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,倡议书,A Letter of Appeal,Step 1:要素回顾 Step 2:句式检查 Step 3:相关短语 Step 4:句式升级 Step 5:篇章润色,I,II,III,倡议,介绍活动 及目的,写信目的,引起对某一现象的注意,简述现象及危害及解决措施,意义 要求,号召,Check your reciting 句式检查,句式考查,1 带着创立一个和谐班级的目的, 我们班应该采取了一系列措施. _ a harmonious class, our class are supposed to carry out _. 2 随着的发展,它已经成为了一个很严重问题. _ ,it has _ problem.,With the aim of creating,a series of measures.,With the development of ,become an extremely serious,3我们要从自身做起贡献自己一份力。 Lets start_ and spare no effort to _ every day. 4 面对这个严重的问题,在情况恶化前应该采取有效措施 _ the serious problem, effective measures should be taken before_,from ourselves,do a little bit,Faced with,things get worse,5 综上所述,我们得出结论我们有责任努力。 From_ , we can come to a conclusion that _ make every possible effort to 6 我们只有齐心协力采取措施,才能战胜困难. Only if we _ and take effective steps , _,can we overcome hardships,it is our responsibility to,work/ stick together,what is mentioned above,Relative phrases 相关短语,为了 认为重要 越来越多学生 对很重要 强调重要性 是常见现象 努力做 应该 更糟糕的是 号召某人 是时候 有责任,with the purpose of attach importance to an increasing number of be of importance to stress the importance of is a common phenomenon that spare no effort to do ought to/be supposed to whats worse / worse still appeal to sb to do it is high time that sb should do it is our responsibility to do,短语识记,1 认为重要 2 越来越多学生 3 对很重要 4 强调重要性 5 是常见现象 6 应该 7 更糟糕的是 8 号召某人做某事,短语识记,Advance sentence pattern 句式升级,句式升级,1 Reading is good for us. 2 More and more cars have entered our life.,1.Reading is beneficial to us. 2.Reading is of great benefit to us. 3.Reading is beneficial to us, which broadens our horizons.,1.An increasing number of cars have played an important part in out life. 2 A large number of cars have entered our life, thus causing a lot of trouble for us.,词,短语,定从-意义,短语,结果,Polish the passage 篇章润色,练习3 随着车的数量的增加, 道路安全问题变得越来越严重。假设你是李华,是校学生会主席, 请你根据以下写作要点,给校报的英语专栏写一篇英语稿件 1、 列举街道上常见的交通违规现象 2、分析违反交通规则造成的后果 3、发出几点倡议(至少两点) 参考词汇: 车行道 roadway,文章升级,I am Li Hua. I am writing to say something about traffic. Nowadays, because there are more cars on the road, traffic problems has become a part of life. Some drivers drive too fast in the street . Some people even break the red light when they go across crossings. So there are many car accidents. To keep the traffic smooth, all the students should keep the traffic rules . I think traffic rules education is important. Lets take responsibility for ourselves and others.,开门见山提出倡议的目的,简单陈述某一现象 及其可能带来的结果,提出具体的倡议 / 建议,I am Li Hua, _ . I am writing to say something about traffic. . Nowadays, because there are more and more cars on the road, traffic problems has become a part of life. _,Some drivers drive too fast in the street . _ , some people even break 闯the red light when they go across the crossings. So there are many car accidents. To keep the traffic smooth, _all the students should keep the traffic rules when walking in the street . _, I think traffic rules education is the most important. Lets take responsibility for ourselves and others.,I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union. Id like to call your attention to the importance of obeying the traffic rules. Nowadays, with an increasing number of personal cars on the road, traffic problems have become part of our life. To our disappointment, some drivers drive too fast in the street . Whats worse, some people even run the red light when going across the crossings. In consequence, some car accidents happen from time to time. To keep the traffic smooth, I recommend that all the students should obey the traffic rules when walking in the street . Whats more, I think it is necessary to attach importance to the traffic rules education. Lets take responsibility for ourselves and others.,练习4 假如你是班长李华,班主任让你写一封倡议书,谈谈做志愿者工作对志愿者本身的益处并号召大家都能加入到志愿者的行列中来。 1、益处要点 (例如交友、视野、技术、经验、对未来的意义、个人价值、责任感) 2、希望大家在可能的情况下都能参加志愿者工作。,实战演练,假如你是班长李华,班主任让你写一封倡议书,谈谈做志愿者工作对志愿者本身的益处并号召大家都能加入到志愿者的行列中来 1、益处要点 (例如交友、视野、技术、经验、对未来的意义、个人价值、责任感) 2、希望大家在可能的情况下都能参加志愿者工作。 Dear classmates, _ _ _,1,2,3,_众所周知, _志愿者活动is very helpful to both those in need and society, so I am writing to _号召当志愿者. _, by volunteering, we can make many friends with people from all walks of life, _ _ we can get useful knowledge. _, volunteering can make us gain some valuable life experience and work skills, which_对未来的意义._, when we help those _ 需要帮助的人, we will see _ 个人价值and have_ 成就感. And whats more, volunteering helps us understand the society better, gradually_ ( realize) that we should be responsible for our country. _, _ 强烈倡议that all of us students sho
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