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.判断正误 阅读P30课文,判断正误 1Some young people could work as an English teacher in the Antarctic.( ),2More and more employers prefer to hire graduates who have taken a gap year.( ) 3Martin helped build a school in a poor part of India.( ) 【答案】 1.F 2.T 3.T,.语篇理解 阅读P30课文,选取最佳答案 1What was Carols project last year? ATo help save the Amazon rainforest. BTo learn skills and gain life experience. CTo teach English and maths in Ghana.,2How did Daniel Jones feel living among poor local people? ASpecial and excited. BChallenging but rewarding. CUnhappy but worthwhile.,3What are exactly the sort of skills employers are looking for? AHow to deal with difficult situations and how to live in such conditions. BHow to make friends and how to learn new skills. CHow to work with strangers and how to look after themselves. 【答案】 1.A 2.B 3.C,1believe v相信;认为 I believe I have the qualifications,experience and skills you are looking for.(P27) 我相信我有你们所要求的资格、经验和技能。 I quite believe what you say.我完全相信你的话。 I believe my sister to be honest. 我认为我姐姐是诚实的。,believe in 信任;信仰(真理等);信奉(宗教等) believe.(to be)认为是 believe that.相信;认为 Believe it or not.口信不信由你。 Believe me.口真的,相信我的话吧。,They believe in Christianity.他们信仰基督教。 We believe that he will succeed.我们相信他会成功。 【提示】 believe指相信一个人说的话,与人品无关。 believe in指相信人的人品、人格、信仰宗教、主义等。 trust指相信某人的人品、能力、为人等,相当于believe in。,2response n回答,答复;响应,反应 I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Local Daily for a Software Engineer.(P27) 我写信应征你们在地方日报广告栏上刊登的软件工程师职位。 She has received a response from that college to her application.她已经收到那所大学对她申请的答复。 There has been very little response to our call for help. 我们求助的号召没有多少响应。,in response 作为回应、答复 in response to作为对的回应、答复 a response from的答复 respond v回答,作出反应 respond to sb./sth.reply to sb./sth.回答/回应某人/某事,In response,she stormed out of the room. 她的反应是怒气冲冲地走出了房间。 Companies have to respond to the changing economic climate. 公司得就经济环境的变化作出反应。,他礼貌地回答了她的问题。 He her questions politely. 【答案】 in response to a response from responded to,3present adj.现在的,当前的;出席的,在场的 I have learnt a lot in my present job,and now I want to further challenge myself by being part of the Yingzhong team.(P27) 我在我现有的这份工作中学了很多东西,现在我想加入郢中公司这个团队来进一步挑战自己。 He judged the present situation badly. 他错估了当前形势。 How many of the group are present today? 今天该组有多少人出席?,He bought a lot of presents for his mothers birthday. 他为妈妈的生日购买了许多礼物。 At present,many young people are interested in this trend. 目前,许多年轻人对这种趋向感兴趣。 He presented a new book to me. 他赠送了我一本新书。,【教师备课资源】 for the present暂时 the present day现代 make sb.a present of sth.将某物赠送给某人 the past,the present,the future 过去、现在和将来,4compete v比赛;竞争;对抗 I want to help strengthen the company and develop software to compete with imports.(P27) 我想帮助加强公司的力量,并开发软件以和进口软件竞争。 Some 1,000 athletes competed in 20 events. 约1,000名运动员参加了20个项目的比赛。 These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally. 这些产品品质很好,在国际市场上有竞争能力。,compete for为竞争 compete with/against与竞争 compete (with sb.) in sth.在某方面(与某人)竞争 compete to do sth.竞争做某事 cant compete with敌不过,Its difficult for a small supermarket to compete against/with the big supermarkets. 小超市很难同大超市竞争。 The two teams will compete for the championship. 那两支队伍要争夺冠军。 Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract.几家广告代理公司正竞争要得到这份合同。,【教师备课资源】 competition n竞争,比赛,竞赛 be in competition with与竞争 put sb.in competition with 使某人与竞争,5have no problem doing sth.做某事没有问题 I also have good fluency in English and have no problem communicating with English speakers.(P27)我英语也能说得非常好,和说英语的人交流没有任何问题。 I have no problem running in rain. 在雨中跑步,我可没问题。,have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难 have a great/wonderful time doing sth.做某事很开心 have a hard/difficult time doing sth.做某事很艰难 The students had difficulty solving the problems. 学生们在解决问题时遇到了困难。 We had a wonderful time playing in the Summer Palace. 我们在颐和园玩得非常开心。,6mention v谈到;说明;提到 Mention the personal qualities you have.(P29) 谈及你具有的个人品质。 I wouldnt mention her exams to her because shes feeling nervous.我不会向她提及她的考试,因为她现在已经紧张不安了。 He mentioned to me that he might be late. 他向我提及过他可能会迟到。,mention doing sth.提及做某事 mention n提及,说起 make no mention of没提到,不谈及 not to mention更不用说;除之外 Dont mention it.不用客气/不用谢。,Every time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he would make a face. 每当我提起下湖去游泳,他总露出不赞成的表情。 He made no mention of having seen her. 他不提他曾经见过她。,7Only when you are certain that your letter is without mistakes should you send it.(P29) 只有当你确定你的信没有错误时,才可以发出。 only when.从句位于句首,主句用部分倒装。 Only when he steps toward the table do I remember his face. 只在他朝桌子这边走过来的时候我才记起他的脸来。,以only修饰的副词、介词短语或从句作状语位于句首时,主句用部分倒装,即:only副词/介词短语/状语从句助动词句子剩余部分。 如不在句首或虽在句首但only不修饰状语(如主语)时,用正常语序。,Only then did I realize the value of reading aloud every morning. 直到那时我才意识到每天早上大声朗读的价值。 Only by means of talking can we avoid misunderstanding each other. 只有通过谈话的方式我们才能避免彼此误解。 Only we can provide answers to our problems. 只有我们才能对自己的问题提出解答。,以as引导的让步状语从句,其表语应提到句首,其余部分语序不变,如果从句的表语是个名词时,则名词前不用冠词。 if引导的虚拟条件句中
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