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.立体式复习单词 A基础单词 1 adv.实际上;事实上 2 n行李 3 n选择;选修课 4 adj.薪酬丰厚的 5 n店主 6 n神经;勇气 7 n杂草vt.除草 8 n洗澡;浴缸,9 n绷带 vt.用绷带包扎 10 adj.自信的 11 n裁缝 12 n钢琴家 13 n女乘务员;女服务员 14 adj.有事业心的;有进取心的;有创业精神的 15 n打字员,【答案】 1.actually 2.baggage 3.option 4.wellpaid 5shopkeeper 6.nerve 7.weed 8.bath 9.bandage 10selfconfident 11.tailor 12.pianist 13.stewardess 14enterprising 15.typist,.递进式回顾短语 A短语互译 1 合适;适宜 2 实际上 3 应付;处理;论及;涉及 4 另一方面 5 收拾;整理;天气转晴 6 go about,7 be based on 8 in general 9 figure out 10 take pleasure in 【答案】 1.be suited to/for 2.in reality 3.deal with 4.on the other hand 5.clear up 6.从事;着手做 7.建立于基础之上 8.一般说来;总体上 9.理解;弄明白;想出;计算出 10.从中获得乐趣,【答案】 11.cleared up 12.dealt with 13.is suited for 14.in general 15.took pleasure in 16.figure out 17.go about 18.in reality,.仿写式活用句型 1When choosing a career,you should consider all the aspects of a job. 【句式仿写】 在森林里行走时,他们迷了路。 ,they got lost. 2Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society,while others can appear very exciting but are actually very difficult and boring. 【句式仿写】 有些人说不,而另一些人说是的。 Some say no, .,3All of these jobs together,though,help society function. 【句式仿写】 但是,我们希望从大学里获取什么呢? What do we ?,4When you consider the career path you want to follow,it is useful to think about jobs in categories. 【句式仿写】 对于他们来说,在工作和日常生活中,有创意和乐趣是很重要的。 For them, creative and have fun,both at work and in everyday life. 5I would rather set up systems on a computer. 【句式仿写】 不管怎么样,我宁愿独自解决我的问题。 I my problems alone,whatever they may be.,【答案】 1.When walking in the forest 2.while others say yes 3.want from college,though 4.it is important to be 5.would rather solve,
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