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,一年外贸工作的心得 Rebecca 2016/8/16,如何获得客户的信任,目录,一、客户为什么会不信任我 二、客户不信任我的表现 三、如何获取客户信任,一、客户为什么不信任我,语言不吸引人,邮件缺乏逻辑性 信息沟通不及时 销售意识太强,客户感觉厌烦 承诺没有兑现,客户对我不放心 思想不对位,客户觉得与我没有共同语言 专业知识欠缺,无法让客户满意 我自己都不相信自己,二、客户不信任的表现,拒绝沟通 拿同类产品打压比较 讲解后,客户不赞同 担心推广后效果不理想 敷衍了事 拖单,三、如何获取客户信任,i always ask to myself: 如果我是客户,我要什么? 作为销售,我该干什么来实现客户所要?,1.简洁完善的方案推荐,图文并茂 2.植入工厂实力,增强客户对工厂的了解和信心 3.技术细节展示,图片往往比文字来带来的冲击更大 4.横向对比,突出相较于其他供应商的优势 5.及时让客户了解订单进展 6.耐心做好售后服务,我的实践 - Eyes of my customer,谈判阶段,下单后阶段,简洁完善的方案推荐,图文并茂,简洁的电池包信息,图文结合,让客户了解制作过程,植入工厂实力,增强客户对工厂的了解和信心,1. email 落款,2. 方案推荐中,3. 发产品中:同理,工厂简洁+设备,工厂整体外观,技术细节展示,图片往往比文字来带来的冲击更大,1. 用简单的组包方式试探性跟进,客户回复: I am very interested in more info about the technical differences of the battery chemistries. How much longer lifespan in terms of number of cycles? If research proves it to be superior, I dont more mind paying a little bit more for better than Lifepo4. Pictures and other technical specifications would be great if you can send them. Thanks again,当研发部不能画图时,不妨试试这种,组包多变,利用现有素材各种拼接,2. 组包焊接展示,3. 灵活应用现有概念产品,Wow. Thank you Rebecca. These are for the very serious larger vehicles. But I can see from this that your firm is very much involved in many facets of the EV industry.,技术细节展示,图片往往比文字来带来的冲击更大,横向对比,突出相较于其他供应商的优势,客户反映我方价格太高: Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your quote. To be honest your price is much more high other business proposal i had for a 100Ah battery. Your price is about to be the twice than others. Is there any explanation ? 计算性的回复: Hi Erhan, Good day! Thanks again for your sharing.I ve read carefully the link that you gave yesterday.It is true that their battery is similar to ours from the web. But from their price showed 477-520usd for 12v 100ah, we found that their price might be higher than ours. Lets take sample price for example,if the sample price(12v 100ah) they gave is 520usd,then 520/(12.8*100ah)=$0.4/wh,while our sample price is 660/(14.4*120)=$0.38/wh. PS: theirs is lifepo4 12.8v ,ours is NCM 14.4v .,重点分析Tor Helge 案例,一切信息确定,发PI,客户8号说找银行确认,但12号还没回复,于是跟进,得到回复 2016-07-13 20:30 Hi Rebecca Sorry, a lot of things happening data crash, almost all on holiday and id seems we have to open a new bank account for using T/T wihout extra expences. Will it be very expensive to use t.ex paypal ? Also I got a offer from GEB at 21.50 for 20 ah cells, please adwise. Best regards Tor Helge,我的回复: Hi Tor Helge, Thanks for keep informed. I fully understand that things are hard to go ahead because of holiday. When will the holiday end ? 表示理解 To ease your international business in the long term with different suppliers, i suggest you open a new account ,which is easy to operate on line and off line to save much time and cost and energy. 推荐开账户,对双方有利 And according to the feedback from our customers, West Union would be a good choice , you could pay directly by your currency, no need to exchange to dollar or China Yuan. What do u think of this? 委婉回复不能用客户的支付方式 But i got confused when you mentioned 20ah, why do you change to 20ah? To be honest, we also have 20ah or 25ah cells, but the reason why i did not recommend 20ah is because bigger capacity seems more suitable for u since your target capacity is 50-120ah. If using bigger capacity, it will save more space, decrease total weight and volume.It will also save your pack cost and time.Do u think so? 给客户分析用20Ah弊端 By the way, what is the voltage of GEB 20ah? 套点信息 Looking forward to your reply. Rebecca,15号继续跟进,打个亲情牌,也继续询问上封邮件我提的疑问 Hi Tor Helge, How are u? On vacation now? If yes, i m sorry for this disturb. Did you got my message of July 13th? Is there any problem for the finance or bank payment problem? Hope to your situations so that i could see what i can do. And i also hope to know your comments between 20ah anmd 40ah cells. By the way, Just check our all conversations from June 22 . I m very appreciated for your time and kindly sharing all those days. It is my pleasure to cooperate with u. Best wishes, Rebecca,然并卵,NO REPLY,当天得回复: Hi Rebecca Sorry about the delay. Yes acording to alibaba logistics that was the freight rates of FedEx IE. I was thinking eventually to use 3 cells paralell for better use of the capasity of the BMS systems (150 and 200A continous / twize that in peak) . Also the price is 2-3 dollars obove other offers for 3.7V 40Ah cells, please give me a goood reason to buy from you. I actually will need 106 - 127 cells, but would like to get your very best price for both alternatives. Most likely I will go for the 106 cell because of limited budged. Best regards Tor helge,我报$523,他说$509,换运输方式,对比工厂产品优势,降价 Hi Tor Helge, Good day. 1. It could be true if shipping ordinary goods by this price.But battery is sensitive goods in the world, in order to assure that you could recieve the goods without risk, so the shipping rate is higher, you could check through Customer office. To meet your bugdet requirement, i ve found sea shipping for u, the rate is $312, but the shipping time is about 30days. 2. Normally NMC battery is 3.6v. If the 3.7v battery
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