要哪! Husband : _ Susan: Thank you! The same to you. Husband : _- Mother :啊,谢谢,谢谢!,Susan : Mrs Zhang, come to New York if you like. Husband: 妈妈,您可一定要来纽约看看. Mother:不去了,给你们添麻烦。 Husband : Oh, it depends on the physical condition. Susan: Yes, oh thanks for your delicious food, I like them very much. Husband :谢谢妈妈给我们做那么多好吃的 Mother :自家人谢什么,苏珊,你以后可不要再瘦身了,身体健康才最重要哪! Husband : Its my pleasure. Susan, I Hope you become even more beautiful. Susan: Thank you! The same to you. Husband : 谢谢妈妈,我祝您身体健康 Mother :啊,谢谢,谢谢!,Three Distinct Dimensions of Ones Identity,Private (what I think of myself),Public (what other people think of me),Collective (what specific groups of people think of me),CULTURAL IDENTITY Cultural identity refers to ones sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. People consciously identify themselves with a group that has a shared system of symbols and meanings as well as norms for conduct.,Cultural Identity,Case-analysis: A Black Girls Identity,(1) How was the girls cultural identity developed? (2) What did the other two Black girls mean by “chocolate milk“? (3) How do you think the other two Black girls recognize their cultural identity?,DOMINANT CULTURE AND SUBCULTURE/CO-CULTURE,Culture is subdivided into dominant culture, mainstream culture, and subculture(s), which coexist within each culture. Today the tendency is to say co-culture and sub-groups to avoid prejudice.,Cultures Within Culture,peculiar expressions or behaviors of teachers, lawyers, doctors, policemen and sportsmen. Are they subcultures or subgroups?,
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