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ConversationM:Man W:WomanM:你好,下课有时间吗?M:Hello! Are you free after the class?W:什么事啊?W:Something wrong?M:我想约你一起吃个饭。M: No, no, no, I just want to have a dinner with you.W:原来是这样啊,去哪儿吃啊?W:I see, then, where will we go to have the dinner?M:在临江门那边,新开的一家自助烤肉,我们可以去尝尝。M:In Linjiangmen, a buffet barbecue opened recently, we can go these to taste it.W: 那么远,还是别去了,我们去我们亲爱的食堂吃吧,便宜还近。W: Its too far, dont go there, lets turn to our dear canteen, cheap and near.M:食堂啊,食堂人太多了,还有一群小绿人跟我们抢饭吃。M: Canteen, too much people, so crowded, and a group of “green people” rob our food. W:你说的小绿人是大一军训的吧!M:What you said “green people” refer to the freshmen who are training?M:是啊。M:Of course.W:那好吧,这称呼倒挺有意思的,可是我还想减肥呢,太胖了。W:OK, Its pretty funny, but I want to shape myself, I am too fat.M:减肥,你这么瘦,还减什么肥啊。M:Shape, you are so slim, how to shape?W:哪有啊,我们寝室的都可瘦了,就我胖,所以我以后不想吃肉了,除非等我再瘦下来。W:Are you kidding me? One of my roommates is thinner than me, so I decide to stop to eat meat before I get thinner.M:不管怎么样,我都不觉得你胖,相反,我认为你很漂亮。M:No matter what you are, I never think you are fat, on the contrary, I still think you are a beauty.W:谢谢你夸奖我,是去吃烤肉吗?贵不贵?W:Thank you for you praise me, are we going to have the barbecue?Is it expensive?M:这么说你是同意喽!太好了,我发现女人就喜欢被人夸,而且还非常善变。M:So you agree with me, wonderful, I found that woman prefer to be praised, how a capricious girl!W:那是喽!谁不喜欢被别人夸啊,你们男生不也一样吗,对了,我们要去吃的烤肉贵不贵啊,好不好吃,要是不好吃的话我可不去。W:Surely! Nobody dislike to be praised,including you boys, by the way, is the barbecue we are going to eat expensive?M:五月一号到五月四号搞活动,58元每位,但是买一张送一张等值代金券,意思就是我们吃完一次,下次还可以再来吃一回,但是我也不知道好不好吃,新开业的嘛!M:During May 1 to May 4, they have the promotion, 58 RMB per person, while you buy one they will send you a equivalent voucher, which means that if we go there this time, we can go there to have a second time free, but I dont know whether it is tasty, after all, they have opened a few days.W:听起来很有诱惑力,那就去他家吧!我们待会怎么过去啊?W:It sounds very tempting, I decide to go there! How should we way to there later?M:打车过去吧,几分钟就到了,怎么样?M:How about taking a taxi, for few minutes.W:我突然想起来一件事情,我过两天还要见老师,毕业设计也没做多少,我怕老师到时候批评我,我想抓紧时间做毕业设计,实在不好意思,要不我们改天再去吧!W:Oh, it occurs to me that I will meet my teacher, but my Graduation Course Design has not finished and I want to finish my job quickly. How about another day?M:我能理解你,要不这样吧,我们这周末再去吧!M:I can understand you, how about this weekend?W:好呀!谢谢你能理解我,最近真的是太忙了。W:Fine. Im so busy nearly. Well you are so understanding and thank you.M:是啊,可是我们也忙不了几天了,现在已经五月了,等到六月底我们就要离开我们的学校了。M:Yeah, but we cant have too many busy days, and now is May, until the end of June we will leave our school.W:我觉得时间过得真是太快了,一眨眼,四年就过去了,好羡慕大一的学生,他们还可以在这儿待那么久。W:I think that time has gone by really fast, four years go away for a moment, and I admire the freshmen because they can stay here for so long.M:哈哈,羡慕他们,当我们是大一的时候,我们羡慕即将离校的学长学姐,羡慕他们可以出去挣钱,再也不用上学了,所以,没必要羡慕他们,好好珍惜现在吧!M:Ha ha, admire them, when we were freshmen, we admire the senior, admire they can go out to earn money, dont need to study anymore, so,its no need to envy them, cherish now!W:嗯!我会的,在接下来的时间里,我一定要使每一天都过得充实,关心好身边的人。W:Well! I will, in the next time, I must make every day meaningful, care about the people around me.M:这就对了,好了,我们先上课吧,回头再聊。M:Okay, thats right, lets go to class, talk with you later.W:好的,拜拜!W:OK, bye bye!M:拜拜!M:Bye bye!
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