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Unit 1 Translation from Chinese to English1.他描述了灾民们在直升飞机临时降落和救灾物资投放区绝望地等待救援的情景。他说,海军救援人员面临的一个挑战就是如何避免伤害灾民,这些灾民已经等了整整一个星期没有得到帮助了。(impromptu; scenes of desperation; Navy crewmen)Suggested answer: He described scenes of desperation in the impromptu landing and drop zones, and said a challenge for Navy crewmen has been to avoid injuring civilians who had gone without help for an entire week.2.教师们应该用其所有的热情、勤奋和努力去完善自我,为孩子的将来奠定基础,给孩子带来知识、智慧和快乐。(diligence; lay the groundwork for)Suggested answer: With all enthusiasm, diligence and efforts, teachers should improve themselves and lay the groundwork for the childrens future and pass onto them knowledge, wisdom and happiness.3.你可以让其他人对你的责任感和创造精神留下深刻印象,从而他们会给你权力去做你想做的事情。(impresswith; initiative; authority)Suggested answer: You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.4.老师为了对学生们强调说话前先思考的必要性,告诉他们在说重要的事情之前要数五十下,在说非常重要的事情之前要数一百下。(impresson; count)Suggested answer: The master, to impress on his pupils the need of thinking before speaking, told them to count fifty before saying anything important, and one hundred if it was very important.5.广告的目的是与消费者进行有效的沟通和说服,促销产品,进而建立品牌形象。(promote; accordingly; brand image)Suggested answer: The objectives of the advertisement are to effectively communicate with and convince the consumers, to promote the products, and accordingly to create the brand image.6.大学英语教学中,教师应转变教学观念,创造以“学习者为中心”的教学环境,并通过策略训练促进学习者自主。(promote; learner-centred; autonomy)Suggested answer: In college English teaching, teachers should change their ideas and create a learner-centred teaching environment to promote learner autonomy through strategy training.7.除生病或紧急情况等特殊原因,评审团成员出席评审团会议是强制性的。(attendance; Jury)Suggested answer: Attendance at Jury meetings is compulsory for Jury members, except for special reasons such as illness or emergencies.8.他很少提高嗓门和别人说话,从来没有和祖母吵过架,也从来没有违背过祖母的意愿。(rarely; defy)Suggested answer: Rarely did he raise his voice to anyone, and never did he argue with his grandmother or defy her wishes.9.医学的奇迹让好多球员可以继续踢球,这在以前,他们可能会需要很长的恢复时间,甚至不得不退役。(lengthy; footballers; retire)Suggested answer: The miracle of medicine allows so many footballers to play now when before they would be out for lengthy periods, or have to retire.10.接下来的几个月,我们会制订一套长远的策略和具体的行动计划,以改善教育制度。(map out; programme of actions; upgrade)Suggested answer: In the months ahead we will map out our long-term strategy and specific programme of actions to upgrade the education system.11.发言人称天气是一个关键因素,他们正试图算出是将该行动提前进行,还是推迟。(figure out; mission)Suggested answer: The spokesman says the weather is a key factor as they try to figure out whether to move forwards with the mission or put it off.12.当你发现自己开始沉湎于过去的消极经历时,立即停止,并提醒自己:“我现在这么做并不能改变已经发生了的过去。”(dwell on; halt)Suggested answer: When you find yourself starting to dwell on past negative experiences, immediately halt and remind yourself: There is nothing I can do now that will change what happened.13.众所周知,人类之所以有别于其他种类的动物,就在于人是有理性的。(universally acknowledged; rational)Suggested answer: As is universally acknowledged, human beings differ from other creatures in that they are rational.14.父母与其把自己的偏好强加在孩子身上,不如帮助孩子设定自己的目标并加以实现。(imposeon; preferences)Suggested answer: Rather than impose their own preferences on their children, parents should help them to set and realize their own goals.15.我们大多没料想到,电脑科技会对今日的人际关系与亲密关系造成如此的阻碍。(obstacle to; interpersonal)Suggested answer: Most of us have not realized that computer technology could be such an obstacle to todays interpersonal relationships and intimacy.Unit 1 WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below.1.Topic: The Most Remarkable Person in My Life Outline:1. 你所认识的最出色的人 2. 他/她的优秀品质 3. 你应该如何向他/她学习,成为一个出色的人Unit 4 Translation from Chinese to English1.没有直接证据表明任何一群海豚的灭绝是由于附近海洋日益恶化的卫生状况造成的。(become extinct; sanitary conditions)Suggested answer: There is no clear evidence that any group of dolphins became extinct because of worsening sanitary conditions in the ocean nearby.2.关于工作最低年龄限制的法规使这些童工重返校园。(legislation; minimum age)Suggested answer: Legislation about the minimum age for working has brought the child labourers back to school.3.选个长假出国旅游,散散心、开阔视野,已经成为国人重要的休闲活动。(expand ones horizons; a national pastime)Suggested answer: Travelling abroad to a country of your choosing, where you can relax and expand your horizons, has become a national pastime.4.随着互联网的出现,许多网上新开的商家在卖力营销,并渐渐发展出一些新职业。 (with the advent of; evolve)Suggested answer: With the advent of the Internet, many e-commerce start-ups are trying to sell goods online, and some new careers gradually evolve.5.而好运气加之大规模的财政刺激计划,将会帮助政府在2015
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