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1,医务人员 消除艾滋病歧视行动 知识培训,2,关注艾滋病日 今年12月1日是第27个世界艾滋病日,3,世界卫生组织艾滋病防治亲善大使、卫生部预防艾滋病宣传员彭丽媛参与拍摄反歧视公益短片,4,5,关于在医疗场所消除与艾滋病相关的羞辱与歧视的倡议书,关于在医疗场所消除与艾滋病相关的羞辱与歧视的倡议书.doc,6,消除歧视的策略 Strategies to Eliminate AIDS Stigma,政治承诺 领导人率先垂范 Political commitment, leaders in the frontier 法律法规 明确反歧视条款 Law enforcement, articulating anti-stigma terms 国家政策 造就关爱之基础 Government policy, laying foundation for care 宣传和动员 创造善待感染者的舆论氛围 Social marketing and community mobilization, creating a supportive atmosphere for people with HIV/AIDS,7,法律法规 Law Enforcement,中华人民共和国传染病防治法 Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act 第十六条 国家和社会应当关心、帮助传染病病人、病原携带者和疑似传染病病人,使其得到及时救治。任何单位和个人不得歧视传染病病人、病原携带者和疑似传染病病人。 Article 16: Government and society should care and help infectious disease patients, pathogen carriers and those suspected of having an infectious disease. They should get timely treatment and should not be discriminated against by others.,8,中华人民共和国传染病防治法 Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act 第十二条 “疾病预防控制机构、医疗机构不得泄露涉及个人隐私的有关信息、资料。 “侵犯单位和个人合法权益的,有关单位和个人可以依法申请行政复议或提起诉诉。” Article 12: “Organizations who work for disease prevention and control and who provide health care are not permitted to disclose confidential information about individuals. “For behaviors infringing on lawful rights and interests of groups and/or individuals, the groups and/or individuals can apply for administrative reconsideration or prosecute those responsible on the basis of relevant legislation”.,法律法规 Law Enforcement,9,中华人民共和国传染病防治法 Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act 第六十八条 “疾病预防控制机构违反本法规定,有下列情形之一的(五)故意泄露传染病病人、病原携带者、疑似传染病病人、密切接触者涉及个人隐私的有关信息、资料的”,其负有主要责任的组织或个人将被处以不同级别的处罚,如警告、降级、撤职、开除等。 Article 68: “If disease prevention and control organizations violate the present law, as in one of the following situations 5)Intentional disclosure of confidential information of confirmed infectious disease patients, carriers of pathogens, unconfirmed cases and those in close contact with infectious disease patients,” the organizations and/or individuals responsible will be punished at different levels, such as, warning, demotion,reassignment and dismissal.,法律法规 Law Enforcement,10,中华人民共和国传染病防治法 Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act 第六十九条 “医疗机构违反本法规定,有下列情形之一的 (七)故意泄露传染病病人、病原携带者、疑似传染病病人、密切接触者涉及个人隐私的有关信息、资料的”,其负有主要责任的组织或个人将被处以不同级别的处罚,如警告、降级、撤职、开除等。 Article 69: “If health care organizations violate the present law, as in one of the following situations 7)Intentional disclosure of confidential information of confirmed infectious disease patients, carriers of pathogens, unconfirmed cases and those in close contact with infectious disease patients,” the organizations and/or individuals responsible will be punished at different levels, such as, warning, demotion,reassignment and dismissal.,法律法规 Law Enforcement,11,法律法规 Law Enforcement,艾滋病管理条例 (在审批程序之中) HIV/AIDS Act (In the process of review for approval) 第九条 艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人及其配偶、子女的就业、就学、就医和参加社会活动等权利受法律保护。 任何单位和个人不得歧视艾滋病病毒感染者、艾滋病病人及其配偶和子女。 Article 9: The laws and regulations protect the rights of HIV-infected individuals, AIDS patients, their spouses and children to employment, education, health services, and participation of social activities. Any institutes or individuals should not discriminate against HIV-infected individuals, AIDS patients, their spouses and children.,12,政策“四免一关怀” Policy Four Frees and One Care,在全国范围内为自愿接受艾滋病咨询检测的人员免费提供咨询和初筛检测; Free Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) 对农村居民和城镇未参加基本医疗保险等医疗保障制度的经济困难人员中的艾滋病病人免费提供抗病毒治疗药物; Free ARV drugs to AIDS patients who are rural residents or people with financial difficulties living in urban areas 为感染艾滋病病毒的孕妇提供免费母婴阻断药物及婴儿检测试剂; Free ARV drugs to HIV infected pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission, and HIV testing of newborn babies,13,对艾滋病病人的孤儿免收上学费用; Free schooling for children orphaned by AIDS 将生活困难的艾滋病病人纳入政府救助范围,按照国家有关规定给予必要的生活救济。积极扶持有生产能力的艾滋病病人开展生产活动,增加其收入。 Care and economic assistance to the households of people living with HIV/AIDS,政策“四免一关怀” Policy Four Frees and One Care,14,艾滋病感染者是我们大家庭的成员 温家宝到中国疾控中心考察并与感染者医务科研人员国际组织代表等座谈,15,李克强总理,16,政策 Policy,国务院及相关部门制定了一系列具体政策: State Council and Departments developed series AIDS implementation policies 国务院关于切实加强艾滋病防治工作的通知 Comprehensive Policy Framework for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in China (State Council Document No.7) 国务院防治艾滋病工作委员会办公室关于印发全国艾滋病防治宣传教育工作指导方案(2004-2008年)的通知 Notice on HIV/AIDS Prevention IEC Guidelines 2004-2008 (State Council AIDS Working Committee Office) 卫生部、财政部关于印发艾滋病抗病毒治疗和自愿咨询检测办法的通知 Notice on ARV Treatment and Voluntary Counseling and Testing (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance) 卫生部、国家中医药管理局关于印发关于艾滋病抗病毒治疗管理工作的意见的通知 Notice on ARV Treatment Management (Ministry of Health and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine),17,政策 Policy,教育部关于贯彻落实国务院关于切实加强艾滋病防治工作的通知 Notice on the Implementation of the AIDS Prevention and Care Guidelines of the State Council (Ministry of Education) 民政部关于加强对生活困难的艾滋病患者、患者家属和患者遗孤救助工作的通知 Notice on Strengthening Ass
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