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184-0002 1 1 She would have come if we _ her.AinvitedBhave invitedChad invitedDwould have invitedC 52 Have you been to New Zealand? -No, Id like to, _.AtooBthoughCyetDeitherD 53 With a lot of difficult problems _, they decided to take a few days off.AsettlingBto settleCbeing settleDsettledD 54 I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ._ I got wet through .AIts the reasonBThats whyCTheres whyDIts howB 55 There _ a pair of glasses but there _ no books on the desk.Aare, areBis, isCis, areDare, isC 56 The boss _ department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.Ain whichBin thatCin whoseDwhoseC 57 He bought _ () AgoodBgreensCgreenDappleB 58 "Is this the first time you_ Chengdu?""No. But the first time I_ here, the city wasn’t so beautiful"Avisited cameBvisited have comeChave visited have comeDhave visited cameD 59 Dont bother to look for my dictionary - it _ some day.Aturns upBhas turned upCwill turn upDis going to turn upC 510 I regret _ hard at school, or I would have succeeded in passing the exam.Anot to workBhaving not workedCto have not workedDnot having workedD 511 Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just_ worries the public.AwhyBwhichCthatDwhatD 512 The beach is so beautiful that it is worthwhile, I think, _ for a short holiday.Aof goingBto be goingCyour goingDyou to goC 513 It has not been decided _ they will leave for New York.AwhenBwhyCthatDwhatA 514 In the dark street , there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.AthatBwhoCfrom whomDto whomD 515 Where are you going for your holiday? _ I havent decided yet. I go to English.AcanBmayCmustDought toB 516 It is widely _that smoking can cause cancer.AbelievedBthinkCsayDhopedA 517 - Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets. - You _ something.Ahave leftBare always leavingCare leavingDalways leftB 518 The performance of the host, _ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however.Ahad intendedBintendedCbeing intendedDto intendB 519 It worried her a bit _her hair was turning gray.AwhileBifCthatDforC 520 Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never _ him talk so much.AI heardBdid I hearCI had heardDhad I heardD 5
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