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Psychology in Our Daily Life,绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系,QQ宝 http:/www.qqbao.com,Psychology in Our Daily Life,People are driven by irrational forces or primitive instincts. Inner struggle between instincts and conscience often led to disaster which was manifested in the form of personal tragedies such as murder and suicide or collective tragedies such as war. Sigmund Freud,Task 1 A Story of a Chinese Idiom,The following silent flash movie is about a Chinese idiom. Try to tell the story after seeing the movie. And say what psychological state the story tells us.,Task 1 A Story of a Chinese Idiom,An Illusory Snake in a Goblet,In Jin Dynasty there was a man named Yue Guang who was fond of drinking. One day, he invited a friend to his house to drink together. Suddenly, his friend saw the reflection of a snake swimming in the goblet. He got so much frightened that he took ill on bed after getting home. And neither any doctor or any medicine could cure his illness. When Yue Guang got to know the cause of his friends disease, he asked the friend to drink at his house again.,Yue made his friend sit where he used to, pouring a goblet of alcohol for him, and asked him if there was any snake reflection in the goblet. There was still a “snake reflection” in the goblet! Then Yue casually took away the bow hanging on the wall. This time, the “snake reflection” disappeared. “So it was the bow reflection that was in the goblet!” His friend at once got well from his illness. “An illusory snake in a goblet” is used to describe the psychological state of being frightened caused by taking illusions as reality.,Have you ever heard or experienced such stories like Yue Guangs friend, in which your psychological state influences your behavior or mood, etc.? Tell the class your story.,The following are some adjectives related to the field of psychology or emotion. Choose a word and write a one-sentence story to describe an experience that illustrates the adjectives chosen.,The most embarrassing thing I did was to talk about the teacher when she was standing behind me!,Task 2 BrainstormingOne-Sentence Story,A crazy thing I did was to go swimming, naked, in my neighbors pool.,Here are some adjectives for your references, and you can add more.,Task 2 BrainstormingOne-Sentence Story,shocking, embarrassing, funny, happy, crazy, wonderful, ridiculous, terrible, comfortable, furious, panic, upset, angry, sad, disappointed, etc.,Task 3 ListeningPsychology of Clothes,Identification: Based on what you hear on the tape, match the person in Column I with the way one is dressed in Column II.,1. a man feeling insecurity,2. a person of minority origin,3. a homesick student,4. a young executive,5. a sociable and outgoing person,a. in warmer clothes,b. in bright reds,c. over-dressing in warm clothes,d. unconventionally,e. in dark blue suit,Column I,Column II,“So you really believe that clothes carry a kind of message for other people and that what we put on is in some way a reflection of what we feel?” “Oh, yes, very much so. People are beginning now to take seriously the idea of a kind of psychology of clothing, to believe that there is not just individual taste in our clothes but also a thinking behind what we wear which is trying to express something we may not even be aware of ourselves. Take for example the students who is away from home at college or university: if he tends to wrap himself up more than the others, this is because he is probably feeling homesick. Similarly, a general feeling of insecurity can sometimes take the form of over-dressing in warmer clothes than are necessary.”,“Can you give any other examples of this kind?” “Yes. I think people who are sociable and outgoing tend to dress in an extrovert way, preferring brighter or more dazzling colorsyellows, bright reds, and so on. In the same way, often, minority groups, who have perhaps failed to persuade with words, tend to express themselves by wearing unconventional, or what some might consider outrageous clothing. And in a recent survey it was suggested that employers prefer young executives to stick to grey, black and dark blue suits if they are men.”,Task 4 Video Clip,About the movie A handsome psychiatrist (Gregory Peck) arrives as the new director of a posh mental asylum. But he seems unusually distressed by the parallel marks, left by a fork, on a white tablecloth. Doctor Peterson (Ingrid Bergman) comes to the correct conclusion that Peck is not the new director, but a profoundly disturbed amnesiacand, possibly, the murderer of the real director. Gradually falling in love with Peck, Bergman believes in Pecks innocence, and attempts throughout the remaining reels to get to the root of his psychological problems,Discussion Questions: What is the root of the new director (Peck)s psychological problem? Has it ever happened to you that some of your former experiences greatly influence your later behaviors psychologically?,A merry heart goes all the
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