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,PEP 四年级下册,Unit 6 Shopping,Part B 第一课时,New words,how much 多少钱 eighty 八十 dollar 元 pretty 美观的:精致的 expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的 cheap 花钱少的;便宜的 nice 好的,Lets talk,Sarah, how do you like this skirt?,Its very pretty.,Can I help you?,Yes. How much is this skirt?,Its 89.,Oh, thats expensive!,I like it, Mum.,Sorry, Sarah. Its too expensive.,Lets act,It will be cold soon. You have 50 yuan. Choose three things.,¥10,¥20,¥10,¥6,¥15,¥12,¥16,¥4,Choose the things and tell us why.,¥10,¥20,¥10,¥6,¥15,¥12,¥10,¥4,That scarf is pretty. How much is it?,Its 10 yuan.,Ill take it!,What do you want to choose the other two?,¥10,¥20,¥10,¥6,¥15,¥12,¥10,¥4,加紧学习,抓住中心,宁精勿杂,宁专勿多。 周恩来,
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