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Module 2 Traffic Jam交通堵塞,Module 2 Traffic Jam交通堵塞,display,receipt,fare,destination,5_(vt.)提供 6_(vt.)吹响(乐器,号角等) 7_(adj.)郊区的;市郊的 8_(n.)执照;许可证 9limit(vt.)_,provide,blow,suburban,permit,限制,10explore(vt.)_ 11react(vi.)_ 12solution(n.)_ 13mood(n.)_,探索,反应,解答;答案,心情;心境,14His first speech made a strong _on his audience.We were most_by his _skills of making speeches.(impress),impressive,mpression,impressed,15Most of us like the _ of using credit cards to buy things as it is _to carry.(convenience),convenient,convenience,1_ 与相连 2_ 被困在 3_ 立刻,马上;一会儿 4_ 四处走动;到处旅行,be connected to,get/be stuck in,in no time,get around,5_ 看到 6_ 正在建设之中 7_ 共有;共用 8_ 切断(电流),关上(电灯、电视等),have a view of,under construction,in common,switch off,9_ 保持冷静 10_ 肯定不;没门儿;决不 11_ 对感到满意,keep cool,no way,be happy with,1祈使句and简单句 _(只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来),Simply raise your hand,and a taxi appears in no time,2be worth doing 值得 Tricycles_(值得用)if you want to explore the narrow alleys(hutong) of old Beijing.,are worth using,3it作形式主语和have sth.done结构 _ (把你的目的地用汉语写出来是个好主意),Its a good idea to have your destination written in Chinese,4not only.but also. 不但而且 You should _ _ _(不但应听你老师和同学们的发音,而且)to tapes and broadcasting.,not only listen to the teachers and your classmates pronunciation,but also,5Why not.? 为什么不? _(为什么不用) public transport?,Why not use,6even though 引导状语从句 Whats more,central London shops did not lose business_(即使只有很少的汽车).,even though there were fewer cars,祈使句 1(2012湖南师大附中)Mum, I am afraid I wont do well in the coming test. Honey,_more careful,_you will make it. Ais;so Bbe; and,Cbe;then Dbeing;and 解析:选B。句意:妈妈,我恐怕考不好了。宝贝,再仔细些,你就会考好的。“祈使句and陈述句”相当于if引导的主从复合句。此句可变为:If you are more careful,you will make it.。,2Please do me a favor_my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 730 tonight. Ato invite Binviting Cinvite Dinvited,解析:选C。分析句意“请邀请我的朋友”可知有表示“请求”之含义, 故选择动词原形表祈使语气。,3Stand over there_youll be able to see the oil painting better. Abut Btill Cand Dor 解析:选C。本题考查祈使句and陈述句(谓语部分用一般将来时)。,4When youve finished with that book,dont forget to put it back on the shelf,_? Ado you Bdont you Cwill you Dwont you,解析:选C。反意疑问句应对主句进行反问,该句的陈述句部分是否定祈使句,所以反意疑问部分用will you。,5(2010高考四川卷)If you have a job, _yourself to it and finally youll succeed. Ado devote Bdont devote Cdevoting Dnot devoting 解析:选A。句意:如果你有工作并全身心地投入,那么最终你会成功的.,本题考查祈使句式及动词的强调。 由句意可排除表示否定意义的B、D两项;再分析句子结构可知逗号后和 and 之前的部分须是完整的句子,C项为现在分词,被排除;A项填入后构成了祈使句,do 是对动词原形进行强 调,故A正确。,1 permit nC通行证,许可证,执照 v许可,允许,准许,(教材P12)You should check the cab has a business permit,and make sure you ask for a receipt. 你得确保出租车有营业执照,并且一定要索取发票。,归纳拓展,You cant build a house without a permit. 没有许可证你不能建房子。 We dont permit eating in the classroom. 我们不允许在教室里吃饭。,(朗文P1456)With your permission,Ill send a copy of this letter to the doctor. 如果你准许的话,我就把这封信的副本寄给那位医生。,(牛津P1478)Ill come tomorrow,weather permitting( if the weather is fine)天气许可的话,我明天过来。,2 limit vt.限制 n范围,限制 (教材P12)Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the city centre. 标号1到100的公共汽车被限制在市中央运行。,归纳拓展 limit.to. 把限制到,限制 within limits 适度地;有限度地 limit sb. to (doing) sth. 限制某人做某事 set a limit to 限制;控制,go beyond/over the limit 超过限度 reach the limit 达到极限 without limit 无限地 limited adj. 有限的,(2011高考浙江卷)It seemed there was no limit to the heights to which kites would fly today. 今天似乎没有风筝能飞多高的限制。 (2011高考广东卷)In a world with,limited land,water and other natural resources(资源), the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. 在一个土地,淡水及其它自然资源有限的世界里,传统经营模式的危害正在增加。,Women should limit themselves to one cup of coffee a day.妇女应该限制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。,3 provide vt.提供 (教材P12)Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing. 公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。,归纳拓展 offer sb. sth. 给某人提供某物 provide against 预防;防备 provide for 抚养;为作准备,provided(on condition that)conj. (书面)只要 .a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry valleys.一个巨大的水利工程项目给干旱山谷中的农业提供水源,(2011高考山东卷)at the same time I want to provide them with a good education. 同时,我想为他们提供优质教育,(朗文P1578)I dont mind Guy coming with us,provided he pays for his own meals. 只要盖伊自付餐费,我不介意他和我们一起去。,4 convenient adj.方便的,便利的,近而方便的 (教材P12)Trains are fast and convenient,but rush hours can be terrible. 地铁快捷方便,但是,交通高峰时段情况就可能非常糟糕。,归纳拓展,(2011高考天津卷)It is very convenient to travel in Londo
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