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考点一 常见介词的用法 介词against,beyond,by,for,with,without,over,in,on,at,across,through等介词是常考的介词,它们大部分都有多层含义,全面掌握这些介词的用法和意义,准确把握句子语境是解题的关键。下面就几个含义较多、掌握较难的介词做一下介绍。,1against意为“反对;对抗;违背;逆着;倚、靠;以为背景”。 Our classroom building stood out clearly against the blue sky. 蓝天清晰地衬托出我们的教学大楼。 2beyond意为“在的另一边;超出;非所能及”。 The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class.这个练习超出了大多数学生的能力。,3by意为“在旁边;到为止;按照;按计算数量、报酬等;通过方式;以的幅度”。 Do you rent the camera by the hour or by the day? 你的照相机出租是按小时还是按天数算? 4with意为“和在一起 ;带有;随着;用,凭借;关于;由于,因为”。 He woke up from a nightmare, trembling with fear. 他从噩梦中惊醒, 因为恐惧而吓得发抖。,5over意为“在的正上方;多于;在期间”。 We have something interesting to talk about over the meal.我们有很多感兴趣的事可以边吃边谈。 6for意为“为了;支持,同意;因为,由于;就而言”。 She is in her thirties but looks old for her age. 她现在三十几岁, 但是看起来比她实际年龄要老。,7off意为“在的外面;在的沿海;偏离;从离开”。 He lives in a village a little way off the main road. 他住在离大路不远的一个村子。 8through意为“穿过;整个;依据,经由;度过”。 My parents love got me through the hard time. 我父母的爱帮助我度过了困难时期。,考点二 介词的固定搭配 介词的固定搭配考查有两种:一是考查固定搭配中的介词;二是考查介词短语。常见的介词搭配有: apart from 除之外;for the benefit of为了的利益;in the way挡道;in time及时;on watch值班,守夜;for lack of由于缺乏; in addition to 除之外还;in case以免,万一; in turn依次,转而; in return for用以交换; in charge of负责; in favour of同意; in terms of 就而论; in particular尤其,特别;on behalf of 代表;on the contrary 相反;on the spot在现场,当场;on purpose故意;other than除之外;out of place不在合适的位置,不适当的; out of date过期等。,考点三 替代词及it的用法 1替代词的应用,The book is more interesting than that/the one I read a few days ago. 这本书比我几天前读的那本更有趣。,The books on the desk are better than those/the ones under the desk. 桌上的那些书比桌下的那些书要好。 Helping others is a habit, one you can learn even at an early age.帮助别人是一种习惯,一种你小时候就能学会的习惯。 Mr. Li gave me many valuable presents, ones that I had never seen.李先生给了我很多珍贵的礼物,这些是我从未见过的。,Yesterday I lost my pen and I couldnt find it anywhere. So I had to buy one. 昨天我丢了钢笔,哪里也没找到,只好又买了一只。,2it的用法 (1)指代作用 除了上面讲到的指代前面提到的同一个人或物外,还指代不清楚或没必要知道说话对象的性别时;还指代环境、情形;也可指代时间、地点、距离、天气、季节、度量衡单位等。 It is a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl? 宝宝真可爱,是男孩还是女孩? It is six miles to the nearest hospital from here. 从这里离最近的医院有6英里。,(2)形式作用 it常用来作形式主语或形式宾语 In my opinion, it is no use arguing with him. 以我看来,与他争论没有用。 You must make it clear to them that the situation is serious.你必须让他们清楚形势严峻。,(3)表示“喜欢;厌恶”等心理方面的动词后跟if/when等引导的从句时,常在从句前加it作形式宾语,常见的词有appreciate,like,love,dislike,hate等。 Id appreciate it if you could teach me how to use the computer. 如果你能教我如何用电脑,我将不胜感激。,(4)it的一些固定搭配,如make it成功,确定时间为;get it 明白了;when it comes to.当提到 When shall we meet again? 我们下一次什么时候见面? Make it any day you like; its all the same to me. 你喜欢哪天就哪天,对我来说都一样。,考点四 不定代词的用法 1all, both, either,any, neither, none的区别,There are trees on both sides/either side of the street. 在街的两旁都有树。 All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. 所有的马都是动物,但并不是所有的动物都是马。 Because Henry and Mark had to work,neither of them came yesterday. 因为亨利和马克要上班,所以两人都没来。 They were all very tired, but none of them would stop to have a rest. 他们都非常累,但没有一个想停下来休息。,2one,another,the other,some,others,the others的区别,【点津】 “another基数词复数名词” “基数词other复数名词”。 One was happy but the other was disappointed. 一人感到开心,另一人却感到失望。 Some people like to stay at home on Sunday, while others like to go to the cinema.一些人喜欢周日待在家里,而另一些人则喜欢去看电影。,I felt so bad yesterday that I decided this morning I couldnt face another day like that. 昨天一整天我感觉很糟,所以今天早上我决定不能像那样面对一天了。 I have got ten pencils. Two of them are red, and the others are blue. 我有十只铅笔,两只红的,其余都是蓝的。 Theres room for another three people in the back of the bus.公共汽车后面还能坐下三个人。,3复合不定代词,Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Nobody can achieve anything of real significance unless he works very hard. 一个人要是不努力, 他就将一事无成。 It is everybodys duty to take good care of public property. 爱护公物,人人有责。,4any,every的区别,I have many books here, and you can take any one. 我这里有很多书,你可以拿任何一本。 Every man dies, but not every man really lives. 每个人都会死去, 但不是每个人都曾经真正活过。 I hope there are not any sour grapes between you two.我希望你俩之间不会有任何酸葡萄心理。,考点五 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、 指示代词、疑问代词等的用法 1人称代词 (1)人称代词的主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作动词或介词的宾语。 He told me what had happened. 他告诉我发生了什么。,(2)下列情况下常用宾格 在be后作表语 Who is it? 是谁? Its me. 是我。 在单独使用或带not的简略答语中 I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。 Me, too. 我也是。,2物主代词 形容词性物主代词只能作定语,名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词名词”,在句中做主、宾、表语或与of连用作后置定语。 Those strange ideas of yours cant be realized at all. 你的那些奇想根本没办法实现。,3反身代词 反身代词有myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves,在句中做主、宾、表或同位语。 He was running so fast that he couldnt stop himself. 他跑得太快了,一下子停不下来。 It would be better to rely on ourselves than on others. 与其求人,不如求己。,4指示代词 指示代词主要有this,that,these,those,注意以下几点: (1)指上文一般用that,指下文只用this。 That is why Im working hard at my lesson. 那就是我要努力学习的原因。 This is an opportunity to promote the reputation of the company.这是提高公司声誉的机会。,(2)打电话时,用this指自己,用that指对方。 This is Joan speaking. Whos that, please? 我是琼,请问你是谁? (3)this和that还可表示程度,意为“如此,那么”,相当于so,作状语。 The next village is ten kilome
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