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承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告摘要 Summary of Semi-annual Report 2012 I Important Notice Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Chengde Dalu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents. All directors are attending the Meeting for deliberation and approval for the semi-annual report. Financial report of this semi-annual repot has not been audited by CPA. Lin Lixin, person in charge of the Company, Zhao Yongsheng, person in charge of accounting works and Liu Guofeng, person in charge of accounting institution (accounting officer) hereby confirm the truthfulness and completeness of the Financial Report in the Semi-annual Report 2012. II. Company Profile (I) Company information Short form for A-share Code for A-share,Listing stock exchange,Shenzhen Stock Exchange,Secretary of the Board,Representative of security affairs,Name Contact adds. Tel. Fax. E-mail,Lin Lixin Xiabancheng Town, Chengde County, Hebei 0314-3115048 0314-3111475 llx5048126.com,(II) Major accounting data and financial indexes 1. Major accounting data and financial indexes Whether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not yes no Increase/decrease in this,End of this period,End of last period,period-end over that of last period-end (%),Total assets(RMB),222,919,812.62,219,022,670.81,1.78%,Owners equity attributable to,shareholders of the listed,-39,587,020.07,-23,882,038.57,-65.76%,company(RMB),Share capital(Share) Net assets per share attributable to,706,320,000.00,706,320,000.00,shareholder of listed company,-0.056,-0.034,-65.76%,(RMB/ Share) 1,Note,承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告摘要,Asset-liability ratio (%),117.8%,110.01%,7.04%,Reporting period (Jan. to June),Increase/decrease in this Same period of last year period-end over that of last period-end (%),Total business revenue(RMB) Business profit(RMB) Total profit(RMB),481,640.00 -7,711,444.59 -17,630,458.39,21,250.00 -5,254,012.57 -4,385,273.08,2,166.54% -46.77% -302.04%,Net profit attributable to,shareholders of the listed company,-15,704,981.50,-4,069,051.79,-285.96%,(RMB) Net profit attributable to,shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains,-7,740,409.84,-4,937,791.28,-56.76%,and losses(RMB),Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share),-0.022 -0.022,-0.006 -0.006,-266.67% -266.67%,Weighted average ROE (%) Weighted average ROE after deducting non-recurring gains/losses (%),Net cash flow arising from operating activities(RMB) Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities (RMB/Share),2,360,386.21 0.003,-20,647,074.69 -0.029,111.43% 111.43%,Explanation on accounting data and financial index at period-end (stating adjustment explanation if there has retroactive adjustment) 2. Item with non-recurring gains/losses applicable Non-applicable The amount from the,Item with non-recurring gains/losses Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets,beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period(RMB) -8,762,601.63,Tax refund or exemption out of authorization, with absence of official approval document or accidentally Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses(while closely related with the normal business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the unified national standard) Fund occupation expenses received from non-financial enterprises that reckon into current gains/losses 2,承德大路股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告摘要 Income occurred when investment cost paid by enterprise for obtaining subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower than its share in fair value of net realizable assets of invested units Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets Gains and losses from entrusted investment or management assets Various asset impairment reserve provided for force majeure, such as natural disaster; Gains/losses from debt reorganization Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure for allocation of employees and integration fee Gains and losses from excess of transaction which are conducted on a non-fair-valued basis over its fair value Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries occurred from combination under the same control commencing from period-begin to combination date Gains and losses from contingent events which has no relation with normal business of the Company Gains and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction financial assets and financial liabilities except for the effective hedge business related to normal business of the Company, and investment income from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for sale Reversal of impairment reserve for account rece
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