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http:/www.baydue.com/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作乞丐歌剧对音乐剧的影响Explore the ways in which The Beggars Opera influenced the development of musical theatre in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries.What were the reasons for its continued popularity?IntroThe Beggars operais an outstanding piece of writing,which has for centuries been an inspiration of talent to musical theatre everywhere.John gays piece has led to the creation of many different productions,that shall be talked about in more depth throughout the essay.The 18th Century is the obvious place to start,with the first production being staged in 1728 on 28 January.This is also where John Gays marked his place in History as a great Ballad Opera writer.Ballad Opera was a new Style of musical theatre made huge by its humorous satire,which could be related to by all types and classes of people,because of its satire on Italian Operas and British prime minister Walpole at the time.The play in its new and unique group managed to relate to a mass amount of people who found the humorous play to be so true in its own exaggerated wayWhen given the question(Explore the ways in whichThe Beggars operainfluenced the development of musical theatre in the eighteen and twentieth centuries.What were the reasons for its continued popularity?)there were certain aspects of the ballad opera which I needed to understand before answering the question.The Production,adaptations of the play,the stylistic aspects,the construction,and its popularity within the two Centuries are some of the key aspects needed to answer the question.The beggars operaand Its low-life settings were Taken and used in pieces like The Cobblers Opera,which is set in Billingsgate.Charles Johnsons The Village Opera(1729)started a trend for more emotional and more rural subject,which contained little satire or wit.None of these two operas came close to the success of The Beggars Opera.This waspartly to do with the fact Gay had used most of the best songs in the public domain.(footnote)The popularity of The ballad opera caused a lot of serious difficulties for The composers and Italian opera houses at the time including composers such as Handel.When the obsession had died,there were still shorter pieces of the same style which came onto the scene and became popular afterpieces of the Big shows.(footnote)These pieces were written In the early 1760s,they were unoriginal pieces of ballad opera.One called Thomas and sally(1760)by Arne,and one called Love in a village(1772)also by Arne.These were considered unoriginal because only 5 new songs were written for the opera and some were taken from his previous works.(footnote)Bibliography and More Information about ballad operaR.Fiske,English Theatre Music in the Eighteenth Century(London,1973,2/1986)Y.Noble(ed.),Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Beggars Opera(Englewood Cliffs,NJ,1975)Percy Scholes/Nicholas TemperleyOnly The Beggars operais the only one out of the pieces that kept its popularity.It was a huge milestone of the 20th century for musical theatre,was an adaptation(probably the most well known of all that have been done)of theThe beggars opera,The Threepenny Opera.The piece was inspired byThe beggars Opera in its social message,using some of the same characters and even one of the songs.Composer Kurt Weill and playwright Bertolt Brecht changed old-fashioned opera and operetta forms,an incorporateda political view and the sound of 1920s Berlin dance bands and cabaret into the play.Weills harmonies and Brechts writing created a completely new musical theatre that inspired some of the most well known hits such as Chicago and cabaret.“Mack the Knife,”is one of the most well know tunes of the century,this is the opening song to the play.(footnote)The first night ofThree penny operawas August 31,1928.No one knew what to expect from the night,but not long in and everyone began to shout and cheer.The show turned out to be a brilliant success and the popularity spread throughout Europe.This started something huge.After the Berlin premiere,46 stage productions of the work was generated because of the popularity from audiences.1931 brought a film version to its audience,the film was called Die 3-Groschenoper.This made a an international star out of weills wife,Lotte Lenya.The opera,by 1933 had already been produced 130 times all over the world.The play really took off after the war when there was a New York production at Theatre de lys,this production was off Broadway.It ran from 1954 to 1961 and the show did a total of 2707 performance and was the longest running play in history a the time.The Threepenny Opera is still entertaining audiences all over the world.There are three cinematic versions of the work,made in 1931,1963,and 1988.the music and story of The Threepenny Opera as stayed irresistible to audiences everywhere as they were in 1928.This adaptation of
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