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1 第一部分第一部分 GradeGrade 8 8 BookBook 1 1 UnitsUnits 3434 .根据汉语提示完成句子。 1The bookstore is _across from_(在对面) the school. 2You should _try on_(试穿) the coat before buying it. 3We Chinese people always _get together_(聚会) when the Spring Festival arrives. 4Make a wish and _blow out_(吹熄;吹灭) the candles. 5The girl _got lost_(迷路;走失) in the forest last week. .用括号中所给词的适当形式完成句子。 1I hope you can make a wise _choice_(choose) 2He introduced _himself_(him) to the people in the room. 3It _sounds_(sound) like she has left her hometown. 4Thank you for _helping_(help) me. 5Jack has passed his exams. Were going out to _celebrate_(celebrate) together. 6Please be careful when you walk _across_(cross) the street. 7An _interviewer_(interview) is a person who asks someone questions at a interview. 8I think travelling by train is more popular. Because its much cheaper and more _enjoyable_(enjoy) 9Im so _thirsty_(thirst). Can I have a bottle of water? 10We are all _deeply_(deep) moved by the filmA Dogs Purpose(一条狗的使命) .完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 1苏珊,该睡觉了,关掉电视。 Susan, its time to go to bed. _Turn off_ the TV. 2多亏了同学们对我学习的帮助,我才通过了考试。 _Thanks to_ classmates help with my study, I passed the exams. 3每到年底,大家就要忙着采购年货了。 At the end of each year, people _are busy doing_ Spring Festival shopping. 4她只对流行的衣服感兴趣。 She is only interested in the clothes which is _in fashion_. 5据报道,父母更喜欢与孩子面对面交流。 It is reported that parents prefer to communicate with children _face to face_.
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