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Unit 3 Weather,Part B lets learn,Say quickly!,cold,hot,warm,cool,Whats the weather like in Harbin?,Its cold in Harbin.,Harbin,Whats the weather like in Hainan?,Its hot in Harbin.,Hainan,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its warm in Beijing.,Beijing,Whats the weather like in Lhasa?,Its cool in Lhasa.,Lhasa,world map,weather reporter,世界地图,天气预报员,Heres the world weather.,Whats the weather like in Sydney?,Its_in Sydney.,sun,sunny,阳光充足的,sunny,hot,Its hot and sunny in Sydney.,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its_in Beijing.,wind,windy,多风的,风大的,windy,Its cool and windy in Beijing.,cool,Whats the weather like in London?,Its_in London.,rain,rainy,阴雨的,多雨的,rainy,Its cool and rainy in London.,Whats the weather like in Moscow?,Its_in Moscow.,snow,snowy,下雪的,多雪的,snowy,Its cold and snowy in Moscow.,cold,Whats the weather like in Singapore?,Its_in Singapore.,cloud,cloudy,阴天的,多云的,cloudy,Its warm and cloudy in Singapore.,warm,Can you remember these weather sign?,windy,rainy,snowy,cloudy,sunny,Its hot and sunny in Sydney.,Its warm and cloudy in Singapore.,Its cool and windy in BeiJing.,Its cold and snowy in Moscow.,Its rainy in London.,Sydney,Singapore,BeiJing,Moscow,London,Lets say,A: Whats the weather like in? B: Its,Pair work (小组合作),London,Moscow,Beijing,Singapore,Sydney,New York,Heres the world weather.,Today its hot and sunny in Sydney.,Its _and _in _.,Who is the best weather reporter? 谁是最佳“气象预报小组”? Group work:四人小组合作练习下面一段:“气象预报”,weather report(天气预报),Its hot and sunny in Sydney.,Its warm and cloudy in Singapore.,Its cool and windy in BeiJing.,Its cold and snowy in Moscow.,Its rainy in London.,Heres the world weather.,China,Lhasa,Beijing,Hong Kong,Harbin,A: Whats the weather like in _?,B: Its _and_.,Pair work,Homework,
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