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外研版 高二年级 (必修5) Module 2,Vocabulary, Listening and Everyday English,1. two words which mean the opposite _ _ 2. two words which mean the same _ _,permanent temporary,pay salary,Complete the sentences with the following words:,assistant career prospects contract earn permanent salary staff temporary pay (n.),Vocabulary,3. a word for a person _ 4. a word for a group of people _ 5. a word for a work agreement _ 6. a word which means to get (money) _ 7. an expression which refers to the future _,assistant,staff,contract,earn,career prospects,1. The job is OK but the _ is not very good. Only 500 yuan a month. 2. I have not signed the _ yet. Im still think about it. 3. I find all the _ in our office very friendly.,salary,contract,staff,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,4. This is my _ address. I dislike changing my flat. 5. How much does a cook _ in your hometown? 6. Ellen has got a _ job. He will go abroad for study in two months.,permanent,earn,temporary,7. He worked as an _ to the President. 8. She wasnt interested in her stage _.,assistant,career,You are a HRM of a company. Youre planning an interview for those who are applying for the following jobs. Now think of some questions to ask them.,job offers data analyst lorry driver travel agent office assistant,Listening & Speaking,HRM 人力资源经理 Human Resource Management,1. Listen to Part 1 of the interview. Say what job Claire is applying for. A temporary position.,Travel agent,2. Write a question Claire could ask the manager. Now listen to Part 2 of the interview. Did Claire ask your question?,How old are you? 2. Are you interested in a temporary position with us? 3. How did you find out about us? 4. What makes you think youll like the job? 5. Have you travelled much yourself? 6. What languages do you speak? 7. Whats your French like?,Listen the tape again and pay attention to the details.,19,French,ad in the local paper,Business Studies,deal with people use telephone a lot,French Italian,1,200,08:30 18:00,Monday,1st July,3,Saturday,Say who asks these questions, Claire (C) or the manager (M).,1. How did you find out about us? ( ) 2. What makes you think youll like the job? ( ) 3. Have you travelled much yourself? ( ),M,M,M,4. What languages do you speak? ( ) 5. Do I have to do any special training? ( ) 6. What are the hours? ( ) 7. When can I start work? ( ) 8. What sort of career prospects will I have with you? ( ),M,C,C,C,C,Choose the correct meanings.,1. It was a nightmare. A. It was a interesting experience. B. It was a terrible experience. 2. I managed somehow. A. I survived the experience B. I was the manager,Everyday English,3. My take-home salary is 2000 yuan a month. A. Every month I get 2000 yuan RMB before paying taxes. B. Every month I get 2000 yuan RMB after paying taxes.,4. Roughly 200 US dollars is 1650 yuan RMB. A. 200 US dollars is about 1650 yuan RMB. B. 200 US dollars is exactly 1650 yuan RMB. 5. I have a day off each week. A. I dont work that day. B. I work late that day.,
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