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高中英语完型填空满分冲刺Online shopping is coming into fashion in most cities, where people are able to make full use of the 1 developed Internet technology. Undoubtedly, shopping online is identified as a convenient, time-saving and money-saving way of buying thing locally and globally. Apparently, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money-saving way of buying things locally and globally. Apparently, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money-saving way of buying things. Thus, more and more shoppers are buying things online these days allowing them to avoid 2 sales people and long lines at checkout counters. In spite of online convenience. 3 , there are some items-like clothes-that customers prefer to 4 before buying. In light of this, two companies are finding ways to modernize stores and 5 the gap between online and in-store retail(零售).A software company that also happens to sell designer jeans, Hointer has created a fast and painless shopping 6 or its customers.Shoppers walk into a Hointer store and select one of the many pairs of jeans 7 down from bars. Then they point their smartphones at the tag and 8 the Hointer app, after which they select the size and press “try on.” The app then directs them to a 9 dressing room. German-made robots bring out the 10 jeans and deliver them through a chute (斜槽) to the dressing room in about 30 seconds. Immediately after 11 pairs of jeans are dropped through another chute, the “outbox,” they disappear from the list in the app.Purchases at Hointer are made with a swipe (刷卡) of a credit card. And 12 with a salesperson is optional! This allows Hointer to hire fewer people and focus on their eventual goal: developing 13 that supports a retail revolution.Mens clothing retailer Bonobos has 14 a more personalized shopping experience. Although it is in fact an online retailer, Bonobos has decided to open a handful of brick-and-mortar stores called Guide shops .Shoppers make a(n) 15 online before arriving at a Guideshop, where they receive one-on-one 16 from a fitting guide. Because these shops have limited inventories (存货), shoppers arent able to take home the suits they select. But guides help shoppers make online 17 before they leave, after which the items will be 18 to customers in one or two days.19 Hointer focuses on convenience, Bonobos Guideshops focus on customer service. But both efforts have one thing 20 : giving clothing retailers a new look for the 21st century.1. A. fundamentally B. rapidly C. instantly D. precisely 2. A. respectable B. considerate C. aggressiveD. violent3. A. however B. therefore C. anyway D. moreover4. A. convince B. guarantee C. ensure D. examine5. A. break B. bridge C. shallow D. deepen6. A. experience B. mall C. direction D. principle7. A. hiding B. hanging C. storing D. labeling8. A. start B. upload C. save D. download9. A. complicated B. available C. sufficient D. specific10. A. desired B. well-designed C. promoted D. well-prepared11. A. qualified B. wanted C. chosen D. unwanted12. A. interviewing B. interacting C. conveying D. interpreting 13. A. employment B. efficiency C. technology D. market14. A. come up with B. looked forward to C. looked upD. brought up15. A. decision B. appointment C. contribution D. impression16. A. contact B. instruction C. notice D. attention17. A. bargains B. sales C. purchases D. remarks 18. A. presented B. packaged C. delivered D. transferred19. A. If B. While C. Since D. transferred20. A. in conclusionB. in common C. as usual D. in general2、Bobby was getting cold in the snow. His shoes had a few holes and did a poor job of keeping out the 1 . He had been out for about an hour already, 2 he could not hit an idea for his mother s Christmas gift. Ever since his father died three years ago, the family had 3 . His mothers small wage could 4 make ends meet. What the family lacked in 5 they made up for in
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