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Interests & Clubs 北京市房山区良乡第二中学 初一年级 齐蕾,WELCOME,Process: Introduce the Project Talk about Join in Interview/consult report,Project introduction:,1,2,3,4,5,6,Talk about:,Whats your partner s interest? Do you want to be in the same club? .,interest,Application Form,I want,You are a member of,pens ,paper,Join us:,Choose club,Interview/consult:,Come to ask more information.,Prepare for the interview, they must be very strict.,Share your information,For Example:1. My name is Alex, Im 13 years old. Im good at basketball, so I join the sports club. The basketball practice starts at 17:30 every Monday on the playground. My friend Tom and I are in the same club, so we only need to take one basketball with us,For Example:2. A: Which club do you join? Why? B: A: When does it start?/Where do we meet? B:,You can do it yourself or you can ask and answer with your partner.,Report:,1 2 3 4 5,Report,Develop your interest and Treasure what you have.,
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