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Module3 Unit 7,Protecting the Sea,Learning Objectives: 1. To know some words related to sea pollution 2.To practice listening for specific information about sea pollution 3. To raise the students awareness of protecting the sea.,Check the answers to the reading about a polluted coastal water in Zhejiang,China.,Key:CDCA,Word bank resource, pollutant, illegal, ban, environment, marine pollution, protectfrom, take measures, biological resources, be aware of , industrial waste agricultural waste, have an impact on , chemicals, plastics , dischargeinto,skiing,waterskiing,surfing,windsurfing,Brainstorming,We can play water polo on the sea, besides, We can find in the sea. We can also do in the sea.,Exchange your ideas like this,Example,optional,e.g. The ocean plays an important part in the water cycle. The oceans regulate (调节) the climate.,Other function,中国最美海滩一夜变三公里垃圾场 网友叹国民形象伤不起:2012年10月1日早晨,中秋夜过后,海南三亚大东海景区长达2.8公里的海岸线长,遍布50吨生活垃圾,这些垃圾均是市民及游客赏月留下的,严重的污染了海洋环境。,Brainstorming,What is polluting the sea?,agricultural waste,industrial waste,oil,plastics,chemicals,rubbish,Fill in the blanks with proper words,How do these things pollute the sea? _ and industrial waste could produce poisonous _ .Sometimes the transport of _ by sea cause pollution. People throw all sorts of _ into the sea, including many _ bags. All these things cause the terrible _ in the sea.,oil,chemicals,rubbish,plastic,pollution,Agricultural,Besides pollution, there is another problem with the sea.,pollution,over-fishing,While-listening,Task 1:Listen to the interview and answer the following questions 1.What is the problem 1? 2.What is the problem 2? 3.What are the reasons for problem 1? 4.What are the solutions to problem 1? 5.What are the reasons for problem 2? 6.What are the solutions to problem 2?,1.What is the problem 1?,Pollution,2.What is the problem 2?,Over-fishing,3.What are the reasons for problem 1?,All sorts of marine pollutants include chemicals, oil, industrial waste from factories and agricultural waste.,4.What are the solutions to problem 1?,Government departments look for ways to reduce pollution, keep a record of levels of pollution, find where the pollution comes from , punish people who cause pollution and break the law.,5.What are the reasons for problem 2?,Too many fishermen in the same place and better technology can catch more fish.,6.What are the solutions to problem 2?,Control the number of fish that people can catch , ban fishing completely , help people to get other kinds of jobs.,Task 2:Do an interview after listening . 1.After listening to the file , what do you feel? 2.Is the sea important to us? Why? 3.How can we protect the sea?,Task 3:Talk about the sea and discuss it in groups. 分析: 文章可根据提示分成三部分: 首先,简要叙述海洋给人们带来的好处; 其次,介绍海洋面临的种种威胁; 最后,详细论述应该如何保护海洋,提出具体保护措施。,根据以上分析,可以将提纲中总括性的句子转换成以下三个主题1.The sea is of great benefit/importance to people. 2.The sea is in great danger. The sea is seriously polluted. 3.Measures should be taken to protect the sea. ,Para1: The sea is of great benefit to people around the world. It can provide us with nutritious food and useful products. Beaches are a popular destination for people to take vacations and enjoy watching a variety of marine wildlife. Large quantities of scientific research are undergoing in the sea. .,Para.2. However, the sea is in great danger. The beaches are spoiled by the rubbish littered by tourists. Suffering from all kinds of damage, such as pollution and overfishing, the sea creatures are in danger of extinction. We cant imagine what our world would be like without them. sea.,Para.3: Measures should be taken to protect the sea. Firstly, strict laws should be made to punish those factories and people that pour agricultural and indus-trial wastes into the sea and that hunt and trade sea animals. Secondly, peo-ple should try to protect oceanic resources and reduce the threats and impacts on the sea from human activi-ties. Thirdly, people should be educated to improve the awareness of protecting the sea.,!,
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