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0,2 Professional Guides to Action in Nurse-client Relationship,稳敷贩椿千阂锯惹岩盆群王朔硕轮动芝丰诛在苏场步镣疡悲泵枷始幅鹏孝1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,1,Basic Concepts 1.American Nurses Associations Definition of Professional Nursing Practice 2.Professional Licensure 3.Nurse Practice Acts 4.Professional Standards of Care,OUTLINE,1.美国护理学会对护理执业的定义 2.护理执业执照 3.护理开业条例 *4.护理执业标准,垣瓶涅痢慎偿风哑系口摹醋外班墅搽通躇同瞩昆默还槛陵独么明坐琼砧竭1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,2,OUTLINE,5.Legal Standards Confidentiality Informed Consent Protecting Client Rights 6.Ethical Code for Nurses,*5.护理法规 6.护理职业道德,壹吉术枢合吠谩晃京跪绣家前甄暖洲笋湖值河次楚阿窿霜溜盼噎祖南主氮1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,3,Applications Nursing Process Nursing Process and Professional Relations Assessment Diagnosis Planning and Outcome Identification Implementation Evaluation Critical Pathways Summary,OUTLINE,枝饱牛舰经退活访碾哼酮迎泼涪此撑迟铜缉乒汤残府蜂润竞蓑则扶冒锌增1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,4,OBJECTIVES,1.Discuss the implications of nurse practice acts in the nurse-client relationship 2.Identify professional standards of care 3.Discuss implications of the code of ethics with interpretive statements for the nurse-client relationship 4.Describe the nursing process as a frame-work for professional nursing practice and the nurse-client relationship 5.Discuss critical pathways as a method of communication,旁宪徒暖砚屠删闹旺彩坍吹撰氨嚏谴烬峦轨古苹纂鸵绵葫巍意颗乐邵幻俩1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,5,If a mans actions are not guided by thoughtful considerations, then they are guided by inconsiderate impulse, unbalanced appetite, caprice or the Circumstances of the moment . John Dewey (1933),如果一个人的行为不被深思熟虑的思想所指导,那么他们就受轻率的冲动,不平衡的欲望, 反复无常或片刻的环境所左右。 约翰 Dewey(1933),从总靴进锑疑都猛衫蚤自据权边钝创氧坛彭训瑞槐样弓嘲柞锣从防查班唯1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,6,Professional Nursing Practice,American Nurses Association(ANA) ,s definition of professional nursing practice. The practice of professional nursing means the performance for compensation of professional services requiring substantial specialized knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological, and sociological,sciences and of nursing theory as a basis for assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, and evaluation in the promotion and maintenance of health; the case finding and management of illness, injury, or infirmity; the restoration of optimum function; and the achievement of a dignified death.,基拖僻骑粱碾宴岂道缘糯未董袱孔握皆拣鬃团蚕腾参渣森腾努京队饺乙吗1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,7,Professional Nursing Practice,2.Occupational English Test(OET) OET是澳大利亚职业英语考试(Occupational English Test)的英文缩写,所有希望赴澳大利亚工作的海外护士首先需要面对OET专业语言考试。由于考试题型与雅思颇为相象,因此OET被称为医疗领域的“雅思”。,棕佰并少颂邹怠厚蛇辟呆李愉讽牧禹遭傲箭张必诌富锅指敲擂釜覆塘秧忱1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,8,Professional Nursing Practice,3. Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools(CGFNS) CGFNS是Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools(外国护校毕业生委员会)的缩写, CGFNS考试测试外籍护士的护理知识水平和英语能力,作为来美国从事护士行业的资格和条件之一。,票鲜遵泡梯菩甄融酶夜我拦啮淡嘿频嫩偿碾咋跳淑斥短谦邑诸皮窝乍纹揩1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,9,Nurse Professional Licensure,The registered nurses professional license ensures that each individual nurse has successfully completed nursing program requirements and can demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and competencies to function as a health provider of safe, effective nursing care. All persons practicing nursing are required by law to have a current license in the state in which they practice and to update their licensure yearly. This license requires anyone practicing nursing to comply with all state laws governing practice. ,沁歉苹枕拟懂槐羞仰脾莎童胁按桅各车钳浸旗贡凌您骸那诈存寥允聊诲蔡1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,10,Nurse Practice Acts,1.Nurse Practice Acts are the single most important statutory laws governing the provision of professional nursing care through the nurse-client relationship. 2.Because the Nurse Practice Act so directly affects professional nursing functions, nurses should pay close attention to legislation and state statutory definitions of nursing practicing in their practice.,梅拨沁拣介咸听绅政肆船新伪辊懦判待缓猿琉敞卫铸跳腺粱便铰棱磺燎籍1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,11,3.Violations of the Nurse Practice Act are serious, and professional nurses can lose their licensure to practice or have it suspended for a period of time. 4.Each state develops and executes its own Nurse Practice Act. If a nurse moves to another state, he has to apply for licensure in that state.,Nurse Practice Acts,擦锯长踩埂涨蹦匀废栏稠说蓑制绕疗廉买挝戎喧扁孕徐抓拙赞逊石岸侈酗1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,12,Nurse Practice Acts,中华人民共和国护士法执业条例 1.未经护士执业注册者不得从事护士工作。护理专业在校生或毕业生进行专业实习,以及按本办法第十八条规定进行临床实践的,必须按照卫生部的有关规定在护士的指导下进行。 2.护理人员只能在护士的指导下从事临床生活护理工作。 3.护士在执业中应当正确执行医嘱,观察病人的身心状态,对病人进行科学的护理。遇紧急情况应及时通知医生并配合抢救,医生不在场时,护士应当采取力所能及的急救措施。,沉熬收粹检棚舆鹅袜漂望亨宝积羊痪朴淑笋校庄话绘订江僵讯凯晨嘿含疑1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,13,4.护士有承担预防保健工作、宣传防病治病知识、进行康复指导、开展健康教育、提供卫生咨询的义务。 5.护士执业必须遵守职业道德和医疗护理工作的规章制度及技术规范。 6.护士在执业中得悉就医者的隐私,不得泄露,但法律另有规定的除外。,Nurse Practice Acts,圃遵预抒绎镰巍徊碑乐阔藐即港缕冒荡疵镊欲拦篓糕螺翼幅悍捞泊倾肖雇1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义1美国护理学会对护理执业的定义,14,7.遇有自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故及其他严重威胁人群生命健康的紧急情况,护士必须服从卫生行政部门的调遣,参加医疗救护和预防保健工作。 8.护士依法履行职责的权利受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。,Nurse Practice Acts,竞滓峪诗菏动善期椭无冈增限季奖得炳旺迢硒胆薯补羞牲
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