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Amazing people,Book 2 Unit 3,话题词汇 1.achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩 2.ambitious adj.有雄心壮志的 3.background n.背景 4.characteristic adj.典型的;独特的 5.contribution n.贡献 6.outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 7.outstanding adj.优秀的;杰出的 8.have a gift for对有天赋 9.be enthusiastic about对热心 10.make efforts to do sth.努力做某事,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题佳作 请根据以下信息,介绍一位传奇人物。 姓名:Allan Stewart 国籍:澳大利亚 出生日期:1915年3月7日 世界纪录:2006年获硕士学位时年龄最大 学习态度:挑战自我,永远为时不晚。,第一个学位:1936年获得 第二个学位:医学博士 第三个学位:80多岁时决定学习法律,2006年获得硕士学位。 第四个学位:2012年通过网络学习获得,善于合理安排学习时间,受到老师表扬。 参考词汇:硕士学位masters degree;博士doctor,佳作欣赏 Here is a legendary Australian named Allan Stewart,who was born on March 7,1915.He holds such an amazing attitude towards learning that one is never too old to challenge oneself.He has attained 4 degrees,the first of which was obtained in 1936.After getting his second degree,Doctor of Medicine,Mr. Stewart decided to take up law in his eighties and in 2006 he succeeded in winning his third degree,which led him to set a world record of being the oldest holder of a masters degree.He was awarded the fourth degree in 2012 by learning online.And he earned praise from his teachers for making good use of his study time in a proper and reasonable manner.,名师点睛 本文有机整合题目所提供的信息,通过简朴的语言和合理的行文顺序把写作要点准确地表达出来。文中过去分词短语作定语、定语从句等高级句式和诸如never too old to.,take up,succeed in doing.,set a world record,make good use of等短语的综合运用,使得语言富于变化,增强了文章的表达效果。,自主排查 语境提升,直击重点 突破考点,内容索引,教材升华 综合运用,自主排查 语境提升,.写作必记单词 1. adj.好奇的,求知欲强的 n.好奇心;求知欲 adv.好奇地;奇怪地 2. n.惩罚 vt.惩罚 3. adj.科学的 4. vt.打扰,扰乱,curious,curiosity,curiously,punishment,1,punish,scientific,disturb,5. vi.&vt.呼吸 6. adj.广泛的,普遍的 7. n.要求,规定 vt.要求 8. vt.启迪,赋予灵感;激励,鼓舞 adj.受到启示的 adj.鼓舞人心的 n.灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物) 9. adj.本地的;本国的,breathe,widespread,requirement,require,inspire,inspired,inspiring,inspiration,native,10. adj.各种各样的 n.变化;多样(化);多变(性) vi.&vt.变化 11. n.组织;机构 12. n.&vt.愿望,欲望,渴望 13. vi.申请 vt.使用,应用 n.应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷 n.申请人 14. n.品质;质量 15. adv.的确,确实,various,variety,vary,organization,desire,apply,application,applicant,quality,indeed,.阅读识记单词 16.fortune n._ 17.preserve vt._ 18.content n._ 19.swallow vt.&vi._ 20.shortly adv._ 21.coincidence n._ 22.connection n._,大笔的钱,财富;运气,保存,保护,保持,内容,吞下,吞咽,不久,很快,巧合,碰巧,联系,23.virus n._ 24.labour n.&vi._ 25.signal n._ vi.&vt._ 26.warning n._ vi.&vt.警告;提醒 27.outgoing adj._ 28.data n.(pl.)_,劳动,努力工作,信号,发信号;表明,警告,warn,爱交际的;友好的;外向的,数据;资料,病毒,29.rare adj._ 30.discourage vt._ adj.感到泄气的 adj.令人泄气的 n.泄气,灰心 31.devotion n._ vt.献身于,专心致志于,稀有的,罕见的,使灰心;劝阻,discouraged,discouraging,discouragement,奉献;忠诚;专心,devote,32.murder vt.&n._ 33.status n._ 34.superior n._ adj._ 35.optimistic adj._ n.乐观,乐观主义 n.乐观主义者;乐天派,谋杀,地位,身份,上级,上司,更好的,更高的,乐观的,抱乐观看法的,optimism,optimist,语境活用 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.Perhaps evolution(进化) provided human babies with (curious) and a natural drive to explain their worlds.(2016浙江) 2. (fortune),Natalies family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the citys bridges closed.(2016北京) 3.He always finds a way to escape (punish).,curiosity,Fortunately,punishment/being punished,4.Viewing childhood development as a (science) investigation throws light on how children learn.(2016浙江) 5.But he left a deep impression on me and gave me the _ (inspire) to pick up my pen again.(2015江苏) 6.His (devote) to his wife and family is touching. 7.If you come to visit China,you will experience a culture of amazing depth and (various).(2015安徽) 8.Ive finished the (apply) form and personal resume. (2016全国),scientific,inspiration,devotion,variety,application,1. 对感到好奇 2. 启航 3. (偶然)遇见;发现 4. 也,以及 5. 关于,与有关,2,be curious about,set sail,come across,as well as,in connection with,6. 导致,结果是 7. 带来好结果;得到回报 8. 开始使用 9. 掌管,控制(某物) 10. 载入史册 11. 敬佩,result in,pay off,come into use,be in control(of something),go down in history,look up to,语境活用 运用上述短语完成片段 Li Qiang was looking forward to becoming an astronaut some day.The strong desire inspired him to devote himself to leaning scientific knowledge.Although he had 1. (遇见) various difficulties,he was never discouraged from learning scientific knowledge.He was not only optimistic about his future but also always 2. (控制) himself.It was his excellent qualities that 3. (导致) his success.Nowadays,the young 4. (敬佩) him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.,come across,in control of,resulted in,look up to,1.by时间状语 By the 1920s,he had become an explorer,searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. 到了20世纪20年代,他已经成为一名探险家,致力于寻找古埃及国王的陵墓。 仿写 这条铁路将于明年年底前竣工。 The railway
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