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The International Trends in Digital Learning 教育信息化的国际发展趋势 & Embracing Technologies for the Flipped Classroom 翻转课堂与微课开发的新技术应用,Kelvin Loh 罗立夫 August 1, 201 3,A MORE SIGNIFICANT TRANSITION TOWARDS MOBILE LEARNING 碎片化移动学习将成为主流,accessible to the mobile workforce 便于移动型员工的访问,just-in-time performance support 即时性的应用支持,social/collaborative 社区化/协作,use down time spent 利用上下班空闲时间,A MORE SIGNIFICANT TRANSITION TOWARDS MOBILE LEARNING 碎片化移动学习将成为主流,HTML5,HTML5与Flash的争论已经尘埃落定, HTML5成为E-learning最热门的趋势。,http:/html5test.com/,课件制作工具在HTML5的未来应用中将最具潜力,Tin Can API,优于SCORM的全新的学习技术标准,可以收集范围广泛的用户进度数据(在线和离线)。,a brand new specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the wide range of experiences a person has (online and offline).,“the next generation of SCORM.” “下一代的SCORM” enables the tracking of a new world of learning experiences (online and offline). 跟踪用户学习经历(在线和离线)的新大陆,Video,If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million words. 如果一张照片胜过千言,那么一段视频就价值万语。,Snack-sized,Cost成本 Production time 生产时间,Effectiveness效果 Portability可复制性 Usability实用性,Video,Video with interaction 互动视频,Different screen size 适应不同屏幕尺寸,Multiple platform 支持多种平台,Engaging 人机交互,Suitable for mobile learning 适合移动学习,DIY/Rapid eLearning DIY快速电子学习,Challenges 挑战性,Budget 预判性,Flexibility 灵活性,Practicality 实用性,Resources 资源,Subject Knowledge 学科知识,Know how 操作性,Learning Object 学习内容,More,for,Tools,Simple 简单,Powerful 强大,Easy to learn 易学,eLearning 标准,Affordable 实惠,Effective 有效,Features 特色,Manageable 便于管理,Reusable 可重复利用,Easy upgrade and update 易于升级更新,Flexible实用,Learning Object,DIY快速电子学习,Flipped Classrom 翻转课堂,The flipped classroom inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering instruction online or outside of classroom and moving “homework” into the classroom “翻转课堂”颠覆传统教学方式,学生在课外在线学习课程,而将“作业”移进教室。,传统课堂: 教师是舞台中心的主角,翻转课堂: 教师是舞台一侧的导演,Flipped Classroom 翻转课堂,The Flipped Classroom is: 翻转课堂是: Increase interaction contact time between students and teachers. 大幅增加了学生与教师间的互动接触时间 Students take responsibility of their own learning. 学生承担起自学的责任 Students are more engaged in learning. 学生投入更多精力到学习中 Students get personalized education. 学生得到个性化素质教育,The Flipped Classroom is NOT: 翻转课堂不是: A synonym for online videos 在线视频的同义词 About replacing teachers with videos. 用视频替代教师 An online course. 在线课程 Students working without structure. 学生无序地学习 Students spending the entire class staring at a computer screen. 全班盯着一个电脑屏幕 Students working in isolation. 学生孤立地学习,Teacher prepared the self-paced digital learning content 老师准备好自己开发的 电子学习内容,Students went through the digital learning content at home at the their own schedule 学生在家自主安排 时间学习这些内容,Class time was spent doing labs or interactive activities to enhance the understanding 课堂上更多实验和互动活动, 以加深对知识的理解,Benefit,Student receive instant feedback 学生收到即时反馈,Students dont get as frustrated 学生获得成就感,Teachers revisit concepts students dont understand 老师复述学生没理解的概念,Teachers support students in class 老师课上提供支持,How it worked & benefits 运作方式与优点,Rapid/DIY Digital Learning 快速开发课程示例,Skills 技能,How to create Learning Objects? 如何创作学习内容?,Subject Knowledge 学科知识,Resources 资源,教师自己快速开发电子学习内容的基本要素,Software / Tools 软件/工具,Tools for creating eContent 课件开发工具,交互课程 Interactive Lesson,基本互动 Interactive Workbook,系统模拟 Simulation,简单课程 Non-interactive lesson,练习考试 Quiz & Test,学习游戏 Game,Camtasia Studio,Transforming Videos into Instructionally Sound Learning Objects 音视频转换、优化处理,NeoTEST 院校专业在线考试系统,Centralized questions bank 专业出题工具和试题资源库 Flexible in building test paper 灵活的组卷策略 Comprehensive online assessment system 全面的在线考试与评估系统 Powerful monitoring, evaluation and reporting 强大的监测、评估和报告,Chinese version available 中文版,NeoTEST Overview 系统概述,NeoTEST Create Question Bank 试题库,各种便捷而强大的独有教学功能,组建与管理试题和试卷,存储在试题库中,可自由创建分类和共享。创建的试题试卷同时可用于网络教学和练习,也可以打印后直接用于纸质考试。,物理,树型菜单 Contents tree folder,文件列表 Contents list at the folder,内容预览 Content Preview,方程公式,函数,几何,NeoTEST Construct eTest Paper 创建试卷,主要组卷方式:直接选定试题手动添加,或者设置条件通过搜索匹配试题。组卷时可以定义和修改试卷属性和排版风格。,备选试题列表 Selected questions list,试卷预览 Preview test paper,试卷属性 Test paper properties,限定条件提取 Conditional extract,题型、难度、分值的分布 Distribution,NeoTEST Conduct Assessment 测试评估,运用试题库设计不同的考试服务,创建和管理离线或在线的考场,控制整个考试过程。,管理考场 Manage Assessment,创建考场 Register Assessment,搜索试卷 Search Test Paper,预览试卷 Preview Test Paper,考试列表(名称,类型,条件,状态,结果等),选中的考试,显示详细的结果。 Search the registered assessment in the list (assessment name, types, terms, status, result, etc) when choose the assessment in the list, show the detail result.,NeoTEST Monitor and Report 监测和报告,考试完成后,系统将向考生和管理员提供多角度、精确的评估报告,如成绩单、名次、通过率、得分分布图、正确率、选择比等。,LectureMAKER NS,An E-Learning content authoring software which empowers anyone to create interactive lessons and activities that can be easily delivered in various ways based on the deployment requirements. 任何人都可以轻松创建交互式的课程和活动,Chinese version available 中文版,Cross browsing 支持各种浏览器,Dynamic live contents 动态实时内容,Comfortable interactions 舒适的用户体验,Easy-to-learn synchronization with multimedia 简单易学的多媒
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