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Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Listening Speaking &writing,Vocabulary & Listening 1. Vocabulary (5m) Finish the exercise at Activity 1, Page 16.,Which words can be used to describe a city? Which word is connected with building? Which word means the opposite of difference? Which word do we use to say that something is sad? Which word describes the people who live in a particular place? Which word means a wide road on which cars can travel fast?,crowded, fascinating, huge,construction,similarity,unfortunate,inhabitant,freeway,Vocabulary & Listening2. Discussion (3m),Beijing has a lot more inhabitants than Sydney and is much more crowded. Beijing doesnt have as many freeways as Sydney does. There are fewer tourists in Sydney than in Beijing. Beijing is less dangerous than Sydney. Beijing has less rain than Sydney. Beijing doesnt have as much pollution as Sydney. There are as many rich people in Beijing as in Sydney. Beijing is as lively as Sydney.,Vocabulary & Listening 3.Matching (4m),dirty _ how many people the place has _ protected from danger or harm _ the business activity connected with providing accommodation, services and entertainment _ property, a large amount of money _ position _ a method of travel _ the production of goods in factories _,pollution,population,safety,tourism,wealth,location,transport,industry,Vocabulary & Listening - 4.Listening (3m) Listen to the conversation and tick the topics you hear.,climate industry location pollution population safety tourism transport wealth,Vocabulary & Listening 5.Exercises (4m) Finish the exercises at Activity 4, Page 5.,Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.,
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