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广东高考 读写任务,考卷评改 背景,全省高考卷总数目:65万左右 改卷人数:不足千人 改卷总时间:20天以内 英语作文评改平均时间:8秒 结论: 作文应该结构清晰,句型准确,段落明显,卷面简洁。,写作要点,一,结构 二,语法 三,句型 四,高级词汇 五,内容 6, 卷面,(轻),(重),6,卷面 (轻),1,整体观感 2,段落 3,字迹 4,涂改方式,五,内容(轻),本质:自圆其说 方法:在13个万能理由中,找出任意3个自己感觉容易写的主题进行写作。,困境: 无话可说真难受 应对: 13个万能理由,经济 效率 交流 他人 安全 方便 环境 健康 情感 性格 经验 时间空间 利益,经济,效率,交流,他人,安全,方便,环境,健康,情感,性格,经验,时间空间,利益 你认为是住在城市里面好还是乡下好?,住在城里的好处? 住在乡下的好处?,1.安全 2.健康 3.经济 4.效率 5.环境 6.方便,1.经济 2.安全 3.环境 4.性格 5.交流 6.方便,经济,效率,交流,他人,安全,方便,环境,健康,情感,性格,经验,时间空间,利益 养宠物的利与弊?,养宠物的好处? 养宠物的坏处?,1.交流 2.安全 3.健康 4.经济 5.性格 6.情感,1.经济 2.安全 3.交流 4.他人 5.方便 6.环境,内容趋同,97年托福考试真题: 20世纪即将过去,21世纪马上到来,在你看来,20世纪最著名的发明是什么?为什么?它将对21世纪带来怎样的影响? 计算机,互联网,飞机,汽车,电灯,电,微波炉,电视,DVD,MP3, MP4,DNA,核能,相对论,名言谚语一例多用,Every coin has two sides. 每件事都有两面性 No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘一分收获 Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者事竟成,问题一:语法结构不清晰 when at the age of 6, my father began to teach me English. 问题二:中文式思维 Although she is a girl, but she sings like a man. Girl as she is, she sings like a man.,四,高级词汇(中),(另附资料),一,结构(重),预先准备动作: 1,在写作材料中,抽出3个要点。(以下称为要点1,要点2,要点3) 2,一般情况下,每段材料抽出一个要点。 注意, 要点常常出现在转折性连接词之后,例如but, however,结构:,第一段:概括 第1句,要点1+关联词+要点2 第2句,要点3 另外:也可以只用一句话表述。,第二段: 预先准备动作: 写作内容中一般有3个要求。通常第1,3个都略写,第2个详写。 第1句,承上启下: As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that this situation happens in our daily life. .+ 描述写作内容的一个要求的内容,第2句,如需谈 个人经历,可写上: I can think of no better illustration than my(friends) experience.,第三段: 第1句,开头 Speaking of + 要点B 第2句至第N句,扩写要点B的理由: Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally, ,第四段:结尾段。 第1句,(总结)Taking all these into account, it is important that +主题句 第2句,(升华)Only when/if we + 主题句 + can we live in a harmony society/ happy family 或者 lead a colourful/ wonderful life.,常用句型,1,there be + 名 + that 从句 2,, 非限制性定语从句 3,非谓语作状语 4,形式主语的句型 It is important that It is known to all that 5,when, if 状语从句 6,not only but also 倒装句 7,It is in the countryside that we can have a better living situation. 强调句,写作示范与步骤讲解,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 During a recent Senior Three English lesson, the teacher caught Xiao Li, a female student, busily typing messages on her cell-phone. To the teachers surprise, Xiao Li wasnt just texting her friends the latest gossip. She was actually blogging about what was being taught in the classroom, sharing her opinions about the information and material with her classmates and other students. The case aroused a heated discussion among teachers and students city-wide. Miss Li, an English teacher from another nearby school said, “I am amazed at how creative the students can be when writing on their blogs. To me its a great way for students to improve their writing skills while writing about personal feelings and experiences.” But other teachers are worried that blog-addiction may interfere with their students study. A supporter and classmate of Xiao Li said, “We love her blog! We all read it each day and cant wait to see what she writes about next. Her interesting stories and great suggestions on study really help to motivate us. And it adds a little fun to our stressful life.” Another student blogger admitted that he often works late into the night, writing his blog and responding to comments posted there. “Sometimes I dont even have time to finish my homework. I cant help myself. I really have a lot to say.”,【写作内容】 1)以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容; 2)然后以约120个词就“中学生博客”的问题进行议论,内容包括: a)博客的利与弊; b)你对中学生博客的看法; c)关于此问题的建议。 【写作要求】 1)在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2)作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。,原文材料3个要点:,1. A student blogged what she was taught on line. 2. Some supported her idea while others didnt. 3. Blogging had its advantage and disadvantage.,第一段:概括,A student blogged what she was taught on line and some supported her idea while others didnt, because Blogging had its advantage and disadvantage.,写作要求的3个要点,The advantage and disadvantage about blogging. My opinion about blogging. My suggestions.,第二段:,As far as Im concerned, there is no doubt that blogging happens in our school life. Blogging has its own advantage and disadvantage. As an old saying goes, every coin has 2 sides.,第三段:,Speaking of my opinion, blogging should be considered as a part of our daily work but not all of it. My explanation is as follows. First of all, it takes up some study time and interferes with school work because students have a lot of lessons and homework every day. (时间理由) Secondly, if the blogging topic is bad, it may mislead students life. (健康理由),However, blogging helps to practice ones writing skill. Furthermore, blog discussion will help to develop the ability to think independently, which is considered the best thing in ones life. (交流理由),第四段:,Talking about my suggestions, I think students may spend some time writing blog on line, which may help to improve their writing and reading. Its human natural to share their idea.,第五段:,Taking all these into account, it is important for us to learn that study is the most valuable thing and blogging is only a part of it. Only if we sp
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