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,William Faulkner (1897-1962),-One of the greatest writer in 20th century -initiator of Southern Renaissance -one of the most influential modernist novel writers in the West -the Nobel Prize in 1949,An American novelist and poet whose works feature his native state of Mississippi regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize for Literature.,regarded as one of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States; a representative of the writers using stream of consciousness,(William Faulkner 18971962),Works are famous for multiple(多重的) narrations and time shifts within narrative. Works are known to be very challenging and difficult.,Faulkner in Hollywood,In the university of Virginia campus, The Sound and the Fury 喧哗与骚动 (1929) As I Lay Dying 在我弥留之际 Light in August 八月之光 Absalom, Absalom 押沙龙, 押沙龙!,literary career:,Faulkners most celebrated novels,Achievements,Winner of the 1949 Nobel Prize for Literature(诺贝尔文学奖) regarded as an important interpreter of the universal theme of “the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself“ experimented in the use of stream-of-consciousness technique and in the dislocation of narrative time.,Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech,(Para.1)I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work - a lifes work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.,我觉得诺贝尔奖不是授予我这个人的,而是授予我的作品,一部生命的作品,里面充满了人类精神的痛苦与汗水;它无关荣耀,更无关金钱,只关乎于在人类精神中创造的、从来不曾存在的素材。,So this award is only mine in trust. .,所以,这个奖只是对我的信任。尽管我们不难发现这个奖项在金钱方面作出的充分贡献、体现了创始的目的和意义,但我仍然要和这些掌声和喝彩一道,把这个时刻作为一个高台,让那些有志献身于同样的痛苦和辛劳的年轻人听到我的声音;在他们当中,某天必定会有人站在我站的这里。,(Para.2) Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up?,所以我们今天的悲剧带有普遍性和全球性,这种肉体的恐惧由来已久,绵延至今。以致我们几乎难以承受。精神不再被关注,人们只关注一个问题: 我什么时候才能一鸣惊人?,Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.,故此,如今年轻人在写作时忘记了人类内心的冲突,而这种冲突本身就可以造就优秀的文字,因为只有它才值得书写,才值得痛苦和流汗。,(P3)人们必须重温这些,必须教会自己:一切事物中最基本的东西才最值得敬畏;并且,还要教会自己,没齿不忘,永远在自己的工作室里为亘古不变的心灵的真理留出位置;离开这些亘古不变的真理,任何小说都注定如浮游朝菌生命一般地短暂 - -爱或荣誉或怜悯或自豪或同情或牺牲。如果不这样做,他的一切劳作都会受到魔咒。 他所描绘的不是爱情而是肉欲,他所记述的失败里不会有人失去任何有价值的东西,他所描绘的胜利中也没有希望,更没有同情和怜悯。他的悲哀,缺乏普遍的基础,留不下丝毫痕迹。他所描述的不是人类的心灵,而是人类的内分泌物。,(P4)只有当他重温了这些,他写作起来才会如同亲临其境,如同亲历人的结局。我不屑于接受人的终结。谁都可以脱口说出:人是不朽的,就因为他可以忍耐;在夜幕四合时分,即便临终的钟声在残阳映照的最后一块荒芜的枯石上响过、消逝,仍将还有一个声音:他的声音仍在叙述,微弱而不绝如缕。我拒绝接受这些。,I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.,我相信,人不仅仅能够忍耐,他还能够超越。他之所以不朽,不是因为在芸芸众生中唯独他可以发出不绝如缕的声音,而在于他有心灵,他的精神中可以容纳同情、牺牲和坚忍。,一个诗人,一个作家,他的天职就是描写这些事情。诗人和作家的特权就是帮助一个人升华心灵,学会忍耐;就是唤醒他的勇气,他的荣誉,他的希望,他的自豪,他的同情心,他的牺牲精神。这些都是他往日的荣光。诗人的声音不必仅仅是人的纪录,它可以是一个工具,是帮助他忍耐和超越的支柱。,Main idea,1.Only the human heart in conflict with itself is worth writing. (Para.2) 2.The basest of all things is to be afraid. Writers should remember forever that good writing reflects the old verities and truths of the heart, the old universal truthslove and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. (Para.3),Main idea,3.Man will not merely endure, he will prevail. He is immortal because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. (Para.4) 4. It is the poets, the writers privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice. (Para.4),
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