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,中考英语教学思考及体会,成效中学 吕勋 2018年11月1日,亲其师,信其道,毕业班教学:建立和谐的师生关系!,毕业班英语教师困境,1、闻鸡起舞、起早贪黑、披星戴月 2、蓬头垢面、忙忙碌碌、紧张兮兮 3、抛夫弃子、健康亮灯 4、不讲不放心,讲了也白讲 5、九年级新课怎么上?九年级复习怎么办? 6、抢时间抢不过数理化,英语作业学生好应付,天天盯学生实在无暇顾及家庭,精力不够,如何规划毕业班英语教学迎接中考?,一、教师的准备 二、课堂教学及中考备考实施 三、其他几点建议,英语教师的准备,英语教育取决于英语老师的认识和视野,带学生去学语言,看世界,不能光教教材 中考只是学英语中的一个节点,不是终极目标,毕业班新课怎么上? 时间和效率如何平衡?,课堂教学一定要遵循语言学习规律,Exposure to language 感受语言,Comprehension 理解,Imitation 模仿,Active use 活用语言,Language input 语言输入,Language output 语言输出,学习渐进目标,Learn to say,Learn to use,Understanding what,INTAKE,以听说课为例,1、文本(备课、背课):语篇整体分析(What, Why, How) 2、听前:话题、背景(听的准备) 任务明确、指令清晰 3、听中:听力策略、监督、指导、讨论、协商、归纳、综合、推理(层次、梯度) 4、听后:mechanical practice/meaningful practice(内容语言概况提炼、语言支架) 双“基” :基于文本、基于学生 (老师:向导;学生:不是道具) 案例分享,毕业班每一节新课教学目标的制定及课堂教学的实施核心,教参认真看了吗? 所有教学活动指向、促进教学目标完成,否则就是无效的或低效的 每一个教学活动、每一个步骤都有目的,否则就是浪费时间 时刻问自己“这么做的目的是什么?”“这么做离教学目标更近了吗?” 精心备课,精简上课流程(有趣+高效),教材够应付中考吗?,远远不够! 教材是系统的体系,聚焦语言知识、技能,缺乏真实的语境、鲜活的语言和贴近学生生活的内容 语言学习需要大量输入,贴近生活、时代、丰富的课程资源 五级要求:课外阅读量为15万词以上,阅读目标,Develop independent learner and autonomous learner !,从现在开始让学生爱上英语阅读,英文报纸和分级读物(主题多样、密切生活、富有情境、语言鲜活、文化丰富、思维深度,有利于培养阅读兴趣,体验阅读的快乐) 与教材的关系:语言知识的系统性要弱于教材,不能取代教材,是教材的补充,也是阅读能力培养的重要途径。 如何使用? 没有一定的阅读速度就不能顺利的输入信息,更谈不上运用英语; 阅读量与质; 得阅读能力得先机,得中考优势,中考备考,学业考试形式与试卷结构,课堂教学高效/“猫捉老鼠”?(选择) 埋头苦干抬头巧干厚积薄发 教师的高度决定学生的高度,理性认识 加强研究,课程标准,教 材,考试纲要,考试,清楚命题原则,1、依据教育部颁发的义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)(综合语言运用能力五级目标) 2、根据安徽省考试纲要,仔细研读考纲“例证性试题”部分(尤其是每一个题型后面的说明) 3、重视基础知识与基本技能,突出综合语言运用的能力 4、语境考查,贴近生活,突出实用性,使用地道典型的当代英语素材; 5、面向全体,控制难度(较容易/中等难度/较难题7:2:1),纯知识记忆性的题目不考,注重语言知识在具体情境中的运用,2018年的中考单选和完形题中没有一题是语法知识记忆题,都是侧重语义理解,考生只有真正理解了句子和短文才能选出正确答案。 立德树人,重视“核心素养” 语言能力 学习能力 思维品质 文化品格,近几年 中考试题分析,听力理解,命题的原则,语言材料中没有生词,无关信息不能太多,难度符合考生的实际水平,1,2,3,4,所选语料鲜活真实,口语特点,语言地道,谈话情景多样,生活化,谈话人之间关系要多样,关注考纲附录中24个话题,命题的原则,短文选材有教育意义,对学生有启迪,5,6,7,8,要确保听力题必须通过听作答,通过读题可作答的题没有意义,要根据原文信息设计选项,主要针对关键信息设问,题干和答案设计不能出现考查语法的问题形式,中考典型听力题型分析,1. What time does Jack usually get home? 录音: A: What time do you usually get home from school, Jack? B: I usually get home at about a quarter past five, but sometimes a little earlier, at about 5 oclock. Question: What time does Jack usually get home?,短对话理解,Why is the woman going out? To go to work. To repair her car. To see a doctor.,W: I need to go to the hospital. I feel terrible. M: Oh, dear! Lets go in my car right now.,What are the two speakers probably talking about? A. A telephone. B. A computer. C. A lift.,录音: W: Oh, thats too bad. It doesnt work again! M: Sorry, madam, but you have to walk up the stairs today.,What does the man mean? A. He likes going on a picnic in autumn. B. He wont go on a picnic in bad weather. C. He wants to go on a picnic with the woman.,W: What about going on a picnic? M: In such weather? You must be joking!,听长对话理解,What does Ben want to buy? A cotton T-shirt. B. Cotton jeans. C. A silk T-shirt. 2. What color does Ben like best? Red. B. Blue. C. White. 3. Who will Ann buy a gift for? A. Herself. B. Her mother. C. Her friend.,M: I need a T-shirt to match my jeans, Ann. W: Do you like a cotton one or a silk one, Ben? M: I like cotton ones better. W: Me too. What color would you like? M: White. W: Oh, white gets dirty so easily. What about blue or red? M: But white is my favorite. W: All right. You decide. By the way, would you help me choose a gift for my mother? M: With pleasure. Friends should always help each other.,16. What does the woman ask Jim to do? A. To wash her car. B. To go shopping for her. C. To meet her father at the airport. 17. Who may be Jim? A. The womans friend. B. The womans uncle. C. The womans brother. 录音: W: Hi, Jim. Are you free tomorrow afternoon? M: Sure, it is Sunday tomorrow. W: So would you please meet my father at the airport? Im in Shanghai during this weekend. M: OK, when will he arrive? W: He will get to the airport at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. Thanks a lot. M: Youre welcome.,短文理解,Where do we usually play after class? On the grass. B. In the classroom. C. On the sports field. 2. What does Mr. Green always say to us? Enjoy singing. B. Learn by reading. C. Have fun playing. 3. What does Ms. Allen do to help us learn new English words? She asks us to watch English films. She uses songs and stories in class. She tells us to read them many times. 4. Who is sitting in the tree in the photo? Mr. Green. B. Mr. King. C. Ms. Allen. 5. What is the passage about? A. My school. B. My lessons. C. My family.,理逻辑,测大意,录音: I love my school. Its a small one in the countryside with only six classes. We have no sports field. After class we usually play on the grass. Our math teacher, Mr. Green, is a great teacher. We call him Uncle Green, because he is like our uncle. He always says to us, “Have fun playing”. And we learn a lot in his class from playing games. It is very interesting. The other teachers are great, too. Our English teacher, Ms. Allen, uses songs and stories to help us learn new words. Our PE teacher, Mr. King, loves to climb trees. Heres a phot
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